
How To Train An Elf

MC thought he bought the elf but instead bought yandere. Read few chapters to understand the plot. This is the novel of porhnwa and is not mine. Translated from korean language to english and used various AI to make it readable. visit my patreon for complete work.

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Chapter 11 : I Want To Live III

I don't really like the idiomatic expression that time seems to have stopped. I've never felt like this before, and I don't think that can happen. Likewise, the common phrase that I wish time would stop forever was considered nothing more than a joke by poets.

But now I understand it. I couldn't understand it, so I felt with my skin why such words were created. When exchanging glances with the elf, I, more than anyone else in the world, thought that time would stop. It's because I felt like I would die if I couldn't capture the passage of time.


'As I should.'


The accident paralyzes. I tried hard to act expressionless, but inside I was filled with a primal fear, like a criminal about to be sentenced to death. To avoid the death penalty, I must prove my innocence before the judge, the elf, at all costs. But no matter how I look at it, my mistake is clear.?


'Wait a minute. Mistake?'


'I have no intention of denying that I made a mistake. But do elves know that too? No. It must have simply been that it bothered her that the direction of my sexual torture was different from what she wanted.'

'If so, there is no need to scrape it to inflate it. He needed to convert guilt into innocence by making this act not a "mistake" but "intended from the beginning."'


"How irritating."


The first word of defense is the expression of emotion. If he came out with confidence, the elf had no choice but to kill the momentum.

In fact, the elf gave a strong impression of my words and contained her doubts. That's about half of the success.


"I told you to hold your breath. Why are you still breathing? You seem to think my handwriting is ridiculous??"


The following is the suitability statement: Eliminates the assumption that the pen was unknowingly pricked by a sneeze and forms a new one.

He assumed that the elf was breathing in the process of writing, so he took out his quill out of annoyance.

The first is false, and the second is true. It was necessary to open a final breach for the elf to have this illusion.

I nervously put the brooch around my neck and frowned.


"Answer me, trash!!!"


The final argument has ended, and now only the judge's verdict remains.

I held my breath as long as I could and looked at the elf. Her pointed ears also droop slightly, depending on the look.


"I'm sorry, but it's painful to keep not breathing."


My verdict was not guilty!

The joy of surviving makes my heart race. I let out a snort as I held back the feeling of wanting to cheer myself up inside.


"You are a vulgar instrument, and yet you care about your pain. This is funny. Did the head servant not educate you on the obvious class difference in human society? Or are you too stupid to understand how important an order from your master is?"


"I'm sorry. I'm a stupid slave, master."


"It's what I expected from a parasite like you—the fact that you know your position is commendable, but you can't repeatedly make mistakes despite knowing your place. Don't get on my nerves if you don't want to be thrown away."


As he looked at her coldly, the elf bit her lip and nodded her head. I feel remorse as I see her eyes trembling, as if she would cry at any moment. She got to the point where I wanted to hug her right away and tell her it was a joke.

In fact, if he did, my bones would break. Because that's just an elf's performance to play with me.


"I will continue writing. Hold your breath. If you inhale and exhale, thinking that it is painful to hold your breath, I will give you a more severe punishment."


The elf nodded silently, took a deep breath, and clutched her stomach. She'll hold her breath.

From now on, it's a race against time. I have to finish writing the sentence while the elf holds her breath.

If the elf stopped breathing halfway, it would be a disaster. That's because he wasn't even thinking about 'more corporal punishment than this' in the first place.


"Let us begin."


I grabbed a pen and quickly noted the elf's belly. After shortening the original sentence as much as possible, I put a period (silently in case there was any misfortune) and raised my pen.


'Keep my eyes open and record this in my head. As long as I live, from now on, there will be no romance in my life. My destiny for four years is to awaken sexual desire and live as a prostitute for my master as a faithful sex toy. I will not deny his any commands. Even the god of light is below my master for me.'


It was hastily scribbled, but a pretty plausible sales line was completed. I secretly sighed and put the pen down on the desk.


"Now you can breathe."


I allowed it, and the elf, who had been holding her breath, inhaled. . He frowns when he sees her sticking her tongue out like a dog, craving oxygen.

Should she be humble? That's what I did, but it certainly didn't look good.

I cleared my throat once I noticed the elf and then raised the melted spoon. Perhaps because it had been placed on a candle for a long time, the sealing wax completely melted and generated hot steam.


"Now that I'm done writing, I should seal the letter with my family's seal."


The elf's eyes widened.


"N-No. It's too hot. My body is going to burn."


"So what? It's your body, not mine."




The elf grabbed my wrist and looked at me pleadingly, but she had no intention of stopping me. First of all, that was like a sign to do more.


"Let go of my hands, bitch!!"


After shaking off the elf's hand, I tilted the spoon to melt. If the writing written on the belly is covered with sealing wax, it is difficult, which is why it is towards the lower part of the belly.

The sealing wax, thicker than the first, flowed into the elf's belly. As the heat spreads evenly, a slight smoke escapes.




Unable to stand the heat, the elf groaned and clawed at the desk with her nails. Seeing them suffer makes me feel uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the sealing wax that flowed along the curve of the lower abdomen continued to the groin.

Before the sealing wax cooled and hardened, I picked up the seal engraved with the family seal and slammed it against the elf's belly.




The elf, who had been shaking her body, let out a calm sigh. It must be because the sealing wax has completely cooled and the pain has disappeared.

I don't understand either. Why the hell do you like this? I removed the seal holding the elf's belly, still holding on to the unanswered questions.

Then, in a round circle, the shape of a cardinal bird, symbolizing the Deharm family, was revealed, with its head stiffly raised. It's the first time I've tried it on someone's skin, and the shape turned out better than I thought. Anyway, it's over now.


"It's over."


I slapped the elf's butt to indicate that today's sexual torture was over.


"This punishment should be enough. I have nothing else to do with you. Crawl to your room and read my handmade letter."


"Yes, master..."


The elf also seemed satisfied, so she stood up from her desk and crawled towards the door without saying a word.

Meanwhile, I took a handkerchief from my chest and dried it with the most solemn expression. With the feeling that touching a dirty slave was unpleasant.

In case the elf looked back, he did his best until the end.

It wasn't until the elf's plump buttocks emerged from the door and the sound of footsteps stopped completely that I sat on the chair like an exhausted person.


"This is tiring."


The psychopathic behavior also lasts a day or two. Having to forcibly perform sexual torture while wearing ill-fitting clothes wasn't the only thing that drained me mentally.

And if I do something wrong, that crazy elf will blow my throat out. Is it just a matter of life? If this shameful act is discovered by others, the family's status and my reputation will drop among the nobles.

It is said that this is not the only thing we should worry about. Only the sighs grow one after another.


'This is not the elf slave I thought of...'


When I first bought an elf slave, the image I expected was more sexy.

When I ask her to eat face-to-face at the table, they make a touching expression and ask me if it is okay for me to do so.

If I dressed her in nice clothes and took care of her room, she would cry and thank the master for being so kind.

One day, she would come to see me without telling me anything, and she would put a handmade flower crown on my head and smile at me.

I wanted a silly but cute slave who would impress me even with my little consideration, give me a smile like a flower, and make me happy just by looking at her.

But what the hell is this elf?

The first day she entered the mansion, she broke an expensive jar without hesitation and insisted on being punished, but now she was devouring my mind in real time, wanting sexual torture all the time.


'Because she should...'


Other nobles, why did I buy the elf? I was sorry, but it was time to reflect on my past failures.


'This is not the time.'


After regaining my senses, I raised my hand and touched the ring on my index finger.

When the surveillance object is activated, the elf's room is visible. The elf, who entered the room with a leisurely step, closed the door and stroked his chin once.


"It's difficult. Hmm." she muttered quietly.


What is the problem? As I watched, the elf shrugged and walked towards the room's mirror.

The wax-covered chest and lower abdomen are exposed. The elf approached the mirror and read the text written on her stomach.


Then she covers her mouth and smiles a little. It wasn't a fake smile she showed me; it was a genuine smile.

Seeing the naturally beautiful elf smiling in the moonlight by the window made me think she was pretty without even realizing it.

Good! When the elf girl snapped her fingers, the wind roared and wiped away the elf girl's body. Her burned skin also healed.

Having seen that, I turned off the surveillance object and leaned on the back of the chair.


"It wasn't bad."


I have no idea if I should like it or not.

Does that mean she hated the sight of blood but was okay with the torture itself?



Wait a minute. Why does the elf's evaluation make me nervous? I don't know what a demon like that is thinking.

Well. Just relax. I am definitely the master of that slave. It is not the elf's decision to expel the slaves from the mansion; it is my right. After thinking about it, I opened the desk drawer, took out the territory map, and unfolded it.

If I can't beat the elf with my strength, I have to find another way.

It was such an explosive method that even an elf who had reached the level of a great mage could not ignore it.


'Ah. It's here. '


When I finally found the message from my personal weapon mall, a satisfied smile appeared on my lips.