
How I ended in a novel as a villain of the story

Life happened. Sorry have to take one week break! This novel tells the story of a Victor, orphan with hard life that got one day reincarnated to his favorite novel. But to his surprise he was not reincarnated as a main character but as main villain that is meant to suffer and slowly loose everything he had. Embark with Victor on journey for a good life with his girls, family and friends. I will be posting two chapters every morning ( I am from Europe so in your timezone it will be different ).They should be at least 1000 words long. R-18 chapters are released as bonus chapters and are not counted towards chapters per day. I am not marking them in chapter names but there is always warning in chapter before them at the end. They are always safe to skip if you don't like them. This just my hobby that makes happy so I decided to share it with you guys hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. Just so you know I am not really a fan of NTR and Incest so don't count on that please. PS: I am really bad with novel tags. So if you are better with them than me I will gladly accept your input.

Victor_PR · Fantasie
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73 Chs


Next morning, I woke up to a sight of a radiant smile on the face of my lovely wolf girl sitting on the bed looking at my sleeping face.

"Good morning, Lola. Looks like you are in a good mood."

"Good morning, Vic. Yes, I am in a very good mood"

"What happened?"

"I just realized this morning that yesterday a boy I love told me that he loves me for the first time."

"I see, I am happy for you. Who is the lucky guy?"


In this moment I could not stop it and I started laughing, few second after that my pouting wolf girl followed the suit. After the laugh we went to bathroom to freshen up.

We decided to have a slow day today after out last day that was filled with adventures. So, we pretty much just trained a little after breakfast and outside of that we spent time with family and cuddled. In the afternoon Liz arrived so we all sat down and asked maids to bring us some tea a snacks while we talk business.

"So, Liz, first things first. This my mother and sister. And this is my sister's fiancée Renald."

"Guys this is Liz I mentioned yesterday, she will be my secretary."

Greetings ensued, and we proceeded with the important stuff.

"So, I ran the errands you asked me for. Firstly, I sold all the stuff you brought. Here 10 241 Gold and 12 silver."

"That big of a difference between selling directly and selling to the guild." I asked.

"Well yes, there was also a little bit of haggling involved. Anyway, here is the gold."

"Secondly, I commissioned the armors and soul swap you requested. Swap will be 6 gold. As for the armors I teleported to the Gordman duchy and ordered it at the best armorer's workshop they have, price should be 150 gold per armor, so for 7 armors it is going to be 1050. Al together it is 1056 Gold. I already removed the amount from the gold I gave you for the sold goods. As for the mage you asked me to order for you, he will come tomorrow."


"Adventurer's guild sent a scouting team today around midday so I should be able to bring you rewards tomorrow from the guild. I will just have to borrow your ID card."

"Thank you, Liz,"

"Vic is there anything else?"

"Actually yes, I have some loot from the ruin that we wanted to sort out. And I wanted to wait for you. Now that you are here, we can get to it."

"Okay, Vic"

First thing I pulled out was the coffer filled with daggers.

"This is the first one, it's filled with daggers that have artificial soul in it. I already picked the soul I wanted from there, Lola can't bind souls, so just dig thru it everybody and check if you want any of those souls, if yes take it. As for the rest I will ask you to auction it away Liz."

Mom, Sis and Renald stood up and started to check daggers.

"Liz why aren't you picking out what you want?" I asked. Liz looked at me with very surprised face and asked.

"You mean I can also pick?"


It took about 15 minutes for everybody to pick what they wanted. After that Liz took the daggers for auctioning.

"The other three coffers are filled with gold and jewelry. So again, pick what you like. Remove the gold coins, I will store them directly rest is in your care Liz. Make some money out of it."

This time Renald was the sitting it out and girls were going at it for good 30 minutes. Once done I packed the gold and jewelry was left with Liz to be sold.

"Now I have a few questions, Liz. How long it will take for the armor and weapon to be ready?"

"Weapon should be delivered tomorrow, and the armor should be done within two weeks."

"I will need a quick and discreet building company. Ideally if they could be here in like two days ready to start working"

"Not a problem, I have somebody in mind already."

"And one last thing could it be spread that I am the spirit master and I am looking for spirit beasts. Buying them out directly. Ideally, I would like it to target nobles"

"Consider it done, I know few ways how to get info to few gossipy nobles that will take care of the rest."

"Thanks again Liz. You are a very big help"

"Well, no need to thank me, you are paying me quite a lot for that." She chuckled.

"Let's enjoy the tea and snacks."

"Thanks again"

"Ahh I almost forgot, as my secretary you she should look apart. Mom and Sis I will give you money will you take her clothes shopping tomorrow?"

Both chuckled, Liz had surprised look on her face.

"No need to give us money sweetie. And if Liz isn't against the idea, we will gladly take her. We enjoy clothes shopping very much. What you say Liz? Are you willing to spend some time with us and shop for clothes?"

"Gladly your grace."

"You call my son Vic and me your grace. Sounds weird call me Camilla."

"And me Veronica please."

"And that shopping is not order, it's just a suggestion to have time with the woman you are going to live under same roof with. And trust me there is no better opportunity to get used to those two like go clothes shopping with them." I said with a smile.

"I will go gladly with Camilla and Veronica. Truth be told I was planning to change my clothes so I look apart to my job and having help from Your mother and sister will help a lot."

"Also thank you Camilla and Vernica. In that case, please call me Liz."

"Then we will go tomorrow after breakfast. Don't wait for us sweetie. We will most likely don't come until dinner. Lola, you want to come with us?"

"No thanks mother, I would rather spend my time with Vic."

"Renald can you handle the papers alone whole day?" Mom asked.

"Without issues, your grace."