
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

The First Three

[Multi POV]

Shit, it was all shit. 


Tristan de Martel paced around Lucien's office fighting the urge to punch the grinning idiot sitting on the plush chair. 


"I told you not to underestimate Seth Williamson." 


"Hold your tongue Lucien." 


"What did you say again? Oh yeah. 'The ignorant fool will die here tonight.' Ha! He tore through your men like wet tissues." 


"Fuck off!" 


"Relax Tristan, I'm sure 'M' will be here soon and things will resolve themselves eventually." 


"I don't trust the man."


"What's not to trust? He hides his name, he's clearly powerful, and he knows how to get rid of both the obstacles in our path." 


"The Mikaelsons will be dealt with. It is the bastard Seth that I will see brought to us in chains." 


"Did you not learn? Has what I said just gone through one ear and out the other with you? He's older than the Mikaelsons. We can not hope to possibly beat him." 


"Not on your own you're not." 


The two ancient vampires turned to the door where their mysterious benefactor had appeared. 


"Answers! Now!" 


"Now now, have patience Lord de Martel." 


Tristan glowered at the man and sat down on another chair in the office space. 'M' smiled and raised a hand, the coffee table slid across the floor before turning into an ornate throne. 'M' sat on the conjured throne and sighed. 


"Now gentlemen, tell me what went wrong." 


"What went wrong? WHAT WENT WRONG?! Seth fucking Williamson, slaughtered all our men and none of the spells the blasted witches cast to protect the girl stopped him."


"I assure you that last night was a fluke. The person responsible for empowering Seth Williamson has been sent to a place where there is no escape." 


"So he's not that powerful?" 


Lucien looked disappointed at the thought. 


"No no, rest assured. The man is quite unique in the sense that he is much more powerful than I and he's still growing. Fortunately for us he does not know this. With this he will be more likely to slip up and make our chances of getting rid of him that much easier." 


"That's easier said than done. What's to stop him from realizing that he is in fact much more powerful than you and capitalizing on that."


"Absolutely nothing. And that's the fun of it."


"You're a mad man! Do you not care for your own life?"


"I'm quite sane, I assure you. I am just a humble man seeing entertainment in this rather dull existence." 


"Those are the words of a mad man!" 


"Perhaps I am a mad man, who's to say? Sure beats being a stuffy bastard with a grudge against an unbeatable opponent." 


Tristan didn't reply to the jab M sent his way. M stood from his seat and grinned. 


"Keep brooding little vampire, I will be back later with new information."


With that the strange benefactor to their plight disappeared with a crack of displaced air. Lucien smirked his way and began to say something potentially annoying when the door to the office smashed open and Aurora waltzed in with a smile on her face. 


"Hello brother!" 




"My, it seems like your cross with me." 


"Where have you been?" 


"Oh, here and there. Spent some time with Niklaus." 




"I spent some time with Niklaus." 




"That's a silly question…. We're back together." 


A familiar voice drawled, Aurora looked towards the door. Her eyes filled with admiration. Klaus Mikaelson sauntered through the still open door with a grin spreading across his face. 


"What are you doing here?" 


"Is that any way to treat guests?" 


"I ought to kill you where you stand."


"You could certainly try. I wouldn't advise it though. Could be very painful. For you." 


"What do you want Klaus?" 


"I came here with a proposition." 


"What could you possibly give me?" 


Lucien glared at the two vampires with thinly veiled loathing. They were speaking as if he didn't exist in the room. It was always the case with the 'nobles'. Overlooking the small folk. Becoming a vampire, even one his age, didn't change a thing and he hated it. Turning quickly he left the room unnoticed by the trio. He could feel his cold blood boil in rage. All he wanted was respect and to be noticed. He knew exactly what he needed to do and who to side with to achieve his goals. 


Aurora, despite looking a tad ditzy did notice Lucien leaving the room with a frown on his face. Whatever had Lucien in a foul mood didn't matter at the moment. For now she was busy watching the back and forth between her brother and Nik. 


"And why should I help you? You ruined my family. Your lies and actions had us running from our own shadows for a millennia." 


"Let bygones be bygones old friend. Only by working together can we get rid of the thing that stands in the way of what we both want." 


"And what does the big bad Mikaelson want?"


"I want my kingdom back."