
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

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Amelie explained what had happened to me according to what Finn had told her when he dropped my unconscious form here. 


Much like my supposed 'vision' we had gone to The Abattoir. Only it hadn't gone the way I hoped. After slaughtering the Strix I hadn't found Freya/Nicole in the dungeons bellow. Apparently Mikael and Esther had appeared and subdued me somehow with the aid of Davina. 


'So what the hell had that been? A divergent timeline? Did I witness an alternate reality?'


None of it made any sense. Morgana gave me her powers in both iterations of the events. She was practically a god with what she could do. Apparently Mikael had staked me with some sort of special dagger. I remembered that Morgana mentioned that I couldn't die so long as she lived. Did this mean she was alive? Or did this mean I had also been given her version of immortality? 


I felt the start of a migraine and I poured myself a drink of blood and bourbon. Downing the drink before pouring another I slumped into my chair. This was technically the first time I had been beaten since arriving to this world. It was not a good feeling. Especially with my now returned emotional range. Rage, annoyance, and anxiety. It wasn't a good combination. 


Thinking on it, Morgana had basically forcefully 'flipped my humanity switch'. I contemplated doing it myself again as my recent actions weighed heavily on me. Evelyn was an example. I had snatched her away from her husband. Even if he had been a total cunt, it wasn't right. Possibly why she hadn't contacted me in years. Then there was Amelie, who I had raised. The relationship was all kinds of wrong. I downed my drink again, hoping that despite my vampiric constitution that I could get drunk enough to forget the bullshit I did. 


Making up my mind I decided that I would live with what I had done. Shutting myself off from my emotions again was not an option. It was cowardly and would not associate myself with being a coward. 


'I've made my bed' as the saying goes. I racked my memories of the significance of Davina and the Harvest. I knew it was important in some way. Nicole would have told me. 


"What would I have told you?" 


I sat up, Nicole's voice had just echoed in my head. 






"Are you in my head?"  


"I can speak in your mind… or that's what Freya tells me."  


"What do you mean 'Freya tells me'?"  


"Whatever they've done to us they've somehow managed to draw Nicole into my body Seth."  




"The one and only."  


"This is all getting very confusing."  


She sighed, I didn't even know it was possible for her to sigh in my head. 


"When I got captured while you were off trapeseasing around for Morgana, we're going to have a very long talk about that when I get back, the little bitch did some ritual that pulled forth someone who could 'defeat' you. Do you follow me so far?"  


"Who am I talking to right now?"  


"That's not fucking important Seth. Just listen for the love of fuck."  


"Alright! Jeez calm do-"  


"I know you did not just tell me to calm dow-"  


"Nicole…." The screaming died out. "You will get your chance to lay into him later. Let me finish my explanation."  




I noticed slight differences in their accents and the way they spoke. Freya had the slightest Nordic accent and spoke almost as if she was falling asleep. Nicole, on the other hand, still had the quick tongue of someone who grew up in New York along with a penchant for cursing. 


"So you're both talking in my head."  






"Okay I'm glad we established that."  


"Can I go back to my explanation now?"  


"Sorry…. Please, go ahead."  


There was another sigh. "Their ritual pulled Nicole's soul into this world as she was already dead in your original world."  


"Thanks for leaving me by the way."  


"It wasn't my-"  




That was the first I had ever heard Freya raise her voice. She had also cursed. Feeling embarrassed I quiet down and waited for her to continue. 


"As I was saying. Nicole's soul was pulled into this world and into my body as apparently she is my human doppelgänger in your world. We are both occupying the same body. Davina must also complete the Harvest ritual or all of New Orleans will be razed into the ground. Marcel and Rebekah must have been used as power sources for the ritual and to bring back my parents. I know not of where they are being held but maybe you could convince Davina to help. She is but a child pulled into this life unwillingly by her coven."  


"You do realize I almost killed her right?"  


"Gods damn it Seth!"  


"I'll send Amelie to negotiate with her while I deal with the in-laws."  


"We're not married yet."  


"We could be."  


"Could you not talk like I'm not here please?"  


"Sorry Nicole."  


I could have sworn she rolled her eyes. With the both of them telepathically speaking to me I now had a clear direction to take. I reached out with my power and pulled Amelie gently towards me mentally. She appeared later in a blur of vampire speed before taking a seat across from me in my study. 


"What is it?" 


"Freya, I've found her." 


"Well what are we waiting for?" She stood up ready to burst through my door. "Come on let's go." 


"Not yet, They haven't told me where they are." 




"It's a long story. One that I will be glad to tell you later." 


"Okay what do you need me to do?" 


"There's a young witch, Davina, being held at the Mikaelson estate in New Orleans." 


"Got it, kill the witch." 


"NO! Fuck, let me finish." 


"Right, sorry." 


Waving off her apology I rubbed the bridge of my nose. 


"Now you know how it feels like to be interrupted."  


"Please not now Freya."  


"Freya told me that Davina needs to complete the Harvest Ritual. If not then the city will apparently fall to ruin. Freya is also more than likely still at the city being held captive by Mikael and Esther. I just need you to convince the young witch to finish the ritual so that we can buy a bit more time to locate and save Freya." 


"That's it? Easy. I'll be back in a few days." 


Amelie disappeared in another blur and I was left alone in my study. Only to return moments later. 


"I'm sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me. Anna volunteered to stay behind and watch the house." 


"I don't see why not, let me get changed." 


I was still in my lounging attire, I quickly put on a pair of dark jeans, boots, and a black button up shirt. Throwing my coat over my shoulders I ran downstairs to meet with Amelie by the door. 


"Why the coat?" 


"I thought it would look cool while we fly over there." 


"We're flying?" 




"I haven't flown since I was still a kid. Back when you saved me from the Mikaelsons when Kol kidnapped me." 


"I remember." Smiling at her, she leaned forward and placed a delicate kiss on my lips before backing up and offering her hand. 


We stepped out to the front and once I had my coat properly on, took off into the sky. We flew at a steady pace, I couldn't help but to look over to Amelie as we flew. She looked around at the view below us as we flew by. Wonder was evident in the way her eyes glimmered. 

She looked up at me and smiled. My heart seized at the sight. 


'Fuck she's beautiful. I'm a sick bastard, but I think I actually LOVE her.' 


"I love you too." She said barely above a whisper. 


'Did I say that out loud? Shit that's embarrassing.' 


She squeezed my hand and I returned my focus to flying us to our destination.