
How I ended in a novel as a villain of the story

Life happened. Sorry have to take one week break! This novel tells the story of a Victor, orphan with hard life that got one day reincarnated to his favorite novel. But to his surprise he was not reincarnated as a main character but as main villain that is meant to suffer and slowly loose everything he had. Embark with Victor on journey for a good life with his girls, family and friends. I will be posting two chapters every morning ( I am from Europe so in your timezone it will be different ).They should be at least 1000 words long. R-18 chapters are released as bonus chapters and are not counted towards chapters per day. I am not marking them in chapter names but there is always warning in chapter before them at the end. They are always safe to skip if you don't like them. This just my hobby that makes happy so I decided to share it with you guys hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. Just so you know I am not really a fan of NTR and Incest so don't count on that please. PS: I am really bad with novel tags. So if you are better with them than me I will gladly accept your input.

Victor_PR · Fantasy
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73 Chs

New look

After we just a talked a little more and then we went to sleep. Next morning after breakfast girls went shopping for Liz's clothes, while I was waiting for a mage from mage's guild. I didn't have to wait for long, about two hours after breakfast Mage arrived. It was middle aged man named Pavol. First, we signed mana contract in order to ensure he won't speak about his assignments and then showed him the stone from the ruin. Men identified right away that it was ancient teleporter. He told me that it is pretty ready all that it is needed was "anchor ritual circle", pretty much circle that you have to stand in to be teleported. I lead him to a room where he could set it up and he got to work. In about two hours he was done and teleporter was ready.

"Thanks, Pavol let's go to the other side of it, if I am not mistaken, I will have some work for you there."

"As you say Lord Victor."

So, Me, Lola and Pavol teleported. We ended up in a dilapidated room of a mansion that from the look of it was sometime ago very majestic. We navigated our way thru dilapidated mansion and ended up outside of it where one could see beautiful lush forest. I turned to Lola.

"How does it feel here Lola?"

"I was just about to say it, it's perfect here, I don't know why but I feel like the air here taste better and everything looks better."

"It's because this place is very rich on spirit energy, and wait it will get even better. Come both of you!"

I led both of them into the forest. After about a 20-minute walk we reached a beautiful sight. There was a giant white rock overgrown by greenery. Height of the rock was 15-20 meters, it was huge. IN about two thirds of the height of the rock was a horizontal crack about two meters long, there was stream of azure blue water running out of the crack creating waterfall, and small river running out from underneath the waterfall. It looked like the river is being conjured by the rock. And with all the lush greenery around it it was one of most beautiful sights I have witnessed. When I looked at Lola and saw her in awe, I could not help but hug her and ask.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it Vic!" She hugged me back and smiled.

After few seconds we heard a cough from behind us. Poor Pavel was feeling really awkward.

"Let's get to the main attraction."

As I said that I started to walk towards the waterfall. Both of them followed shortly after me. When I reached the waterfall I walked behind it into a small cave. Once both of them reached me I spoke towards Pavol.

"You think you can make this work again?"

I pointed towards small arch made of stone that looked like black marble filled with ancient runes that was standing inside the cave.

"I would suggest smashing it Lord Victor, you don't know where it leads to…."

"I didn't ask what you would do with it, did I Pavol? I asked if you can make it work."

"My apologies Lord Victor. Yes, it can be made functional but I need few tools from the guild."

"Then go ahead and grab them, don't be afraid you will be rewarded handsomely. When this bad boy can be fully operational?"

"It should be done by tomorrow, Lord Victor."

"That's fine, please see to it that it working and stable again." I turned towards Lola. "And we can meanwhile explore our little paradise."

We all headed back towards the mansion. Pavol headed directly towards the teleporter. While we went to check out the mansion.

"Vic if the spirit energy is so rich why aren't here any spirit beasts?"

"There is barrier in place that prevents spirit energy from concentrating, but no worries we will take it down, and once that is done there will be even more spirit energy here, because the barrier is powered by it."

"Vic where is this place?"

"Remember those huge mountains you can see from out mansion to the north?"


"Well, this is on top of them, but there are 4 barriers that cover it. The one that prevents beast from being born is first, we will be shutting down that one. Second is defensive barrier, third is illusion barrier that camouflages this place from outside and last is barrier that ensures optimal temperature all year long. The three others will stay."

"Where does that portal lead to?"

"That's a little surprise." I smiled as I looked at my pouting wolf girl.

As we talked, we arrived in a room that once was a beautiful main bedroom of the mansion.

"Let me grab something really quick while we are here." I uttered and ran towards half broken down table next to bed and grabbed two things from there. One was a medallion and second small ornate box.

After this we finished our tour of the mansion and headed back to portal. To have lunch and wait for my sword and girls to come home. Basically, we ate, we cuddled, I grabbed my sword, we cuddled and ate one more time. Pavol was very busy meanwhile and managed to fix the portal. I asked him not to activate it, mom will activate it when time comes. I paid him for his services and he left for mage guild. Few minutes after he left, magiwagon with the girls came back.

I must say that I was stunned for a moment when I saw new and transformed Liz. New clothes, new haircut, her eyebrows done, everything. I went to welcome them and couldn't resist.

"Liz, you look stunning, I forgot to breathe for a moment when I saw you."

Her relatively long mostly unkept hair, was cut into beautiful bob cut. That looked just right for her. Her clothes that was just pragmatic before now extenuated her curves. She was wearing relatively short red Qipao with golden flowers around a dragon on it. She was just stunning.

"See I told you that Qipao is perfect for, good think we bought so many of those" Mom reacted.

"Not only that but that haircut, it's perfection mom, pure perfection"

"Haircut was idea of your sis." Mom answered

In this moment I turned to my little wolf that was starting to become jealous. I grabbed her by the waists and hugged her tightly. Then I whispered to hear ear.

"Don't think about nonsense." And after that I very light bit her ear.

As this we stood and discussed Liz's new look. From her face down to her feet while I was embracing my wolf girl. After few minutes we woke from our joyful conversation by a laughter. We turned to see the source of the laughter and it was my sister.

"What is going on Sis?"

She just pointed towards Liz, we turned and saw blushed mess that once was my secretary.

"Upps we overdid it mom. Sorry Liz you just look so good that I got consumed in my debate."

"That is not helping sweetie, Let's give her some time." Mom turned towards the Liz. "See I told you he would like it and you was babbling something about being too old."

"Now you are the one that is not helping mom." We chuckled.

"Everybody I have something to show you, it's not as beautiful as Liz but I think you will like it."

We picked up Renald on the way and headed towards the teleporter.