
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


Hours later I returned from my impromptu trip to the Mikaelson compound. Sneaking in and out of the place was surprisingly easy despite all the new vampire staff that the Mikaelsons recently hired. They worked quickly, frighteningly so. It had hardly been a week since I laid waste to the Strix, the vampire cult according to Nicole. In that amount of time the siblings had cleaned the carnage and restaffed the entire compound. I didn't even know if it was compulsion or they just had people willing to work for them. Though knowing their reputations it was more than likely compulsions. 


"Nothing, Klaus hoards a thought years worth of knowledge and there isn't a damn thing about whatever the hell they did to you." 


Nicole, Amelie, Anna, and I were sitting around the dining table. A glass of blood in front of everyone. Nicole had come to accept her condition. That didn't mean she liked the flavor of blood, she still grimaced every sip. 


"I went to speak with the Bennet coven the other day. They suspect some sort of ritual." 


"Are they sure of this?" 


Amelie nodded before sighing, "They didn't outright say so but from how they spoke they were rather sure of it. They didn't mention what ritual it was, only that it was old and not many covens keep that sort of stuff in their grimoires." 


"So we still have nothing?" 


"No not nothing, I believe I can help in this regard." Said Anna. 


"How so princess? You come from another world. I doubt the things your family taught you about the supernatural world has much use here." 


I glared at Amelie. At times the girl could be rather blunt and come off as confrontational. 


"Regardless, that information could be useful. Thank you Anna." 


"The Valerious family has studied the sciences for centuries. As a young girl I was taught many things. My father mentioned a procedure that would transfer a mind from one person to a host of some sort."


'Oddly convenient information to have. My guess is Morgana must have known somehow that Nicole would take over Freya's body. Or maybe Morgana never actually killed Nicole and instead repressed her mind. This is all very complicated and the sooner we can get an answer, the sooner I can rest easy.' 


"Whatever you need, Anna, feel free to ask the servants whatever they can not provide. I will do so myself." 


"Thank you, I will be at the library. I must do some research into the sciences of this world." 


I turned to Amelie and Nicole who were now eyeing each other as if sizing the other up. 


"I'll join Anna, I need the quiet." Amelie stood from her chair after downingher glass of blood. She planted a soft kiss on my lips before sauntering off after the Transylvanian princess. 


I felt Nicole's eyes burning into the side of my face as I watched Amelie leave. Turning to her slowly the smile dropped from my face and I sighed. 


"Nicole, I know this is all new to you. Hell having my emotions back to full capacity makes all of this relatively new for me too. I just want you to know that you are all equal in my eyes. Yeah we were a strictly monogamous relationship in the past but since your apparent death things have changed." 


"You don't have to explain Seth. I- I want to be a part of this still, and by god I still love you with all my heart. It's just difficult to come to terms with the fact that our lives are so different now. To me we were just on spring break, sneaking kisses during class, and being free from tbe responsibilities that came with this life." 


"I understand completely, for what it's worth I never stopped loving you too." 


"That's kinda weird considering…."


"Shut up and accept my feelings dork." 


Nicole flipped me the bird and I grinned.


'Maybe it isn't all bad' 

Pinching the bridge of my nose I let out an exasperated sigh. I had been  'negotiating' with the witch covens in the French Quarter after flying back to New Orleans. Nicole had mentioned a plot line about a body snatching witch on the show. Knowing that her information on the lore of this world trumped mine I decided to look into it. 


So far I had been given the run around and stone walled by the damn witches. They refused to answer my questions claiming that since I was a vampire, I was unclean and they didn't want to work with my kind. 


I had half a mind to just raze their entire coven to the ground but then I would further unbalance the world and potentially kill off the person who could answer my questions. Seeing no other way I downed the last of the drink I had and stepped back out onto the busy street. 


After a long day of being called a killer, not necessarily untrue, and getting threatened with hexes and curses, I found myself needing a stiff drink. I found a quiet bar across from Rousseau's and watched the various clients come in and out of the famous bar. 


My phone rang, looking at the caller id I raised an eyebrow. I let out another sigh before answering the phone.


"Elijah, to what do I owe the pleasure?" 


"Rebekah and Marcel are missing." 




"According to one Davina Claire, they had gone missing right after the capture of my dear older sister." 


"Who the fuck  is Davina Claire?" 


"Charming young witch. Says you nearly killed her?"


My memories flashed back to the night I slaughtered the Strix. The young girl I had nearly gutted before releasing. 


"Ah, that witch." 


"Yes, that witch." 


"I take it she's important in some way?" 


"Well she's opened up to me just a bit. Says that Marcel saved her from a sacrificial ritual of sorts. Something called the Harvest Festival?"






"I'm currently in the French Quarter. I've been asking witches here about a… condition… that Freya is in. They seem to be hiding something. I can smell a sort of desperation in their midst." 


"Is my sister alright?" 


"She's fine, though I would like to meet this witch of yours. Something tells me that she may have the answers that I'm looking for." 


"Very well, we will be waiting at The Abattoir." 


"I'll be there." 


The line clicked off as Elijah hung up the phone. I made another call as I began to walk towards a discreet alleyway. 




"What do you want, Seth?" 


"I think I may have found a lead." 




"Is there any significance to a Davina Claire, a Harvest Ritual, and two missing vampires?" 


"What did you say?" 


"Is there any significance…"


"No, I heard you the first time. Where are you right now?"


"New Orleans… why?" 


The line went dead, I groaned. This meant that she was more than likely on her way over to rip me a new one. This was turning into a complete cluster fuck. Taking a seat at an outdoor table I observed the world continuing to move around me until something caught my eye. Something felt off about everything. Looking closer at the people passing by I noticed a strange pattern. 


'Man with stupid hat, lady in a sundress, guy playing guitar.'


I looked further down the street and narrowed my eyes at the sight. 


'Man with a stupid hat again, same lady with an all too revealing sundress, and the same idiot who can't carry a tune strumming a guitar.' 


"I thought it would take you longer to notice. Color me impressed Seth Williamson." 


"Oh great, it's the old peeping pervert." 


"That's not very nice, you know what they say, if you have nothing good to say then it's better to not sa-" 


"What the fuck do you want?"


"Rude…. I'm here to offer you another chance." 


"Yeah? Well you can take that chance and shove it up your dick hole. I didn't appreciate it when Morgana fucked with my life, and I sure as hell don't appreciate when you try to do the same." 




"Finally dropped the kindly old man act eh?" 


"Obey me!" He continued to glare at me. 


"Is that supposed to do something?" 




At that point I had lost my patience. Using my power I lifted the old man up and hung him upside down. Fighting back barely restrained anger I glared at the panicking man. 


"Do you not understand English? I thought I told you to FUCK OFF!" 


I sent out a blast of energy that had the man flung from where I had suspended him into the sky. There was a crack of displaced air as the sound barrier broke and I stumbled, my vision getting hazy. 




I turned to the voice. Nicole had arrived and was running towards me. I felt myself hit the ground yet strangely enough I was still lucid despite my vision having failed and my world going dark. 


"Seth? Seth wake up." 


I felt a cold hand patting my face. "Wake up." 


I shot up in a panic. My vision slowly cleared and I looked around me. I was back in my bed at  my estate in Mystic Falls. Amelie was looking at me with worry in her eyes. 


"Oh thank god." 


"What happened?" 


"You came back from the failed rescue mission with the Mikaelsons. Apparently a woman appeared and blew everyone away with a wave of magic. Finn brought you back here." 


"What? I thought…" 


"Then about five minutes ago your power started acting up. You were floating a foot off your bed and screaming. I tried to wake you but you won't wake up. At least until now." 


'Fuck me, was that all a dream?' 




"Yeah, I'm fine. Just shaken up." 


"Are you sure?" 


"Yeah just give me some time. I need to process something I saw." 


"Okay, I'll be with Anna. We're looking into ways to get Freya back." 


'Couldn't have been a dream. It was too vivid. I saw, felt, and remembered everything. Wait, I can still feel my emotions.' 


I quickly stood from my bed and went to where my clothes had been neatly folded. Rummaging through my suit jacket I found the rolled up note and opened it to read it. The note was still the same, I felt for my new abilities. They were there too. 


'Something must have happened when I attacked Myrddin. That's the only logical explanation.' 


"Here's to hoping that everything works out."