
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

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Defensive Battle: Success!

The following day there were no attacks from the mixed race army, well they had no time to attack since their camps were completely destroyed and the nitrogen explosion that Masaru caused the first and Second time had severely damaged their fighting spirit.

Since it was quite a rare chance to relax, Akeno went off to assist healing the injured using water element magic which she normally doesn't use, Ingvild and Ichika went off to help with the administration to deal with the incoming reports.

"I never expected you take such actions when you volunteered for the night assaults"

Diana was currently drinking her tea since it was her long-awaited tea time, Masaru was relaxing together with her since he was told to go rest because the people misunderstood the principles of the explosion as they thought he exhausted his energy for those two explosions.

"Hehe, honestly it was really all down to luck that I remembered a few school subjects I studied from the books Father bought for me to self-study"

"Honestly your actions was a good warning for those devils, now they are taking countermeasures against such destructive powers that lie in the hand of humans. They will probably infiltrate the nation's government to gather the technology and research data, well, I can only say your explosion really did reignite their feeling for fear"

Diana could not help but laugh thinking Falbium who had to struggle keeping his calm, it was natural since after all there are few magics that release an explosive sound that travels that far after all. But the truth was because of the barren lands that are normally silent, the noise could travel further.

"Well, with this Bael Family will still support me but eliminate any thoughts of controlling me unless they intend to face such an explosion, even the head of the family will reconsider even if he has the Destruction Element. If it comes to this, it will work in my favour"

Masaru spoke while thinking about the letter he received from the Bael family,

"Ajuka is going to ask you about that stunt"

Masaru laughed when he heard Diana point out something he could imagine, that monstrous genius will definitely take notice of something interesting and flashy. Well, that is the fun side of Ajuka after all.

"The downside of it will be the attention of the factions and enemies will be investigating you thoroughly. Although we have blocked most of the information related to you, it is still not perfect. So you will have to remain low key for a while, I think you should talk with Elizabeth about that body transformation device that feeds off your energy while keeping a different look for when you go out"

Diana already planned to cover Masaru's tracks after this since she already prepared for when her beloved son would do something incredibly flashy.

Even Masaru himself realized his current actions were against his ways of survival, he will have to exit the stage silently and wait till the storm blows over.

"HEY, Masaru! To think you were holding back while fighting me!"

Nero entered the room with vigour, his words sounded like he was displeased but his face was smiling.

"Hehe, honestly I was fighting seriously it is just such large scale attacks would have injured our audiences"

Nero took his seat next to Masaru slapping his back several times

"Good good! You went and scared those bastards to shit themselves while waking up! They deserve it!"

Although death was natural in war who would not feel happy slapping the faces of your enemies for the trouble they cause, especially if it was a face slap hard enough to leave them stunned.

"Has Lord Falbium already contacted the council?"

Hearing Diana question Nero turned serious nodding,

"Lord Falbium argued with those fools since their actions were similar to the Bael family"

Diana's face cramped a bit thinking of Bael's first actions,

"They intend to ride the flow by promoting Akeno, Ingvild and Ichika who is Masaru peerage members under the pretence of their achievements. Haaa... But they want to raise Masaru's status while increasing his responsibility, they wish to control him through this method using politics"

Masaru who thought for a moment shrugged

"Well there is nothing we can do, politics is something I am not entirely familiar with and honestly I find it troublesome. Since they are giving the girls a chance to promote this fast why not use it"

Diana became serious

"You best be careful, there have been reports of high ranking devils disappearing one after the other. Some of the higher-ups speculated that they joined this mixed Race army becoming traitors, meaning we have to be careful even of the council as you never know if one of them are traitors using you to deal a blow to the Devils"

"By promoting me faster will definitely cause some of them to fear me and demand me to be either controlled, sealed or killed. Seems I will have to ask Ajuka to slow down the pace and I will go low key for a while, I can't have our enemies turn me into a target and divert the attention away from them"

Masaru thought for a while realizing his actions had both pros and cons so he began to rethink his movements from now on.

"I believe that will be for the best for my son, with the support of Bael and the four Devil Kings you should be fine as long as you lay low for a while. Think of it as a vacation you deserve"

"Well I agree with you Masaru, those politics can make my head spin making me feel my strength is worthless against it. But you can count on me to have your back when battles happen"

Masaru smiled and bump fists with Nero

"I will do the same. We are comrades in arms after all"


"Lord Bael, the power Masaru exhibit is too dangerous! We must take action and eliminate him while he is still immature!"

One of the Elders of the Bael Family began to voice their fear, they fear the power of Masaru Belial who could cause such a destructive explosion that was on par with their destruction attribute despite being only a low-high class and on the political influence power ranking he was about to breakthrough to low Ultimate Rank once his achievements increased.

This political power ranking system is created by the council to rank each devil in the country based on ranks from Low up till Ultimate Rank based on their individual powers, influence, value to the devils and many other factors are included into this ranking system.

This has caused a massive misunderstanding within the commoner people and some nobles which began to believe that Ultimate Rank meant the Devil will be untouchable but there are devils high in the ranks but were extremely weak with only strong bloodline abilities.

Which was why the more experienced Devils don't casually rank their opponents according to this system, although they also use Low up till Ultimate to rank their powers in an overall but not many uses this method.

With all honesty ever since Masaru got to learn of the reason behind this Power Ranking he already lost interest in it.

"And what if we fail the assassination, don't forget the four devil kings already have their eyes on us because of the movements we made to make use of Yui Asaka"

One of the other elders mentioned this point

"But what should we do? We have been supporting the devil race from the shadows for a very long time and now we have a dangerous existence that is more fearsome than that little mixed-race enemy of ours"

Another elder that supported the idea of suppressing Masaru spoke his thoughts.

The ancestor of the Bael family was silent throughout the entire debate, but when he took a breath this action was enough to silence the entire hall

"Then do you say we have to eliminate Sirzech and Ajuka along with Rizevim Livan Lucifer? These three are an even greater threat than that boy?"

This question thoroughly destroyed their thoughts of eliminating the boy as those three were called Super Devils for a reason, the ancestor continued to speak

"Besides that boy will never harm the interest of the Devils except for fools who target his family"

It was after hearing this sentence the elders began to think that it really was true, never once did the boy overstep his bounds unless it involved his family which any Noble should do if their families are concerned.

"I believe it will be in our best interest if we can continue to support him, the reason for this is the fact the boy will not turn his back on those who help him and should there come a time like the beast stampede where we can't expose our Elite Soldiers for the world to see. We can request the boy to help us deal with it as compensation or perhaps something different."

With this, the situation within the Bael was concluded for now.


"What do you think about this?"

Dominic who read the report looked at Diehauser,

"I agree with Masaru and Diana's choice. His actions were simply too flashy, the amount of attention he will garner with this will become too much for our intelligence team to handle. Laying low will be the best course of action, this will also give us some time to relax"

Damian could only sigh thinking his great-grandson is truly a wonder-child of the Belial family,

"Well I guess our movements need to slow down a bit as well because if Masaru goes low key the attention will gather on us"


"To think he would go this flashy"

Sirzech was reading the report, simply the idea of applying human knowledge using magic to reproduce it at a higher level was simply something only a genius could do.

'With the ways of the Council they will be monitoring Masaru strictly, he should be fine as long as he does not make such big movements for a while'

"Should I report this to Lord Ajuka?"

Hearing Grayfia's suggestion Sirzech shook his head,

"No, instead contact the Gremory Head, Astaroth Head, Sitri head and Glasya-Labolas Head to sent their recommendation letters to agree with the Council's proposal to promote those three girls Akeno, Ingvild and Ichika"

"Will this fast promotions be beneficial?"

Sirzech nodded

"It will give the council the illusion that everything is still under their control but in fact, we are using them to safeguard Masaru, unlike the other geniuses in the younger generation like Sairaorg, Sona, the heir of Agares. He shines too brightly attracting too much attention so a high status is required for him to relax within the Devil Territory

"Well, I am sure Masaru himself has already noticed his actions caught too much attention so he and his family will be going to lay low altogether, in the meantime, we should have him come visit us again and maybe have him train Rias a bit"

Grayfia who heard her husband's suggestion felt surprised since that girl does not train earnestly because the servants and the family of the Gremory were too busy complimenting her talent causing her to have a spoiled arrogant personality.

"Facing against someone of the same generation but is simply beyond powerful might truly give her a wake-up call, as her elder brother, it's my responsibility to ensure her future growth and safety"

Grayfia looked at him with a stoic face 'This bloody siscon'



a Haughty woman voice reverberates throughout the research facility as she was stomping her way through to his office, no one dared to stop this lady or more as no one can!

Ajuka who just finished to read the report of Masaru's exploit thought he should pull this little box of surprises when he comes back and learns more things about this.

"Ah Tiamat, what brings you here today?"

Ajuka raised his head looking at the woman glaring at him

"Is it true this half disciple of yours took Everest into his peerage?"

Ajuka cocked his head to the side thinking then he remembered that daughter of Tannin, but why is Tiamat so concerned about her.

"Yes, apparently this was arranged by Tannin and Diehauser after all"

Tiamat slammed her hand on the table cursing.

"Those two bastards! I will deal with them later. Anyway because of Everest who announced she has decided on her mate, the entire Dragon Valley is in an uproar to the point Tannin had to lock her in his house!"

Ajuka who heard this wondered why would they go this far

"Unlike you devils, we dragons take pride in our chosen mates and when a female dragon chooses a mate outside the valley he has to visit and participate in a Dragon Might ritual by facing off against her siblings and if there isn't sibling then the father will be a substitute.

"Only by displaying a battle strength that can make the elders acknowledged him or her would the mate be allowed to form a bond with their fated partner dragon"

Ajuka put down his report looking at Tiamat

"Isn't this a load of Bull you just made up?"

Tiamat felt a bit embarrassed that her lie was so easily seen through but she still snapped

"So what!? Some of us from the Dragon Valley demand his visitation as we want to confirm ourselves whether he is worthy of Everest or not"

Ajuka could not help but sigh

"You know removing or changing the evil piece within the body is possible, but there are chances of it inflicting an unrecoverable wound on the soul"

"Just have him come already!"

Tiamat stormed out of the Research facility

"She truly is like a certain siscon. Ah my disciple, You truly have good fortune with women that come with a difficult trial for each of them."

Ajuka could not help but smile, he already considers Masaru his disciple although it was not made official yet. But he usually finds the things Masaru does interesting.


"Well luckily your power ranking on the Political side you are 3rd on the peak High-Class ranking"

Diana read out the current ranking of Masaru

"But since you already decided to lay low, I don't have to worry about the Political Ranking where you are standing out like a sore thumb despite being only a High-Rank High-Class Devil"

Masaru shivered at the moment Tiamat spoke with Ajuka,

'Why have I been getting this feeling lately? It's like a disaster is heading my way but I have no idea what'.

"Break time is over"

Three days have passed since that day, the forces led by William Wallace attacked the fort twice but failed their assaults since Masaru did not pitch in their plans for making use of the Ultimate rank warriors did not bear fruit.

Because of their low number of leftover soldiers they decided to cancel the campaign and retry at a later stage earning an overwhelming victory for the Devil's defensive battle.

The story of Masaru was spread around the capital and then began to move to other location like water ripples, the title of Wonder Child of Belial has been cemented in the minds of the devils.

These rumours forced the council to keep with their initial plan to promote Akeno, Ingvild and Ichika to mid-class Devils. Thanks to that they can't make movements on Masaru who was a renowned genius while having the support of the four devil kings.

Since his task was completed upon returning to the Capital Masaru only stayed a few days to spend time with each of the girls and the Soldiers who accepted him despite feeling envious of his peerage being full of beautiful girls.

But when he went back to Ajuka's Research facility, what happened?

Masaru began to share his theory of Explosion is an Art not a weapon to Ajuka who find this point of view to be quite amusing. Ajuka already had information in regards to atom and such, but having such conversations tend to make him amused. There was always something new to learn, regardless of time or place.

02/08/2020 - Changes made

Q: Why did the shark keep swimming in circles?

A: It had a nosebleed.

Have a nice day!

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