
How To Train An Elf

MC thought he bought the elf but instead bought yandere. Read few chapters to understand the plot. This is the novel of porhnwa and is not mine. Translated from korean language to english and used various AI to make it readable. visit my patreon for complete work.

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13 Chs

Chapter 12-13 : I Want Revenge

I have released upto chapter 60+ along with arts in Patreon 

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The next morning.

In the courtyard, where the cool breeze scattered the brilliance of the leaves, Chief Chamberlain David sat in front of the stone statue of the previous head of state, wearing well-maintained shoes.




Harvey, who straightened his back, grabbed the collar of his tailcoat with both hands and carefully brushed it off, then looked around his audience. Seeing that twenty-one servants of the mansion had all gathered in less than thirty minutes after issuing the order to assemble, he felt satisfied, but now was not the time to be pleased with the servants he had trained.

Harvey looked at the employees with sharp eyes and opened his mouth seriously.


"It came together well, not too late. Today, this place is no different; it was created to find the unscrupulous person who disgraced the previous head of the family."


Did you insult the previous head of household? The servants looked at each other with their own questions, and Harvey watched the scene for a while before continuing.


"I don't know what kind of nasty guy he is. One of you urinated on the stone statue of the former head of the family."


Pee? Some of the servants were astonished, and some were dumbfounded. Of course, not everyone was shaken by this shocking fact. Malta was a typical example. The young man, characterized by her swarthy skin, was just yawning, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

'That guy again.

Harvey hadn't liked Maltao's cocky attitude before. Isn't it too lacking in dignity for a servant who works for the prestigious Deharm Viscount's family? It's not that I want something big; it's that I have a basic personality, but that damn child was too free-spirited, even if he was free-spirited.

In this case, I will give you a face mask to make you come to your senses. David gave Maltao a chin with a disapproving look.


"You, Maltao."


Upon being pointed out, Maltao was surprised and pointed at herself with her hand.


"You mean that?"

"Are there other servants with the name Maltao here besides you?"

"It's not... Anyway, do you have something to say, sir?"

"Okay. Who do you think is the culprit?"

"If you suddenly asked who the culprit is..."


Maltao, scratching his cheek and hesitant to answer, suddenly noticed that the attention of the crowd was focused on him. Embarrassed, Maltao waved his hand and stepped backward.


"I am absolutely not! Why am I peeing on the stone statue of the former head of the family? Not even a psychopath!"

"But you don't drink sometimes during the week, not on the weekend. Among the servants, you are the only one who drinks during the week, Maltao." "Huh true. Isn't it none other than the head of the family who allowed me to drink medicinal wine during the week after work was over? And even though I drank, I have never been so drunk that I couldn't make sense of myself."

"You don't remember?"

"How could that be? I swear to the god of light that I am innocent. Trust me, old man!"



To be honest, I wanted to push harder, but I couldn't pursue the person who swore by the god of light any further. Because there was room for that in itself to be mistaken for blasphemy.

Harvey clicked his tongue and looked around at the other servants.


"If it wasn't Malta, there must be a culprit among the other guys. Who are you? If you confess now, I will tolerate cutting off one of your fingers."


Who is there to confess that? As everyone held their breath and only blinked their eyes, tendons sprouted in a lattice on Harvid's forehead.


"Good night. It is clear that there is a criminal among you, but he has no intention of confessing. Then I can't help it either. In the near future, I will request the dispatch of a heresy judge to the parish near the mansion."


At the mention of a heresy judge, a stir arose. It was because everyone was wondering whether this was a serious enough issue to request the dispatch of a heretic judge.


"No, old man."


It was the same with Malta.


"If it's a parish near the mansion, isn't it the church where the bishop resides? No matter how old you are, you are not a member of the family, so how do you ask for the dispatch of a heresy judge with the status of a mere commoner?"

"You said well once, Maltao. What I just said is not my will, but the will of the head of the household."

"Are you the head of household?"

"Okay. Theorad family lord transferred some of the family's authority to me, asking me to find the culprit at all costs. Since the gracious bishop knows the status of Viscount Deharm, he will gladly dispatch a heresy judge."


Having said that, I have nothing to say. As Maltao fell silent, Harvey stretched out his white gloved hand forward, igniting his will.


"Lies are the darkness in the heart and deny the God of light head-on! So if there's a culprit here, listen! I will dig into your wicked mind and make you spit out the truth."


As David let out her roar, the woman in the center of her ranks involuntarily shook her shoulders.

Her name is Levera. She was the woman who had witnessed with both eyes that Theo Rad had made a naked elven slave crawl in the courtyard.


'Sir, I can't believe the head of the family made an elf slave.?'


Even though it was only a family, when it came to beings who urinated on the stone statue of the former head of the family, only elven slaves came to mind.


'No way. I don't think so.'


Personally, I didn't want to admit it, but if the heretic judge were to question me, I would have no choice but to tell the story of what I witnessed.

On the way to the shopping mall by carriage, I felt peace of mind while admiring the beautiful wooden buildings.


'Good night. Great.'


There is no elf by my side right now because I quickly went out before the elf woke up. That fact alone made me feel infinitely happy.

In addition, the cool wind blowing through the window made me feel good, and the cute noises of children playing, the sight of women in the middle of the day doing laundry, and the act of selling goods while raising their voices were truly idyllic and calmed my mind and body.


'It's still here. The whole city is full of life.'


As I always feel, the Earldom of Pelgarin, located in the middle of the empire, is a really nice place to live.

The count's standing army is in charge of public order in the city, so the crime rate is noticeably low, and since it is far away from the area where monsters are frequent, there are no unforeseen incidents.

Thanks to its geographical advantage of being surrounded by high mountains, it became a natural fortress in case of emergency, so there was no reason for useless territorial disputes due to disputes between other great families. When a local war broke out, the disadvantage was the one who started the fight.

In addition, to go to the ecliptic, they had to pass through the county of Pelgarin, so naturally, trade was brisk. The act of buying and selling rare items by various merchants was one of the common sights here.

As it is such a good place to live, there was no shadow on the faces of the residents living in the city. I have to say that everyone has a strong personality. I'm not saying this because I live here, but the Earldom of Pelgarin could be called the best place to live in the Empire.


"Crurl. Cooooo...."


My thoughts are broken by the sound of snoring. Looking to her side, she saw a knight sleeping in poor posture, wearing flawed armor.

I don't like the look of his unshaven beard or the fact that he didn't wear his belt properly.

I couldn't say anything about it. This man's name is Beinan Brockena. He was the only vassal knight of the Deham family.

Originally, there were two vassal knights of the family, but one left, saying that she had done all the courtesy of a master and servant on the day her father died, and now Beinun is the only one who claims to be a knight of the family.


'Should I pick another knight?'


I was not at all reluctant to entrust such a person with the responsibility of my escort and family defense. While seriously contemplating whether to recruit another knight, rattling! I stopped thinking because the carriage had stopped.

After waiting for a while, the driver opened the door and bowed politely.


"We have arrived, Head of the House."

"Okay. You have suffered."


The coachman glances at Beinen as she gets out of her carriage with a deep thanks.


"Should I wake up the knight, Nari?"

"Just let me sleep. It was brought here as a formality anyway."


Even if he brought Bainen into the room, he would surely make a silly joke. It was easier to just leave it in the carriage.


"So that you are waiting here too."

"Ah, yes. All right."


After giving the order to the driver, I opened the door and went inside.

The first thing I saw was all sorts of weaponry hanging on the wall, and the second thing I saw was the wide open space through the window. Scorched traces of fire and the remains of explosives lay haphazardly on the floor of the dirt-covered clearing. When I saw that, I came to the right place.




The owner, who had been talking to me coldly at the counter, checked me out and widened his eyes.


"Aren't you Lord Theorard?"


A bright energy pervades the indifferent face. The host came out of the counter, and he grabbed my hand.


"Thank you so much the other day."

"What if it's just a fight?"

"Didn't Lord Theorard send me five pigs to congratulate my sister on her wedding? Thanks to you, I'm a bit more energetic in front of my relatives. Her little sister loved it too."


It was a little disconcerting.


"I just did what I had to do. Didn't you diligently carry out the supply of weapons during the Orc conquest war that His Majesty the Emperor waged eight years ago? That too, through our family."

"Yes. Even back then, unlike other nobles, didn't you set a delivery fee based on common sense? That is why I am living well now."

"That is not to thank me, but to my father."

"Thank you both. The one who took care of my sister's congratulations and condolences was also Theorad Narishi. What aristocrat in the world even takes care of a merchant's little sister? You are truly generous."


I just did the right thing, but flattery is bad. I let out a cough with a slightly embarrassed expression.


"Stop talking about the past. I'm not here to chat; I'm here to see weapons."

"Yes, I understand. But when you say weapon, what do you mean?"

"I heard that good things came in from the principality recently. I want to see the power once."

"Something from the principality? Are you talking about a weapon for hunting monsters?"



At my words, the owner blinked a few times and took out a small box from the display case. The outside of the palm-sized box was carefully wrapped in silk.

"Wait here for a moment."

The owner took the box and walked to the center of the vacant lot, put the box on the floor, and returned. In his hand was a small stone slab with two buttons.

"The principality bastards made something amazing this time. Once you press the button above,


Hold on. When the owner pressed the button, the box placed in the clearing instantly turned into a bag of sand.


"Automatically triggers transmogrification magic to assimilate into the surrounding terrain. And if you press the button below,


The owner pressed the button below. At the same time, flashes of light flashed.


The surface of the ground turned upside down, and the flames that exploded soared endlessly. In the aftermath, a gust of wind blew hard enough to knock against the windows.

The owner gave me a satisfied smile as I shrugged his shoulders in surprise.


"It creates a huge explosion and devastates the surroundings. In fact, the principality put it out as a weapon for hunting monsters, but looking at the Al-Qaera cloth covering the box, that's not necessarily the case."

"Al-Qaera cloth?"

"It's a cloth that perfectly conceals the flow of mana. From what I heard, even the jet-black Mage Tower owner could not identify the magic tools covered in Al-Qaera cloth."

"If the lord of the pitch-dark tower is the person called the great wizard of the demonic realm, is that right?"


"That's right. Looking at this, it's clear that the bastards of the principality manufactured it as a weapon of war. Although the price is high, mass production is not possible, but even if you explode only 10 of these in an all-out war, the enemy's morale will be greatly reduced. Of course, the formation will also collapse."



I gulped and asked.

"You mean this weapon you showed off can be fired remotely from a distance and never goes unnoticed?"

"Uh. To sum it up, that's it."

"That.... Just in case, what happens if a wizard steps on this?"

"You mean a wizard?"


The hostess, who stroked his chin, spat out words in a sullen tone.


"A halfway wizard will die instantly, and even a wizard who has reached a certain level will suffer from mana exhaustion. Even if the mana in the body can mitigate the impact of the explosion as much as possible, there is a limit."


A wizard suffering from mana exhaustion will generally stop eating and drinking for three to a week and wander between death and death. Even if it's an elf, it's probably the same. If I expelled the elves, then I could return to a peaceful and comfortable life.

For some reason, I looked back at the host with a sinister smile.


"Then let's do this. I'll even pay for the one you demonstrated, so please get one of the same."

"Ah, yes. But what the hell are you buying this for? Are you really going to hunt monsters?"

"It's monster hunting."


Haha. I smiled briefly and raised my head with a high level of arrogance.


"If possible, call it demon hunting."