
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Offensive Battle: Night Assault

"You devils are traitors to our force!"

One of the Fallen Angels was screaming at the Devils, who were in the strategy meeting, the first wave of attacks could only be considered a complete failure as their plans were to weaken the northern fortress of the Devil Countries to incite the Fallen Angels to take this chance of weakness to attack the Devils restarting the great war at least between Devils and Fallen Angels.

What they never considered was the irregular existence called Masaru Belial whom they once heard of, ever since the attack to kill his mother they initiated had linked their fates with one another. It was a blessing to Masaru but a tragedy to them who never expected this boy whom they ignored for being nothing but a research subject in the past, to have turned out to be a bigger thorn in their sides than Falbium.

They even had people who were monitoring Falbium very closely, several Ultimate rank warriors were also prepared to prevent him from easily leaving his fort. In the end, that plan failed since they did not expect such a dangerous child to be part of the army corps.

"What you expect of us!? Our information of Masaru Belial became minimal ever since the Belial family were betrayed by those they had an alliance with since their initial decline, even they did not expect that family to pick up again.

"Thanks to that our sources of information is limited towards the Belial Family. Not to mention the aid of all four Devil Kings is completely out of our expectations as such a thing never occurred before. But the most surprising thing is the fact you all did not believe the Rumours we shared with you all"

Kelvin who was one of the two Ultimate Rank Devils sent to support this endeavour was furious,

"ALSO, it was YOUR men who failed the attack which resulted in our losses. How are you going to explain it to us? huh!?"


Just as the Fallen Angel was about to start an insulting argument with Kelvin the commander of this operation raised his hand causing the room to be silent, if the Devils they were facing were to know the Commander of this operation was a Human of the Hero Faction then they would feel the world would collapse, Fallen Angels and Devils were following the orders of a Human.

His name was William Wallace, his ancestor was also called William Wallace who was a Scottish knight hero who became one of the main leaders during the First War of Scottish Independence.

It was thanks to the swordsmanship that rivals even that of the Pendragon Family that his status within this organization was high since they intend to use him to fend off the Pendragons in a future expedition campaign.

"The fault lies with me"

Hearing this the fallen angels and devils were taken aback at this, they all knew this man's pride was something that should never be touched carelessly otherwise he will turn into a Berserk knight that simply fights until everything around him is dead.

"I should have considered someone strong moving, so for the next assault, we will have an ultimate Rank of both sides join at the back lines to wait for the boy again and kill him... For now, regroup your men, heal the wounded. We will launch our next wave at sunrise"


"Alright, let us plan for the night assault. Since their first wave failed miserably they will not be attacking this night to regroup and consider a new plan"

Falbium was pointing at the map, the scouts with elite members this time came back intact and alive since the enemies were to focus on retreating and they finally found several base camps all over the place but the main camp was most likely the largest camp even further back.

"Since it's our chance to take the initiative to attack, I suggest of forming several squads to hit the surrounding camps the moment one of the squads attacks the main camp with a large scale magic"

Falbium moved pieces in their place to display the strategy, Masaru who looked at the plan raised his hand when Falbium nodded did Masaru speak

"I would like to participate in this assault, although we have not encountered any of the creatures today but going with the night assault will allow me to search the area to see if there are any of those creatures around or not"

Falbium thought for a moment then nodded

"But you will have to take your peerage members with you"

'I can have the girls die but not you' He thought but never voiced it.

It was after an hour that all the members for the Night assaults were selected, right now Masaru was getting dressed in a pitch-black outfit with the hooded Jacket he still kept which he got from Jacob before his Vatican trip.

"We will be attacking two camps that are in the centre and then head to the main camp to scout, we are not there to fight a battle so only fight when you have to. Akeno and Ingvild I need you two to keep close to Ichika, should you detect an enemy you can't win against teleport away immediately. I will be fine since I have the spellbook I can cast teleportation for myself"

"Fufu, to think I will get a chance to release a large scale magic"

Akeno's eyes were all sparkling thinking of what magic she had to release, Ingvild who had a higher level of talent towards Water magic compared to the Sitri Family will be using a large scale water magic which by luck the places they are attacking has a large lake nearby which can supplement her scale of attack with the use of her Sacred Gear.

"Akeno, remember no more torturing!"

Ingvild stood in front of Akeno with her left hand on her hip and her right-hand index finger pointing at Akeno with a pouting face.

This display caused Masaru who saw this to receive an invisible jab on his nose having a slight nosebleed from the sight he just witnessed, Ichika reacted faster than Masaru could and wiped the blood away with a tissue.

This fast pace efficient movements of a maid almost scared the hell out of Masaru wondering how these women actually knew what happened before even he realized it!

"Since we are armed and done, let's move out"

Masaru took the lead flying towards the meeting point for the night assault team, there were already seven other teams which will be responsible for the other camps.

"Alright everyone is here, let's go over the plans once more"

The leader of all the teams began to explain the movements of each team, the start of the Operation will be left to Masaru's discretion since his team is responsible for two camps while leading the attack on the main camp.

Once the plans were finalized everyone moved out, Masaru already called out his spellbook to make use of it's cheating functions to cast silent step, team enhance speed, chameleon camouflage spells on everyone while their movement increased in speed, their steps became silent and their presence merged with the surroundings as they move.

The camps were silent, with minimal scouts walking and no one had any thoughts of flying the skies otherwise they might have seen Masaru and his team moving towards the camp at a fast pace. Once they reached the camp, they immediately took their place near the Lake hiding.

"Alright, I am going to the other camp. I will notify you, once notified, Ingvild must immediately control this lake water and submerge the camp in it and then Akeno will release her Holy Lightning strike. Make the attack fast so preferably start to gather your mana, Ichika isolate this small surrounding to prevent their mana from leaking out and cancel it once it is time to attack"

The three girls nodded while Masaru turned around and started running towards the opposite direction where the other camp was at.

Masaru jumped onto the largest tree overlooking the camp as he starts to plan his attack, it needs to be fast and efficient in killing. After thinking for a moment Masaru cast a thin layer of wind barrier that was not easily detectable since its function was to block air currents from passing through, next Masaru began to gather mana surrounding him.

"Gas Concentration"

He started to first gather water vapour within the camp surrounding the wind barrier, first he started to split the oxygen and Hydrogen at a ratio of 1:2, once the split was done he started to use enchantment magic to increase the potency of these two elements magically within the camp.

Keeping it under control so the people won't realise what was going on, was difficult. The gathering, concentration as well as splitting took Masaru several minutes to prepare the terrain before he moved away.

He contacted Ingvild to start her attack while he prepared teleportation magic.

"Now I just need to light her up"

Suddenly because of the high concentration of Oxygen people began to feel strange, patrol guards picked up several torches to make use of for their search. However, Masaru was already gone when he saw this.

When the first person started a fire it was the last thing the man saw. From the entire surroundings even as far as the Fort was about to hear the earth-shattering explosion that cleanly wiped the camp off the map in an instant if it was not for the fact the camps were several hundreds of kilometres away from each other then they too would have swept up in this explosion.

When the night assault teams heard their "signal" they all could not help but shiver thinking what kind of destructive power that boy held, naturally it was their own misunderstanding of Masaru's powers which was not really that great but he applied human knowledge in a battle between supernatural forces.

These prideful fools have forgotten how dreadful the curiosity and knowledge of the humans were since the signal was given they naturally started their assaults, faced with surprise attacks the enemies could not respond favourably since that massive explosion was after all one of the scariest things they ever experienced.

Meanwhile, Ichika who released the Isolation Barrier allowing Ingvild who already activated her sacred gear along with her leviathan bloodline she was able to move the entire lake like a tsunami sweeping the entire camp but its destructive power was minimized since the plan was coming up next.

Akeno bit her lip while trying to contain her excitement of what was coming next, she raised her hand in the air as dark clouds began to manifest in an instant because of the amount of mana she managed to gather in silence.

"Holy Lightning storm!!"

Several thunder strikes slammed into the ground, the current of the electricity enhanced with holy element moved too fast for the camp to respond to the attack, painful screams reverberate the surroundings while they were cooked well done.

Masaru just arrived at the location seeing the attack has succeeded he pulled the girls with him heading towards the main camp as fast as they could.


"What the hell is going on!?"

"Is it Ophis!? Did someone anger her!?"

The main camp was filled with people running like headless chickens because of that explosion could be classified as an attack only those at the peak Ultimate Rank could execute.

Even William the commander was shaken by that explosion but he swiftly calmed down as the commander he had to take control over the situation.

"Calm yourselves you fools! If the enemy attacks how are we going to respond!?"

Hearing the voice of their commander allowed the mix race army to calm down but they still feared the dread of that explosion,

"Where is Kelvin!?"

Soon the Devil called Kelvin appeared

"Yes sir"

"Take your men and reinforce the camps on the western side"

William turned to the fallen angel

"You reinforce from the eastern side and then you both meet up in the middle, do you understand?"

The two of them nodded before disappearing, just as the two were gone far enough another round of explosions shook within the main camp. Because of that large explosion, some of the men retreated further away fearing it might become a similar explosion but William took the first step forward going personally towards the assailants who dared to attack their main camp.

When he arrived at the temporary warehouse that contained their food he was not angered or bothered since they could easily resupply food, but the fact someone arrived and attacked the main camp will definitely become dirt on his reputation.

"Take some men and begin to patrol our surroundings!"

What they never expected was Masaru already sent Akeno and the girls back while he kept moving around the enemy camp wearing their uniform while using body transformation magic to appear to be more mature with dark brown hair and average-looking face.

'kuku, honestly this excitement I feel right now moving within the enemy camp attacking them while they do not even notice me feels amazing'

Masaru thought as he ran the opposite direction William went since he believed he should move the opposite way than the path the enemies will believe he will move.

While the enemies were moving towards the southern side of the camp expecting to meet up with their enemies, Masaru was keeping a low profile till William felt that the attacking squad was probably gone.

But in reality, Masaru was once again doing what he did at the main camp, covering more than half the southern region of the main camp with a wind barrier he immediately began to restart the exact same thing he once did before since there were no enemies within his explosion range.

'With the explosion, they will probably cough up blood from being trolled by me'

What Masaru did not realize was that the commander tent was within the range of his explosion, With the preparation was completed Masaru cast several layers of barrier with the Space Isolation barrier as his last defence.

"Let's go out with another bang"

Masaru spoke for the first time since he arrived in the camp sending a fireball covered in a barrier into the prepared field and teleported away.


"Alright it seems the night assault has probably ended, break-in groups to rest and the others will patrol with a rotati---"


Another earth-shattering explosion shook the entire camp apart, those who were away from the concentrated explosion but still near were not spared at all. The blast of the wind was something anyone below mid-High Class strength could not resist causing the majority of the mixed-race army to fly away along with the gale with no easy means to resist.

William who was one of the few who could resist, still felt a cold sweat run down his spine as he looked at the mushroom cloud forming feeling dread from the power of that explosion.

It was only now he realized what kind of weapons his enemies were using and it was something he would never imagine them using since it was Human Technology after all, why use Human Technology if you can reproduce it with magic although it will not be so flashy, it will be more efficient in killing.

"Madmen! Their fucking madmen!"

This was the first time he lost his calm, this night attack totally shook he understand of Devils from the core. To think the devils he thought was looking down on Humans were actually using human attack methods.

But alas, it's a shame that he still did not understand this was simply an explosion on a magically enhanced scale which could only be reproduced by a truly powerful grand magician or someone like Masaru who had a Spellbook which supported him in the places he lacked at.

All the surrounding camps that were raided managed to fend off their attacks but still retreated to the main camp after they saw a second explosion that shook their bones all the way to the marrow with fear.


Masaru just arrived at the meeting point where the rest of the assault teams were at, Akeno, Ingvild and Ichika ran over to Masaru inspecting if he was fine before giving him a group hug.

"Sorry I had to send you girls away ahead of me, it was just the explosion might is far higher than I expected when I first used it so I knew I had to send you ahead"

The Girls nodded but the team leader looked at him with slight fear.

"You sure know how to send a signal, I almost pissed my pants after that explosion"

The surrounding men began to laugh because they too almost pissed their pants, that explosion was simply too godlike.

"Well, Honestly I used human knowledge which they call Chemistry, especially about the air we breathe and live in. I created a bomb that already exists in the Human World using magic to make it even more powerful"

The Leader who heard this could not help but shiver, Humans have such terrifying things in their hands? How the hell will they cope if those things could be mass-produced?

"You have done well, especially your team Masaru, Akeno, Ingvild and Ichika. I heard your team managed to annihilate two entire camps leaving none alive while leading the assault on the enemies main camp. I will notify the council of your achievements"

Everyone who heard Falbium voice out Masaru and his team's achievements caused them to clap for the heroes, it was at this point of time the view of the soldiers towards Masaru began to change for the better.

He alone managed to wipe a camp, his peerage members did a similar task while they still went and dealt a heavy blow on their enemies to take revenge on those who died during the first battle encounter.

02/08/2020 - changes made

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts