
How To End Your World

What happens when you give someone who hates everything power? You think he’ll help others who are in similar situations like him? HELL NO! You get a protagonist who stays 3 steps ahead and aims for absolute domination! “A meditation technique allowing me to be on par with a god? I was just lucky I had such a great affinity for this shit!” His laughter boomed across the galaxy! The trillions of beings that existed feared him, the women desired him, and the strong continued stalking him. They thought they had killed him, but he had actually transmigrated, what type of luck did he have?! But they have no idea.. When you blend luck, determination and hatred together, you get what you want! And that’s what happened with Amihan, all the way back in earth. … “This is it.. The Garden of Eden” In front of the man stood a swirling purple portal deep within the amazon rainforest. He dropped the gun that was strapped to his back and his backpack and began to form a light layer of energy around his body to brace himself for what awaited him on the other side of the portal. How and why did this man search for the Garden of Eden? To destroy the Tree of Life and gain a second chance at life in another world! Even if it meant his world would be destroyed a lot sooner then attended.. But was it really that simple?

KuberaEvo · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Ursa Major

Beings that can cast healing magic were very important in any realm of existence. It gave people who fought hard a second chance at life after all!

However, healing was important in this stadium because the crowd didn't want to see the frail human die so soon.. It was absolute madness!

And if that wasn't worst, the magic casters in this arena weren't the best in their field. This meant the healing they bestowed upon Amihan was painful beyond belief!

It took a minute before Amihan's entire body was fully healed. He had been screaming and rolling in his blood the whole time until now.

He stood up and looked around, 'The pain is gone.. But what about this show? What do I have to face next?' Lots of thoughts sped in his mind, faster then usual.

'Wait!' Amihan immediately checked his energy and realized the green glow actually helped him!

He was staring at what he believed to be 410/410 purified energy, and 45/50 energy within his soul!

He didn't know what was up with this whole situation, but for some reason the green glow brought back all his energy. After thinking for a few seconds, he decided to wait until the next monster showed up before using his power.

"And here comes Negantus! Some of you folks may recognize this name and I wouldn't blame you. She is the most renowned torturer in this entire stadium!"


The crowd as usual, roared at th top of their lungs and stomped their feet on the ground. Most of them believed the human might not be able to survive even with healing magic for how despicable this monster is with her victims!


Amihan stood on the platform and heard a loud laugh from a distance. He looked over to see from one of the gates a figure emerge from the barrier.

The supposed monster was a 7 foot humanoid creature who surprisingly had a figure of a woman. As she walked out of the barrier however, she actually bent down and got on all four, and began sprinting to Amihan like a cat!

"LET'S PLAY! NYAHAHAHA!" The woman like creature actually had a tail and even cat ears protruding out from her.

Amihan was tacken aback, 'What sort of anime creature is that?' He nonetheless pulled out his pistol and began firing at her!


The catwoman dodged all the shots and pounced up into the sky before rolling onto the platform.


The catwoman stood up and smiled at this new plat toy that has appeared in her den.



Without waiting, the catwoman licked her lips and immediately tried to grab Amihan with her hand!

However, as she was lost in thought as to what she'll do with this human, she saw her hand go flying off her arm.


When Amihan heard the bell and saw the catwoman reach for him, he immediately made his move.

He had been using his improved soul and mind to its fullest, thinking what could he make with his energy that can grant him the needed speed and strength that can allow him a fighting chance.

What he thought of was a porcupine..

It was actually an armor covered in sharp claw like scales. Each scale was attached to the armor by a thin line of energy, with the total line being 50 feet throughout, consuming 100 energy! There were hundreds of large sharp scales that covered the armor, which consumed another 100 energy. The armor covered Amihan's entire body like the layer of energy when he was in the garden, but with scales on it now, and a lot denser so it consumed 100 energy as well!

The reason he thought of a porcupine was because he made his armor so it could launch the scales that looked like claws or talons and reattach it back to his armor all with the help of the thin line of energy!

He was able to launch these scales with his helmet.

He had an energy helmet that connected to his brain, allowing him to gain control over the energy like the thin line and each individual scale.

He stored formed a ball of energy and compressed it into gas, which he stored throughout his armor! This has would be controlled by his helmet so he could launch a scale and control the line and scale until it loss momentum, and then he'd bring the scale back into his armor with the thin line.

The helmet was 50 energy, with the energy gas being 30 energy.

He had used 380 energy in an instant!


A scale shot out of the armor and Amihan used his helmet to control and use it to slice the woman's hand off.

"NYAHHH WHAT IS THAT!!" The catwoman jumped back off the platform seeing the glowing light gold human standing on the platform.

"Ohoh? The human has a few tricks up his sleeve! Look at the armor he's wearing as well, I've never seen such a design in my life."

The crowd roared in excitement and mixed feelings. Some cheered the human and others booed him since they didn't get to see him get tortured.

And among the crowd, a few individuals were staring with intense focus at the human, with a few with jaws dropped all the way to the floor..

Amihan seeing that his armor worked as intended, made his move!


He immediately dashed into the air and landed next to the catwoman in the blink of an eye.

"WHAT THE-" before she could finish speaking, Amihan launched 4 scales off his armor at the same time!

Because he only had 50 feet of line connected throughout his armor, it meant he couldn't shoot multiple scales 50 feet.

One scale would shoot 50 feet, 2 would go 25 feet, and so on. He believed once he gained more energy, he could increase this line however, giving him immense opportunity in the future!

He was 8 feet next to the catwoman, so when he launched the 4 scales he immediately started controlling them!



The scales sliced the catwoman all around within seconds!

2 scales aimed for the back of her knees while the other 2 aimed around her arms. They began circling around her and forming numerous cuts wherever they touched, the speed at which they moved created multiple afterimages that made some of the spectators unable to even see the scales!


The scales were pulled back into the armor. Everything went quiet for a second, the next second however, the woman blew open into thousands of pieces!!


An arc of blood and guts shot out from the back of the catwoman's body, showering the sand, rocks, all the way to the barrier!

The crowd went completely silent after seeing this. The glowing light gold human standing before them was no longer a frail human, but a demon! That catwoman could wipe out most of the beings here, and that human did it with ease!


The crowd roared in excitement! This is what they came for, violence! And this human was bringing about an explosion of blood was the last thing anyone ever expected. They wanted to see what else he was capable of!

Within the more luxurious area in the arena, a group were discussing what they had just witnessed, "It seems a mere human can use his essence reserves." A female voice spoke up beneath her veil.

"Mmmm, and with such control as well. To be able to wield essence with such ease you should at least have a powerful bloodline or be born a special type of creature, but he's part of the human race!" A creature with ant like features spoke, clacking its mandibles together.

"Oddities like these exist everywhere, however for it to be a human.. This is interesting!" A mechanical voice spoke its opinion from beneath its hood. Revealing 4 metallic hands closed together on the table the beings were seated on.

"Folks the Alvolla kingdom brought something truly interesting! In that case we also must meet your expectations.."


With the sound of a bell, a creature began to reveal itself from one of the gates and emerge through the barrier.


A furry monster with glowing crystal like blue spikes that looked like a bear began crawling out the barrier. On all fours it was a massive 50 feet tall!


The crowd went silent seeing this massive monster crawl out.

"That's right you all aren't seeing it wrong, this is Ursa Major, one of our prized possessions. Because it's been a few decades since we let him showcase himself, he's eager for a meal!"


The crystal spikes on the bear began glowing bright blue and vibrating, releasing arcs of lighting everywhere!

"Here we go folks, the match is about to begi-"


A huge explosion occurred on the bears back, forming a mushroom cloud and blowing sand and arcs of lightning everywhere!

The barrier glowed red where the explosion happened, being severely damaged from Ursa's charge.

The bear's eyes turned red and it's brown fur turned blue, with the spikes glowing a bright purple!


The crowd cheered as they got to witness Ursa's appearance! It's very rare it's allowed an appearance, but everytime it has appeared no one has survived.

Amihan having witnessed the charge before the explosion, immediately dropped down to the back of the platform to avoid Ursa's explosion.

Afterwards, he climbed back on the platform to see the bear staring at him from a distance with glowing red eyes!

The bear immediately dashed over like a bolt of lightning, attempting to slash down at Amihan before he could even finish blinking.

He used his scales and gripped the edge of the platform behind, before using the scales to pull himself backwards, barely dodging the lightning speed claw swipe from the bear.

Ursa saw it had missed its target and immediately dashed to where Amihan was going to land!

When he landed, the bear appeared in front of him and was already trying to claw him again.


Amihan summoned 4 scales to try and deflect the claw, which was successful!

Both the scales and claw blew each other back upon contact. Ursa roared and stood up before dropping both its claws down at Amihan, who was already in a defensive position.


The bear got faster and faster so he began using 2 scales to defend and 2 to attack. Because of how small Amihan was compared to the bear, he looked like a blur compared to the bear with how fast they were both moving!

He would deflect the bears swipe and use the force to push his scale into the paw of it. But because the bear was so huge, it only received minor cuts and not anything fatal that could slow it down!

His mind was currently racing of ways to deal with this beast who was just too strong and fast.


After deflecting another claw, he embedded two scales into that claw and pulled the line, launching him forward towards the bears head!

Ursa immediately reacted by ducking down to avoid the human landing near its eyes.

He launched 2 claws into the back of the neck of the bear as he flew over it, pulling himself to the back of the bear!

He immediately grabbed onto the scales and begun using them as daggers to dig into the bear with immense speed!


He begun digging into the flesh, tearing the fur and revealing blue blood in the flesh! However, before he could dig deeper, the crystals on the bears back began releasing arcs of lightning!

Amihan was prepared for this and immediately kicked himself off the bear, sending the bear's head into the ground and himself flying hundreds of feet into the air!


A mushroom cloud formed into the air, but while the smoke remained Amihan flew through the smoke and dashed onto the back of the bear who was still stunned!


When he landed onto the bears neck, he pointed at the bear and sent 7 scales into its neck before pulling them back. He was repeating this so fast it looked like he was using a shovel to dig a hole into its bears neck!

Before the bear could begin standing up, Amihan had already reached the bone of its neck.

He immediately retracted his scales and raised his right foot all the way into the air before slamming it down on the bone, causing cracks to form across it!


The crowd looked on with excitement and vigor! Even the announcer was left with his jaw touching the floor, no one has ever seen something so crazy as a human being able to put on such a fight! And against Ursa at that!!

Only some of them knew the human was using essence, and the ones that knew of this were nearly fainting.

Every creature had essence, but only some of them could use it, and those that could were only capable of using it in a certain field, take the healers for example.

But here was a human, not only capable of forming armor with it, but also being able to boost his physical capabilities, and actually manifest the essence so well that he could even control it and hold it!

The few beings that had connections with certain powerhouses that were watching reported to their higher ups, and the powerhouses that were watching begun making their own moves.


Ursa begun activating its spikes again, causing sparks of lightning to appear yet again.

But Amihan had already caused enough damage to the bone, so he stabbed 2 scales into the bone that was almost as thick as a car and sent 5 currents of his energy through his body into both scales!

The lightning stopped and everything went quiet including the crowd. They all watched at the edge of their seats as to what would happen next.


The bear slumped over and went totally limp as the energy from Amihan destroyed its neck, practically paralyzing it.

Seeing this, Amihan decided to test something he's been thinking for a while now.

He put his hand over the bear and closed his eyes.


A heart beat reverberated throughout the entire arena. Blue mist began flowing into and around Amihan! At a speed that was slow at first, but grew faster with every heart beat.


The powerhouses that were making plans of contacting this stadium to retrieve that human immediately stopped all what they were doing.

Their eyes turned red seeing the human absorb the essence from Ursa to begin cultivating. They never knew such a thing was possible!


The announcer yelled at the top of his lungs, immediately grabbing the attention of everyone who was watching.

The organization had the barrier removed and multiple deities flew over, charging up powerful attacks to kill this human before it was too late!


A bubble of blue essence began forming and swirling around Amihan, which grew in size each second!

Hundreds of beings begun shooting spells, swinging weapons and clawing at the bubble, but it wouldn't go down.


Ursa and Amihan were completely encased by the bubble that continued growing.

On this day, multiple people would tune into this illegal broadcast across the entire universe, making it one of the most viewed channels in history as trillions watched a human cultivate using the essence from the feared bounty hunter Ursa..