
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 9: Eve of Titanomachy

Marcus broke the silence that followed by his laughter. He walked over to Metis wispered something to her then address everyone.

Marcus: Well I'm sure you all have some catching up to do so I'll leave you to it.

He then vanished leaving everyone speechless. Hera was about to ask before Metis gave her the answer to her question.

Hera: Whe-

Metis: He said that his going to bed.


Metis: If you wandering how I know what you were going to say well....It's because he told me what you would say and what to respond. He can see the future.

Metis then turned to Poseidon.

Poseidon: Tha-

Metis: That's not luck and if you want to fight me you'll have more chance when you grow strong.

Hera, Hestia, Demeter and Hades were now convinced has they had lived with Poseidon to know what he was going to ask but for someone like Marcus that was not possible to respond if not for seeing the future.

Metis then erected a wall of water and made it sound proof. It puzzled everyone.

Metis: There is something that I would like to talk to you all. What do you all think of Marcus?

Rhea was the first one to realize the true meaning of that question.

Rhea: Is something wrong with Marcus? Was he suspicious?

Metis: No...In fact he was nothing but helpful.

For the first time Hera spoke.

Hera: So what's the problem? You build that wall...dome for us to have a secret conversation, correct? Then just say what you have in mind and stop wasting time.

Everyone was in agreement with Hera, even Zeus thought it was unnecessary to go around the subject and just address the problem in question.

Metis: ....Well I am sure you know after we dethrone Kronos, Zeus will be the one to take his place...

Both Poseidon and Hades were not please but could not utter a word as they had just been saved.

Metis:... what I'm worried about is what happens after the battle. He does whatever he feels like it if someone tries to order him around for something he doesn't like he will not back down from his standpoint. During the war, he might be an ace but after it he will might only bring chaos.

What Metis said made sense. They weren't stupid, they would not like to have him as an enemy and would rather take the chance to kill him along with Kronos if it was possible. The reason Metis said all of this right now was because she saw that Marcus had a one of a kind charisma. If she was not in love with Zeus she might have already switched side and that frightened her. If his charisma did this to her then it was imperative to distance the 5 siblings from Marcus or they would follow him instead of Zeus regardless of Marcus wanting the throne or not. She was doing this for Zeus not knowing she was closing her only chance of escaping her doomed fate.

There was another long silence however the one who broke it was none other then Gaia which startled everyone.

Gaia: If you planning on betraying him, I would suggest not doing it for you sake.

Rhea: M-Mother?! Are you taking his side?

Gaia: Yes and no.

Metis: Yes and no?

Gaia: He prepared to fight against Kronos and the Titans for a while. During the time he would take breaks I would often talk to him and one day I asked him what he would do if you guys were planning on betraying him during his fight with Kronos.

Metis: W-w-what did he say?

Metis face had turn grey after hearing Gaia's words. To her question, Gaia just showed her memory of the event.

------------------------------------*Flashback*-------------------------------------------------------------Gaia:.... So what will you do if they betray you? You must know that it is a possibility.

Marcus had lower his head for a second. You could not see his eyes. He then looked upward and faced Gaia.

Marcus: If they betray me...

He showed a smile unlike before it was affected by his skill "Twisted mind" and gave a dangerous and ominious feeling.


----------------------------------------* End of flashback*------------------------------------------------- Gaia was not affected by it has she was still influenced by his title "The Newborn of mother nature". The same could not be said for the rest of them. They felt shiver down their spine. Hera was the first to speak.

Hera: And you thought it would be best to betray the one who saved us. odds are this could lead into him helping Kronos.

Hades, Hestia, Demeter and even Poseidon nodded at her statement. Metis wanted to explain her self but she saw nobody would listen to her luckly Zeus came to her rescue.

Zeus: Okay let us forget all this and celebrate your freedom my brothers and sisters!

All nodded and went to party for a whole week, Metis had said that it take three week for the poison inside Kronos to wear off. During this week they had not seen Marcus but assumed it was because of the poison until they came into the forrest and saw him half naked and covered in sweat as he was slowly punching a tree. They were confused until he fist was only 1/16 of an inch away from the trunk of the tree. The other side of the trunk was pulverized. Only a small thin layer of the trunk that was close to his fist was still standing.


No one said a word.

Marcus: Are you all going to keep watching or are you all going to come out of there?

They came out and greeted Marcus before Hera asked him a question.

Hera: How long have you been doing that? More importantely what was that?

None of them were stupid. What he had was impossible for the to replicate. Sure they could break the tree like it was a tooth pick but not the way Marcus did it. There was no speed, no strenght or even contact even Poseidon the slow taker of the group could image what would happen if he used the same thecnique couple with a strong attack.

Marcus: I've been doing sinc-well I resume doing this since 6 days ago and what I used is something I created.

Hades: Created?

Marcus: Yes! Unlike you all, who have already been born with a divinity, I created my own force and raised it up till where it is.

This statement earned even more respect from Hades as that he thought Marcus had full control of his own power but kept creating more ways to use it. It also motivated everyone to train harder for the next two weeks to get used to their divinity. When Oceanus recieved his brother invitation to join the war took sometime to answer as he was already siding with Zeus but wanted to give them as much time as he could to prepare for the war. The silent treatment worked for 6 months. At that point he sent a reply asking if Kronos was mentality ill as if he would ever side with his brother after what Kronos shame/raped to one of his daughter.

During These 6 months, the Olympians mostly kept to themself as they need to get stronger faster. No one even bothered with Marcus anymore except maybe Hera. They had become friends during this past months. They been a time where the felt an attraction for one another but before it could lead into something else Marcus wanted to make sure of something. He knew Hera was faithfull more then anyone else althought she was a nightmare to Zeus children born from his affairs but after some point the faults lies with Zeus as he knew what Hera would do and kept having affair.

As Hera was looking for Marcus. She found him sleeping on a tree branch.

Marcus: I'm awake.

Hera: I think you just saw the futur where you fell on your has and woke up *giggles*.

Marcus:....Hera there is something I would like to tell you.

"He looks serious. It might be something important" thought Hera

Hera: What is it?

Marcus: I can feel that we're both attracted to each other but if we were to continue I would like to tell that I might have more women in the future. It is a possibility but I thought I should let you know before anything becomes serious.

Hera was not mad as they just began to know each other nothing serious had happened.

Hera: You mean you might stop loving me or get tired of my body?

Marcus:.... Why do you say as if we already did it? And for you information, I know you would be faithfull and I would not like to cheat on some as faithfull as you. Getting the green light would be good tho...

Hera: ...HAHAHAHAHA! As if I'd ever do that!

Marcus: That's True....ZEHAHAHAHA!

The reason Hera laughed was because she knew Marcus could have just lied till he cheat and even tried to cover it up but he said it even before anything remotly close to romance began. Though she is extremely attractive, Marcus would rather not mess up with the Greek mythology too much before he gets Kronos power as it would affect one of the big three of the Justice League.

In case you forgot this is still the DC verse

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts