
How To End Your World

What happens when you give someone who hates everything power? You think he’ll help others who are in similar situations like him? HELL NO! You get a protagonist who stays 3 steps ahead and aims for absolute domination! “A meditation technique allowing me to be on par with a god? I was just lucky I had such a great affinity for this shit!” His laughter boomed across the galaxy! The trillions of beings that existed feared him, the women desired him, and the strong continued stalking him. They thought they had killed him, but he had actually transmigrated, what type of luck did he have?! But they have no idea.. When you blend luck, determination and hatred together, you get what you want! And that’s what happened with Amihan, all the way back in earth. … “This is it.. The Garden of Eden” In front of the man stood a swirling purple portal deep within the amazon rainforest. He dropped the gun that was strapped to his back and his backpack and began to form a light layer of energy around his body to brace himself for what awaited him on the other side of the portal. How and why did this man search for the Garden of Eden? To destroy the Tree of Life and gain a second chance at life in another world! Even if it meant his world would be destroyed a lot sooner then attended.. But was it really that simple?

KuberaEvo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


When the bubble stopped growing after a minute, it began to glow gold before swirling to a violet purple color!

Everyone who tried to break the bubble were left speechless. They had no idea why they weren't able to break it nor what was about to happen, so they slowly began to retreat.

But was life ever that simple that you could run away?

The bubble began to compress and as it did so, space started to warp and crack where the bubble was!

Then after a few seconds, the bubble swirled into a man that stood in the center of it all.

Ursa's body was gone and all that remain was a man who was covered in glowing purple claws/talons scale armor with his right hand held out and his palm facing the sky, and in that palm was a blue crystal that looked like the one on the bear's back!

Seeing Amihan appear out the bubble, multiple creatures dashed over and tried to pounce on him.


He raised the crystal into the air and it began to vibrate before releasing thousands of arcs of lightning in the surrounding area!


The arcs of lightning completely electrified any of the creatures that attempted to attack him.

It was so much more different from Ursa's who had to charge all the crystals before exploding to give him a boost in stats.

The more powerful beings realized this human actually was able to gain one of Ursa's abilities and use it a lot better!

Some of the creatures began to use trump cards: summoning portals, activating bloodline boosts, opening their special storage for weapons and some contacting their armies.

If this human were to be let free, especially with the power he has, they would all be in danger since they all were enjoying him being tortured just a second ago!

Some of the portals different beings opened were releasing groups of creatures and machines.

Ships began entering the stadium realm.

It was complete chaos all for this one human!

But Amihan wasn't going to let all this just happened without making a move.


Like a flash of lightning, he dashed into the sky thousands of feet in the air.

He then released all the scales once he was high enough and released over a hundred scales and sent them into every creature!


Some of the scales were deflected, some blocked, and most hit their target!

The scales that didn't hit moved to attack again and again while the scales that did hit retracted back and were sent out to another target.

This armor, his control over it and his huge reserves of essence that numbered in the tens of thousands now allowed him to fight multiple beings at once!

"For anyone watching, the stadium has just announced they'll be offering 1 million ogawa crystals to anyone who helps defeat this monster!"


Portals and cracks in space began to form, releasing powerful individuals who were watching the broadcast.

Some of the deities that were fighting Amihan had already been killed by him! So anyone watching the broadcast knew just how powerful he currently was.

So the ones who were arriving despite the obvious danger were beyond strong!

Amihan doved into the ground and began deflecting thousands of lasers that were shooting at him from the ships above with only a few of his scales!

He used the other scales to fight the beings that were still trying to fire spells and shoot weapons at him.

That's when he felt a chill all over his body.

He immediately retracted his scales and dashed back so fast it sent him flying and crashing into one of the stadium chairs.


A crack formed on the ground where Amihan was standing earlier, after a second a spatial crack formed as well, and both cracks expanded until the ground exploded! The debris flew into the spatial crack and the spatial crack closed, revealing a massive trench in the stadium ground.

"Damn I missed!" A 7 ft tall cloaked man floating in the air holding a black scythe complained.

"Haha! It looks like this human isn't so bad after all master. Why don't you get more serious?" A 5 ft tall woman with pointy ears was currently holding onto the man's arm with her breasts covering most of his arm.

"Maybe I should, but I want to see what the others do after seeing my attack.."

Amihan realized this wouldn't be as easy as he thought. That attack just now would've required a lot of his scales to deal with, and even then it was just too fast!

"Why don't we change sceneries."

'A voice?!' Amihan was about to dash when all of a sudden he saw a black bubble encase him. A second later he was standing in a throne room!

He looked around until he saw someone on the throne.

The man seated on the throne wore a red luxurious robe and had a crown on top of his head. He had his chin resting on the back of his hand as he stared down at Amihan.

Amihan immediately dashed onto a nearby pillar and sent scales to attack the man.



Amihan felt like his weight increased by thousands of pounds! It was as if gravity just changed entirely for him as he fell flat on his stomach in an instant!

"You currently reside in my domain human, my throne room."

Amihan gritted his teeth and began slowly standing up, his purple armor along with his eyes turning blood red, "Like hell I'll bow down to someone who's weaker then me!!!!!"

The man brows furrowed and he pointed at the human. 2 axes appeared out of thin air and lowered themselves to try and chop Amihan in half!


Amihan launched 2 scales, both wrapping around the handles of the axes. He then launched the axes at the man on the throne!



Everyone that was outside watched the golden domain bubble that belonged to one of the heavenly ranked deities.

"That human is done for.."

A lot of creatures who were watching thought this.

But that's when a crack formed on the domain bubble before exploding!


Amihan stood in the air, his armor a blood red with a devilish smirk on his face.

He held the man's head in his hand before throwing it into the air and slicing it in half with one of his scales.


He immediately dashed and began attacking anything in sight!

It was as if a wolf who hadn't eaten anything in years was let into a land full of bunnies.

Amihan hunted down each creature that was in this stadium and tore out their heart and began absorbing them with his hand!

He was cultivating while fighting!

But preparations were already complete while he was in the domain.



A group of skeletons began launching green fireballs at the human!

Other creatures began shooting their weapons and also casting magic at him.

They were all pinning him down as he had no choice but to deflect and defend unless he risks getting hit by the fireballs that came at him in a blink of an eye!

The man with the scythe along with othe powerful beings that watched made their move too.

A nebula wrapped around Amihan and actually stopped him from moving! Causing a barrage of green fireballs and lasers to hit him an damage his armor.

After, an orange spear was launched and pierced through Amihan's shoulder!

"BLAHHH!" Amihan spat out a mouthful of blood.

The fireballs and lasers stopped as they saw the powerful beings begin finishing him off.

A bright white cage formed around Amihan, preventing him from dashing away.

A shadow appeared behind Amihan and shoved a dagger into his back!


Amihan launched all the scales on his back behind him, but they didn't hit anything except the ground and cage, which actually burned some of his scales!

The dagger released a toxin that began to make his armor and energy glow less and less.

A crack formed across Amihan's entire armor as the man with the scythe had already made his move after that dagger attack by one of his wive's.


Amihan's armor in the front actually exploded! The pieces of it flying into a spatial crack.

The spatial crack froze Amihan's front torso and turned it light blue and added a layer of ice over it.

"Huff.. Huff.." He couldn't say anything. He had received way too much damage this time and was surrounded by powerful beings from all over the universe.

He knew this time he wasn't going to be so lucky.

The beings began to close in on him, racing to deal the final blow.

As his life came closer and closer to an end, time began to slow down.

'Ahhh.. If I had another chance at life, I'd absolutely destroy everything in my way to reach the pinnacle of the universe.'

The cage was released so as to let the creatures attack him. But even if he wanted to move, the spear in his shoulder was so deep into the ground he wouldn't be able to move anyways.

And then everything went quiet.

The surrounding disappeared, the pain disappeared, his body disappeared, it was all pitch black.

'What is this..?'

Amihan looked around and was reminded of the time he touched that black orb.

But he knew this wasn't the black orb.

A light began to form in the darkness, and it began to expel darkness that surrounded him.

Soon he was able to open his eyes.

He awoke in a wooden room on a straw bed. He got up and looked around and realized he was not in the stadium anymore!

'What happened to me.. was it all a dream?'

He looked around and saw a sword hanging on the wall, a mirror on another wall, and an opened closet with a pair of leather boots and leather clothing on the floor.

There was a door he assumed was to leave his room and he also saw a window next to him on the wall.

He opened it to see he was on a second floor, so he concluded this must be a motel.

But after looking outside, that wasn't the case at all.

There were a few medieval buildings that stood, but most of the buildings in what he believed to be a city was destroyed.

There were hundreds of buildings that were burnt and left in rubble.

When he looked out in a distance, he saw explosions of different colors shaping the wasteland he was currently in.

(What do we have here? A soul actually transmigrated into one of my participants?)

Amihan saw a blue screen pop up in front of him, "Your participants?"

(This is strange indeed.. Nonetheless, the show must continue! So I'll give you a brief explanation as to what's going on.)

(This world has been invaded by me and is now being used for the entertainment of billions across the universe!)

(I engrained in the humans of Setera a game like system, giving them quests they must complete in order to level up and grow stronger.)

(Because this is the second day of the survival phase, you still have a chance. Please read your quests in your quest tab and check out the other tabs in your system such as your stats.)

Amihan didn't bother with the quest and immediately checked his stats.

'Please don't be shit..'

After all his hard work, he finally got his wish to be in another world! We now enter a new arc of this story, an apocalyptic game hosted by a powerful god?!

KuberaEvocreators' thoughts