
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Videospiele
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272 Chs

Side Story 8: The Almighty Narukami Ogosho God of Thunder

Ein ran away with Klee in his arm. Carrying her like a little sack of cuteness while she cheered him on.

"Go Ein-nii! Don't let them catch us, or we'll be grounded!" He patted her head and laughed. "They can't ground us Klee, the HQ's gone guhahaha!"

Jean and Eula chased them around while the other knights looked at the destroyed building they operate in.

"Klee! Come back here! You just crossed the line! All the papers... All the work I've done that were lost..." Jean was simultaneously having a breakdown because all her work was lost while the HQ exploded. And it would give her even more work.

The Spindrift knight Eula tried to pincer them by taking advantage of Jean's path while chasing them. "You vile cur! As the enemy of the Knights of Favonius, my vengeance will bring you to justice!" She started to freeze the ground, making it slippery and so Klee won't get potentially harmed and Jean used her vision to cut the wind in front quickly arriving beside Eula, but he just laughed.

"Make me you lewd knight! Wearing skin tight spandex and showing off those thick and juicy thighs! Such blasphemy to real knights!" He slid on the ice with grace and did a flip in front of Eula, with her good dynamic vision. She saw him with a smug smile on his face when he went close to her.

Ein then slapped her ass cheek and it made a loud meaty sound. Making her freeze in place while Jean gasped, shocked out of her mind that he would do that convoluted flip just to slap Eula's behind.

"That Klee, is the Mondstadt's ass. And it's glorious." Eula blushed an atomic red. Trying to make a sentence, but she could only sputter.

"Hmmm, vengeance will be yours? Come and slap my butt as well knight. If you can." He laughed boisterously and Klee nodded. Agreeing that Eula is the thicccest knight in Mondstadt, with 3 c's.

She fumed and swung her claymore vertically, intent on cutting him down. He blocked it with a finger and smirked. "Y-you... I will remember this day! My vengeance knows no bounds, and it will reach you. Not now, but it surely will!" She tried freezing him but of course he just shrugged it off.

"Hehe~ Enough play time Klee, I need to leave you see? And I don't think I can take you with me." He snapped his fingers and the HQ rewinded to its previous state before the bombing.

Surprising Jean once again while Eula glared daggers at him, thinking that she must know more of the mysterious tall man.

"That's a wrap." He put down Klee and pushed her softly to Jean. "Jean! This is Ein-nii, the coolest ever! He plays with me whenever he goes here in Mondstadt. But he has to go after we play." She then lost her chipper attitude and looked at the ground.

"Don't worry Klee, I'll visit here with some other friends sometimes. I'm sure you'll get along with them." He gave her a jar of chocolate cookies that were almost the size of her face. Making her eyes glimmer with excitement.

"Yay! Thanks Ein-nii!" She received it with gratitude and Jean looked at him, conflicted. "So officers, why were you chasing us? We did nothing wrong?" He did the russian special and denied all accusations.

Jean sighed and massaged her temples. "You cretin! Not only did you cause a huge commotion, you... You also hit my behind! Such transgressions are unforgivable! Mark my words! Vengeance will be mine!" Eula tried to slash him again but he just held the blade between 2 fingers.

"Jean, I don't know about you, but I'm basically a civilian here and your knight is trying to kill me. I demand a trial!" He then slapped Eula's other ass cheek. "Kyaa!" It stung and she had to rub it and started to tear up.

"Ein... Please don't do that anymore. Eula, he's right you know? Though you do have to pay a fine for harassing a knight." She couldn't do anything because the HQ was fine and Eula swung her sword at him. This won't end well for her in trial.

"Hmmm~ Okay, that's fine. I will refrain from pressing charges." He then patted Klee's head and decided to get a drink 1st before returning to Liyue.

"Hah, he's for sure not normal. I even fear that he is a god." Jean looked at the HQ and it was as good as new with just a snap of his fingers.

"Jean. Who is that man? I've never seen him before. And why is Klee even close to him in the 1st place, we need to investigate him! He is clearly suspicious." She was fuming and can't believe that Jean just let him go.

"That won't end well Eula. You can feel it right? He can probably rip you in half with his fingers is an understatement. Your strength is famous with the knights and he can stop your blows using only a finger. Not to mention his strange powers, without even a sign of a vision."

Eula then wondered who he really is and made a vow that she will find out.


Ein tried to find a bar and saw one with a cat on a mug as their signage. "Hmm, this looks like a nice place." He then entered and saw a lot of people, signifying it was a popular establishment.

"Hey you! I bet you're a drunkard just like those guys! Tch, so what will it be? So you can get wasted and don't dare come back again." He looked down and saw a pink haired loli cat girl. (Pic here)

He gasped and ignored her words. "A loli cat girl..." The little girl then glared daggers at him. "I'm not a loli! You damned drunkard!" She huffed and puffed her chest out.

"I'm Diona, and I'm already a grown up! Now shut up and order!" He smiled tenderly and took out a cookie. "I'm Einheri, you can call me Ein Diona. And here, have a cookie." She drooled while staring at the treat.

Slowly reaching out to it like how a cat would, she then gobbled it up. Her cat ears twitching and tail swaying left and right. "Hmm, how about you just give me something non-alcoholic then? I don't really drink much anyway."

Diona narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion when she gained her wits. "You don't want alcohol?" He nodded. "Not really, just something local to drink." He shrugged.

Diona ran with her little legs to the counter of the bar and started to make something. He looked at the ingredients but was still not sure what it is. "Here. I made it nicely because you're not a drunk. But I'll mess it up if you want alcohol you hear me!" He was served a glass of what seemed to be mixed berry juices.

He took a sip and nodded in satisfaction at the taste. "Hmm~ this is quite nice Diona." He patted her head and petted her cat ears.

She started to pur and her tail swayed. Closing her eyes, enjoying the sensation. "Nya nya! Don't touch my ears!" She backed away but was looking on his hand.

"Haha, why? Don't be shy little kitty. I know you like it." He then took out some catnip laced toys to play with cats, starting with a cat teaser and her eyes locked onto it. He then waved it around.

She chased it but couldn't put her hands on it. He filmed everything with a smile on his face, playing with a catgirl loli is priceless after all.

He then enticed her with some luscious sushi rolls that had fatty tuna and some A-5 beef. "How about it Diona, if you let me pet your ears I'll give you these delicious treats."

She smelled the luxurious food and started to drool. Her face then changed to a frown, then a wide smile with drool, then a frown again. Having an internal battle.

He then patted his lap and added some strawberry milk. Also a luscious chocolate ice cream cake. She immediately broke down and sat on his lap, picking up the tuna sushi 1st and popped it into her mouth.

"Hmmm!" She then started munching on them quickly, like they were going to run away. While he petted her ears and Diona felt like she was in heaven.

She quickly finished the dishes and her little tail swayed furiously while eating. Drinking the strawberry milk, she sighed in content and eyed the cake.

She ate a spoonful and was surprised that it was cold. "What sorcery is this... It melts on my tongue and this... This deliciousness." She almost inhaled it from eating it so quickly.

She patted her stomach and purred. "Haha, did you like it?" He smiled which made her embarrassed, remembering that she sold her ears to eat those.

"Un. They were good." She then got sad that she didn't eat them slowly. "Hmm, don't be too sad, I'll leave you a whole cake and a bunch of plates of the sushi." He noticed the cryo vision on her and being a worker in a bar, there must be a fridge there.

"Really? Don't lie! Liars will get taken by hilichurls!" She was expecting the treats and was excited. "Umu, I'm about to leave anyway, I need to prepare." He then left 5 plates of the sushi each while leaving an extra of sashimi and a thick a-5 filet mignon.

"Put the cake in a freezer okay? And eat the savory things quickly, or they'll turn bad." He patted her head one last time and she closed her eyes and purred. "Un, thank you Ein-nii. I'll eat them quickly." She then waved him goodbye when he left.

"Hmm, such a cute little kid. Are all kids here just that cute? I sure hope so, I don't like kicking kids." He then went back to Liyue and teleported to Zhongli's location. Giving him a scare.

"Yo Rex Lapis. I need you to do something for me, though it's your job in the 1st place. But I do admit that it was a good choice in leaving it to the normal people." Zhongli calmed down and raised a brow at his words.

"Ehh, don't be too suspicious. It's about Ganyu, I want you to replace her for some time. We'll go to Inazuma for a nice little vacation." Ein then gave him some papers that consists of Ganyu's work.

"A vacation. I guess Ganyu does deserve it. I accept, though this might pose a problem and my identity would be put in question." He was hiding it for a reason after all. They can't rely on him forever or the mortals won't improve.

"Ahh, that? I will just manipulate their memories, make them think you're the secretary since day one, ez pz. You worry too much really." Ein shrugged and patted his shoulder.

"Just push this button when you think I need to come or blow Liyue up to pieces." He winked and gave him a device that is an emergency beacon.

Morax sweated and nodded gravely. "I won't use it then." Ein laughed and then disappeared. "Hahhh. He honestly wracks my nerves whenever he appears. He would surely kill anyone that would annoys him too much, I only wish there won't be one." He then remembered the Fatui harbingers. And they might, no. Surely offend him, it is only a matter of time with his rising fame and success in the economy of Liyue.


Ein then appeared in Ganyu's office with a bento. "Sweet Rain, I already prepared someone to take over your work. Of course Rex Lapis agreed." She then sighed and decided not to question it.

"When will we depart to Inazuma? I already contacted Yae and she was delighted to say the least." She smiled and was also excited for the trip. Though she did hear some nasty rumors there like the vision hunt. But with the shogun's teacher with her and Yae's blessing. They will surely enjoy the trip without incidents, or so she thought.

"Hmm, how about tomorrow morning? Let's just get Shenhe and depart early. I'll meet you with her in tow at your house okay?" She nodded and he gave the bento before he left.

"What will it be today? I just can't get enough of his cooking!" She started eating and relaxed in her office while the scanners did the majority of her work.

Ein was walking in the harbor and saw a big ship with damages on it. A woman was at the docks, with a mug of beer while overlooking the repair of the ship. (Pic here)

"Hah, that storm did a number on us. Good thing we were able to return without any men overboard." She chugged the beer and sighed in content.

She then saw Ein staring at her. And she saw his intimidating horns and eyes boring into her. "Hey, I haven't seen you here before. Who might you be?"

"Hmm, shouldn't you introduce yourself 1st before asking that lady?" He retorted which made her smile. "Feisty aren't cha? I'm Beidou, the captain of that ship, the Crux. Are you an adeptus?" She looked at him and he was huge. He towers over her and she wasn't small for a woman.

"Hmm, take a guess?" He chuckled and introduced himself as well. "I'm Einheri, call me Ein cap. Pretty impressive ship, but it's fragile innit?"

She raised a brow from his words. "Fragile? What kind of ships are you used to? Anyways, nice to meet cha! How about a drink? Guhahaha!" She could feel that he was a swell guy and she raised her mug of beer.

"Maybe. You look interesting Beidou, the kind I like to talk to. You must have lots of interesting stories to tell?" He materialized a table and took out some hunks of meat, complete with a barrel of the finest beer he made.

Beidou was surprised but simply sat down and Ein served her some of the draft beer, she took a sip and the ice cold drink was simply the best she ever tasted. "Woah, this is... Amazing!" She drank it in one gulp and munched on some meat.

He chuckled and started to drink as well. "So? Had a rough time against a storm?" She nodded and started tasting the different cuisines. Absolutely loving it.

"Umu, nasty storm. Almost took my ship, but we survived. Of course we would, I'm the greatest captain here in Liyue after all hahaha!" She laughed boisterously and ate with gusto.

"These are amazing! Did you make these? Can you become my chef at my crew?" She can't resist eating. It was the best food she ever tasted in her life.

"My rates are quite expensive Beidou, you might not be able to afford it. Though I can accept orders once in a while whenever I am in Liyue." She got curious and thought he might be a legendary beast that roams the lands. She can feel a mysterious power from him that runs as deep as the oceans.

"That can work too. By the way, I'm hearing rumors that an adeptus is running a store here in Liyue, is that person perhaps you?" She was surprised when she heard it and thought they were always hidden from the spotlight.

"That's right, It's quite a success. Though I'm no adeptus. How about you visit sometimes? There are tons of things there that will be useful for voyage at the sea." He remembered that scurvy is a huge problem for sailors. And they could only eat salted meats with hard biscuits for rations.

"Ohhh? Really? Then that would be a big help for the crew. Eating salted fish and meat can wear down your morale after all." She always went to a restaurant after reaching land. Missing some hot food.

"Umu, there are canned soups, meats, all kinds of preserved foods that aren't unpleasant that can last for years. Heaters that don't use fire as well so you can cook food without worrying that the ship will burn down. Also some vitamins and medicine that could definitely come in handy." He advertised his goods.

"Hooo? Then I will surely take a look later. Though I have a question, what do you mean when our ship was fragile? It's the best one in Liyue and it's my pride and joy along with the crew." She was curious on what he meant and he might help in improving it.

"Ahhh, unfortunately. You can't make one like ours, it's simply too advanced. But how about I show you? Gascogne, come." A girl in a white dress then materialized in front of them.

She had metal leggings and a black halo at the back of her head and receivers. She had yellow eyes and blue hair. "Maître, Richelieu class battleship. MNF Gascogne reporting for duty. Where are the enemies maître, I shall deal with them shortly."

Beidou was surprised and her eye almost went out of its socket. "Wh-what. Who is she?" He chuckled and patted the blue haired girl's head.

"She's Gascogne, one of my ships. There are no enemies Gascogne, relax. I just want to show you to an acquaintance of mine who is a captain as well." She nodded and quickly relaxed.

Beidou was confused as hell and tilted her head. "A ship? How can she be a ship? She's clearly human, a bit unique. But human nonetheless." She thought he was a bit crazy.

He laughed and pointed at an empty space in the harbor. "Yes maître." Gascogne then jumped up high and her main body started to materialize, showing a huge battleship with cannons so large, it was about the same size as her ship.

Her jaw dropped and was completely gobsmacked. It was like seeing a behemoth of metal rather than a ship. She couldn't even imagine what kinds of things a ship like that would fight.

"Wh-what! That's what you mean when our ship is fragile?" She gave a dry laugh and sat down on her chair. Completely outclassed.

"Umu, and Gascogne isn't even the largest. Yamato, Musashi, Iowa, Rodney, Nagato, Mutsu, Nelson, Mary Land, Colorado, West Virgina. Come and join Gascogne."

10 battle ships appeared on the seas of Liyue, they all lined up and were absolutely massive. Ein had to redirect the water they were displacing or it will wash over the harbor.

"Hehe... Hahahaha! There's even more of them right now!" Beidou gave an unhinged laugh and he patted her back. "Everyone, how about we show Beidou here what you're made of?" They all nodded and Ein dampened the sound that will come from them firing their guns.

"Armaments activated. Engaging at maximum output." Gascogne loaded and fired a barrage that was impossible for normal battleships, releasing a volley of explosive shells on a poor island. Then they were followed by the others, unleashing a hail of bullets and shells on the island.

They used their normal armaments and shells, not the enhanced ones or they will risk erasing Liyue from the shockwaves. The gunfire were defeaning and Beidou felt the vibrations from the guns firing. They also fired their destroyer and light cruiser guns, bathing the island with immense firepower that Beidou couldn't even imagine.

"Stop stop!!! I get it already." She sighed heavily and massaged her temples. Ein raised his hand and the girls returned to their docks in earth.

"That's insane! You could probably conquer every nation with those if the Archons don't interfere." She was still shell shocked, the guns of the big 7 and the super battleships Yamato and Musashi could still be felt on her body.

"Hahaha! Pretty cool right? I made them myself too!" She deadpanned at him and downed a mug of beer. "You're insane you know that? What would you even need to take down with those monstrous ships." She then started to calm down.

"Nothing really, because I can do their job myself. It's just a hobby really." He shrugged and Beidou could only shake her head from the revelation. "You know what? I won't ask anymore. But you're a captain too huh? A capable shipwright as well. Can I get a smaller one of those?" She asked curiously, nothing ventured, nothing gained after all.

"Hmm, maybe? What's in it for me?" He drank some beer and chewed on some dried squid, waiting for her proposition.

"Uhhh, of course money would be useless. I can't even imagine the cost of those things even if they're smaller. What do you want anyway? I can't imagine anything that you'd want." He then thought about it and just winged it.

"Hmm, how about a date? You take me to the sea? If I'm satisfied, I'll make you a destroyer. Though they'll be smaller." She winced from the name of the class of ship. It sounded ominous.

"Ahh, don't worry. They're pretty small relative to battleships, the ones I showed earlier. And I'll make it even smaller, maybe the size of your ship? You'd need more crew members to operate it after all if it was bigger." She nodded and was fired up.

"Yosh! I already slayed that leviathan Haishan with the Crux! I can only imagine what we could do with your stronger ships!" It would be safer for the crew and they won't be having problems with storms. She will miss the Crux, but she will still use it from time to time.

"Okay then cap'n, deal? You don't look like the romantic type, so I'll be looking forward to it." He gave a smile and Beidou puffed her chest.

"Umu, leave it to me! Beidou! There has to be a 1st to everything. And I will conquer this date just like the seas." She gave a confident smile and started drinking again.

"I'll be going to Inazuma. I'll catch you later, send your schedule to my secretary in the shop okay? See ya captain." He pinched her nose and walked away.

"Huh, that guy is surely interesting. A bit crazy, but interesting. I wonder what kinds of adventures we would have." She enjoyed the food and drinks he left, calling her crew to drink some beer as well.


Ein picked up Shenhe early in the morning and went to Ganyu's home. She was already up as well, used to waking up early because of work. "Let's go! I'm quite excited right now." Ganyu was carrying a large back pack with her necessities while Shenhe doesn't have anything with her except her spear.

"Okay then girls, let us travel. How do you want to go? I suggest flight!" They then got curious. Excited as well to fly high up in the sky.

Ein took out a plane and boarded it. "Metatron, lead us to Inazuma, these are the coordinates." He gave the location and they started to fly. Shenhe and Ganyu looked over the windows like children, gasping and enjoying the view.

"Awesome right? Do you girls like it?" They didn't even hear him and were busy watching the islands and Liyue from up high. "Hmm, this will get their attention." He chuckled and served some food.

A nice salad for Ganyu made from the finest vegetables and dressed with a vinaigrette, while Shenhe received a nice fillet of salmon, atop a bed of luscious cauliflower puree and some wine glazed carrots on the side. Now that he knows she's fine with anything and not a strict vegetarian like Ganyu, he decided to serve her something gentle at 1st before going all out with some steak or something.

They smelled the food and couldn't resist the aroma. Shenhe enjoyed her food, she only ate plants in the mountains with Cloud Retainer after all.

After some time, they quickly arrived at Inazuma and decided to travel by foot. "Hmm, Yae is supposed to receive us." Ganyu started to look for her. They were in Narukami island and Yae told them they will meet near a mountain called Yougou.

"She's right there I believe." He pointed at the foot of the mountain and with the 2's good vision, they saw her there. Waving at them.

They walked quickly and greeted the miko. "How you doing Yae? It's been a while." He smiled and gave her some souvenirs from Liyue.

"Fufufu~ Quite fine. Ara~ Is she your companion?" She looked at Shenhe and she bowed lightly. "I am Shenhe, take care of me at our stay here in Inazuma."

"Ahh, what a polite child. Let us go then, I will show you your quarters and have lunch with the shogun." They arrived at the grand Narukami shrine and Ganyu looked at it excitedly.

"Umu, so this is where you live Yae? Quite the grand building if I say so myself." It looked simple, but the architecture was elegant. And the building oozed culture, it must have been made a long time ago.

"Why thank you. Let us enter, we haven't got all day." She showed them their room and waited to be called again to have their lunch.

"Ein, this place is totally different from the city life of Liyue, it feels more... In line with nature if I had to say?" Ganyu said and Shenhe nodded.

"It's like a city made by adeptus. It reminds me of nature, unlike in Liyue harbor where buildings dominate the land. Though we haven't come to the city here yet." Shenhe added and Ein took out some cards.

"While we burn some time, let's play some cards, I'll teach you guys something called Poker." He taught them and shuffled the cards using his telekinesis. He can calculate every combination to win, but he just enjoyed the game with the 2. Quickly passing the time.

"Everyone, lunch is ready and we will dine with the shogun shortly, please prepare yourselves alright?" Yae appeared and told them that it was time.

They quickly cleaned up and started to walk with their guide. "Raiden shogun-sama. We are here." She opened the door and they saw the shogun. (pic here)

"Greetings Shogun-sama. Thank you for your hospitality, we are grateful for it." Shenhe and Ganyu bowed as they are in front of the electro archon.

"It is not a big deal travelers, Miko is quite fond of you. And she is a trusted aide of mine." She spoke in monotone and Ein noticed something was amiss.

"Hmmm, is that how you greet your master? Ei?" Yae looked at him, aghast from his words. After all, even though she teases Ei, she is still her master.

"Hmm? E-Ein-sama!? Wh-when did you return?" She then bowed deeply, a full 90 degrees which surprised everyone.

"E-Ei. Why are you bowing?" Yae asked and Ei glared at her. Gesturing for her to kneel down on the ground. She quickly followed and was confused, but it is her will after all.

"Ein-sama. Please forgive my subordinate, she doesn't know you." He walked up to her and Ei started to get increasingly nervous, beads of swear on her brow.

Her mind raced and she thought that Inazuma was doomed, panicking and was about to beg for mercy. But he laughed boisterously and patted her head. "Why are you so scared Ei, it's just a joke, come on. Stand up, it's a joyous occasion today, I haven't seen you in a long time after all." He propped her up along with Yae and she too laughed nervously.

"I did not know you would come to Inazuma, please enjoy your stay here." They then sat down and there was an awkward silence.

"What? I already told you Ganyu, Ei and Makoto were taught some dance moves by me way back then." He chuckled and started to take out some food.

"Here, I made these myself Ei. Yae already knows how good it is, so help yourself." She nodded and gulped, slowly reaching out with her chopsticks. "Ahh~ so good! Thank you for this Ein-sama."

She started to calm down and the awkward atmosphere started to go away, but everyone was still quiet. They quickly finished eating and Ein spoke.

"By the way, Ei. Why are you using a body that isn't yours? Did you create it or something?" She flinched and looked on the ground.

"I... I could not escape erosion Ein-sama. I created this puppet so I could exist in this realm for eternity. I did it to preserve Makoto's legacy." She said in a somber tone which made him sigh.

"I see, well. How about I turn that into your real body? Hold still." He then started to change the puppet to her original form back when he 1st met her. He then noticed that the erosion she talked about was like Hua's problems with SWARA, so he upgraded her neural network and made it similar to his. While making it more efficient and would still lose memories, though stored in their subconscious.

Unlike SWARA that would need to delete them permanently or overload the brain with too much data. "Hmm, how do you feel Ei? Is it the same when I 1st met you and Makoto?" He then gave some milk tea as she must be getting used to it.

"Wh-what... I can feel it, it's like I'm reborn. And back from the past, 2000 years ago..." She clenched her hands and patted all over her body.

She then took a sip from the drink and got surprised, her senses were enhanced too and the taste of the milk tea improved. "Thank you Ein-sama. I'm in your debt." She did a dogeza and thought that she could now take care of Inazuma more now that she has full time control of her body, not worrying about erosion.

"All's well, ends well. You're welcome Ei, now how about we show everybody here your sick dance moves." He took out a TV and started to play the flick where she danced with Makoto.

Yae did a spit take and choked on her tea when she saw it. Coughing violently from the revelation. Shenhe was interested in it and thought that he might like that kind of dance.

"Ein-sama! Please don't show them that!" She protested, but it fell on deaf ears. "Hmm? Did you say something? Show the others as well? Sure, I'm easy to talk to."

He then switched to where the sisters were trying the flirty lines and Ei turned atomic red. While Yae's eyes were peeled. Not even blinking once. 'I must get my hands on those...' She started to think on trading something for the film.

"Ugh, forgive me Makoto. I cannot possibly stop him." She asked for forgiveness from her sister and prayed for her soul.


Thanks for reading, and of course Makoto cannot rest. She will be embarrassed as well next time.