
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

I’ve Found You

We arrived at New Orleans three hours later, Amelie immediately broke off to scout out the Abattoir for Davina. Meanwhile I kept my eye out for nosy old men who looked suspiciously like Stan Lee. 


I had taken the vision of an alternate reality as a warning. Myrddin could be stalking any one of the people I cared about. Including me, this meant that once we had rescued Freya from wherever she was I needed to train in my powers as soon as I could. Morgana didn't exactly leave an instruction booklet on the powers I had inherited from her. First on that list was the one power I did know about, world jumping. That was the most useful in my opinion. 


Taking off back into the sky I flew at a sedated pace to the compound. I could sense Amelie down below so I watched from high above the clouds. A SUV with blacked out windows pulled up into the long driveway and several people stepped out. 


I recognized Lucien, Tristan, and Aurora immediately next came Mikael and Esther. I was still too high up for them to even notice me so I continued to observe them. 


Klaus stepped out of the main building with a wide grin on his face. He greeted his parents first before dodging a lunge from Mikael. Three coffins were then hauled out of the building and I cursed. Klaus was in league with the assholes. I should have figured the paranoid hybrid would do something like this. Amelie had still not been spotted so I stayed above the clouds. I spotted her sneaking into a window on the third floor before disappearing into the building. 


'This could potentially go very wrong.'


"I can feel you my love."  




"Are you close?"  


"I'm directly above the Mikaelson compound. I just watched Klaus hand over three coffins. I'm assuming that he just daggered Elijah, Kol, and Finn."  


"That bastard!" 


"Amelie is with me, she just snuck into the main building."  


"I was transported here a few hours ago. I'm below the building in the crypts."  


"I figured as much."  


"Davina was also here, she was the one to cast a spell on me that rendered me immobile."  


"Amelie should be capturing her soon. I'll come down to get you."  


"Be careful, love."  


"I'll see you soon."  


Using gravity to my advantage I accelerated from where I was and crashed through the compound hard. I tore through wood, tile, and stone before slamming into dirt in the caverns below. 




"I'm here Freya." 


"It's me Nicole, Freya is stuck behind some spell in my mind. She can only speak telepathically." 


"We'll figure it out, let's just get out of here first."


I scanned the room for hexes and traps. Spotting none I broke the chain holding Nicole to the wall and grimaced. The chain had been enchanted, somehow they worked on Freya's body. Sending out a silent thanks to Morgana for my 'upgrade' I picked up Nicole in a bridal carry before flying up through the hole I had made. Amelie greeted me at the first floor with an unconscious Davina slung over her shoulder. 


I flew her up right next to me and we both flew up and out of the ruined roof of the compound. Just as we left the compound shouts came from below us. Looking down I saw a group of men and women gathered around the remaining Mikaelsons. Esther stepped forward and began muttering a spell. A spell that completely failed to do anything. I grinned before flipping them the bird and flying higher. Once we were well above the clouds again I flew us towards Mystic Falls as fast as I could without harming Nicole or the still unconscious Davina. 


"That was easy." 


"Don't jinx it Amelie." 


She grumbled and I shot her a grin, "Okay, I admit. That was easy." 

[Merlin POV]

Myrddin watched as Seth flew away with three other women with a frown on his face. He had tried to affect Seth's mind once again but found that he was unable to. Something his damned 'sister' had done no doubt. 


"What now M, they got away." 


"Have faith Niklaus, they won't get very far." 


"And yet they've escaped you." 


He scoffed, these vampires didn't understand the finer details of planning out an elaborate story. Seth was following the path that had been set out for him by Morgana. Something Myrddin was trying very hard to hijack so that he could seize the powers Morgana had given Seth. 


Should the young man find out exactly what Morgana had done it would mean the end of his entertainment. 


'I must stop him from discovering the truth. Damn you Morgana.' 


Niklaus glared at the back of the man's head as he walked away without a word. M or whatever the hell his name was, was starting to get on his nerves. Not only had the man conspired with Davina Claire to bring back his mother and step-father. The man also found all sorts of ways to push his many buttons. 


He had daggered the rest of his siblings when he had learned that the young witch had resurrected his mother and Mikael. It was the only way to protect them after all. 


He would see to it that they were transferred to a location that only he knew. Then he would search for his prodigal son Marcel and his sister Rebekah. Who disappeared conveniently right as Esther and Mikael came around. 


He had heard whispers of a failed Harvest ritual in the quarter recently and knew that Davina had something to do with it. 


'I need to look into this. I don't trust Tristan, Lucien, or Aurora as far as I could throw them. They are definitely up to something.' 


Shelving his thoughts for another day he retreated into the compound and started to make plans to recover the young witch from Seth. 


A smile spread across his face, he had the perfect idea on how to achieve this feat. 

[POV Restored]

I set Nicole down on my bed gently. She had fallen asleep on our way back from New Orleans. Amelie was currently keeping watch over Davina who had woken up and was frantically looking for an escape route. Anna was tasked with preparing a cell in the basement to contain the magic Davina could wield. 


Nicole groaned blinking groggily as she woke up, they eventually met mine and she tensed for a moment before visibly relaxing and letting out a sigh. 


"You haven't aged a day." 


"No, you haven't either, you're still as beautiful as the day I lost you." 


"Freya has been telling me about you. Apparently you're filthy rich now, and you have a harem." 


"Not by choice." 


"What. The harem or your financial situation?"


"The harem." 


She looked to me for an explanation. "The woman who turned me, Morgana, she also took my emotions and did something to them. From that day on I acted impulsively. I regret some of the things I've done. The banks and the money though, that was all planned out." 


"So the harem?" 


"It's not a harem. Technically there's only you and Amelie. Well, Freya and Amelie. But since you're in her body, or she's in yours? It's all very confusing. Basically Amelie and Freya both became my mates and my girlfriends at the same time. There was another woman, Evelyn. Though I think she distanced herself from me since I did sort of steal her from her partner I think."


"How do you 'sort of' cuck someone?"


"Dulled emotions and being caught up in my moment." 


"Sounds like an excuse." 


"Honestly? It is…. Once I arrived here I was lost." 


'Wow that's an 'Inception'  moment if there ever was one.' 


"I wanted to take over the world at first, then I decided to try and have some fun. Sort of got carried away at that point and now here I am."


"You're shit at telling stories." 




"But I'm glad to see you again babe." 


"Wait what?" 


"Technically we never broke up." 


"Nicole…. You literally died." 


"Yeah well I'm here now." 


"You still want to be with me?" 


"Sharing you is going to be hard to get used to. Especially since I'm sharing this body with Freya Mikaelsdottir at tbe moment." 


"About that, there was this 'alternate reality' where you mentioned something about a ritual and Davina Claire." 


"The Harvest, she needs to complete it or some cataclysmic shit happens." 


"Yeah we sort of kidnapped her so we could complete it." 


The deadpan stare made me wince. "Was I not supposed to do that?" 


"No." She sighed. "She needs to go back. She can only complete the ritual on  ancestral land." 


"Damn, I'll go tell Amelie." 


I made a move to get up from the side of the bed but anicole grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. Her lips crashed onto mine catching me off guard. Breaking away from the kiss she smiled and leaned back on the bed. 


"I've missed you." 


"I- I'll go check on the others." 


I left the room in a hurry, practically flying to the dungeons where I felt three human sized signatures. Amelie had successfully put Davina in her cell, Anna was watching the two glare at each other by the door. 


"What happened?" 


"The little witch tried to cast a spell on Amelie. It did not work." 


"I see." 


"Amelie are you alright?"


"Yeah I'm fine. She tried to light me on fire not knowing that I can control the elements." 


"We have to take her back." 






"Just spoke with N- Freya. To complete the Harvest ritual she needs to be in ancestral land." 


"No! Please! Don't take me back. I don't want to die." 




"Yeah, the ritual needs four virgin sacrifices to strengthen the coven."


"That's barbaric." Anna glared at the girl. 


"Marcel helped me escape. They already killed the three others. Please, don't take me ba-urk" 


She didn't finish the sentence, dirt poured from her mouth. Tears ran down her face as she threw up some more dirt. 


"What did you do!" 


"It wasn't me I swear!" 


"It's the repercussions of not completing the ritual." 


We turned to face Nicole who was standing by the door now. 


"This is one of the first signs, there's going to be an earthquake next." 


As if on cue tbe world shook and dust rained down from the ceilings.


"Fuck, open the cell." Amelie threw open the cell door and I grabbed Davina with my power. The young witch was still crying. "Keep watch over the house, I'll take her back to the Quarter." 


I ran out of the front of my home before blasting off into the sky with a sonic boom. 

[Multi POV]

John Gilbert groaned as he clutched a stab wound on his gut. A woman that looked like his daughter Elena stood over him with a dagger in her hand. 




The woman tilted her head as if recognizing her own name. He felt his legs give out from beneath him and he dropped to the floor. Alaric had disappeared, probably captured. They had met up several hours ago at a warehouse where Amara, one of the supposed 'first immortals', was located. It had all gone wrong the moment they stepped into the warehouse. There had been vampire guards as well as some sort of large crate. 


They had dealt with the guards easily enough but when it came to the crate, that's where shit really hit the fan. When they opened the large wooden box they were met with a statue of some kind. The features were a little hard to make out, but it seemed to be of a woman that bore a striking resemblance to Kathrine Pierce and his daughter Elena. 


John and Alaric didn't expect to be ambushed and for the statue to seemingly come to life. There he lay, bleeding out on the floor of a warehouse, Amara standing over him with the bloody dagger still in her hand. Just as his vision faded out he spotted Alaric hiding behind a pile of boxes with a look of worry on his face.


Alaric Saltzman watched as John passed out from blood loss. Vampires poured out of the shadows and surrounded Amara. A woman stepped forward and began to speak to the immortal who up until ten minutes ago was a statue. 


"What now?" 


"Now we find her so that I can get my revenge."




"She will get hers eventually. I speak of the woman who brought me to this cursed land." 


"What being could have brought you here?" 


"Her name is Morgana." 


Alaric held his breath trying to mentally note all the names they mentioned. The council had to know about this new danger.