
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Videospiele
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272 Chs

Chapter 25: Souped Up

I pump up my body with endorphins to prepare for the incoming experiment. As the needles pierce my body and slowly injected honkai energy I started to feel numb. At first I thought it wasn't too bad.

Then it hit like a truck, all the nerves in my body were on fire. The honkai energy invading every part of my body, 1st my muscles, then my bones as all cells were engulfed by the corrupting energy.

"Argh! Don't stop Mobius! I can handle this!" I said as I looked at her.

Mobius: "Your cells are starting to degrade! You can't handle much more."

Ein: "This is fine! I can handle it, trust me!" Pink circuit like veins started appearing on his back. Slowly, it starts crawling all over. It appeared on his limbs next, then on his neck and face.

As the machine fully injected everything. Mobius saw him breathing heavily, sweat was flowing all over his body like he just finished a marathon. "How do you feel?" She frowned.

Ein: "What do you think? Like shit." He muttered with a hoarse voice.

Mobius then got excited "Can you believe it!? This is the first ever successful human trial on honkai energy integration at that dose! Come lie on the table quickly! I must get samples from you immediately."

He shook his head at her excitement "Geez Mobius, can't I catch my breath for a second."

Mobius: "You can rest on the table! Now, we need to examine you!"

Ein: "Alright already, I won't run you know?" He lied on a table that was prepared and diagnostics was done on his body that is still glowing from honkai energy.

Mobius' face was almost touching the screen of her computer. "Exquisite! Your cells have stopped degrading and there are basically no mutations or deformations that I can find. Over all this must be a success!"

I stood up and looked at a mirror. "Damn, I look like a magus with fucked up magic circuits. Hey Mobius, this will slowly recede right? I can't look like a person infected with honkai you know."

"Let's hold you here for a bit depending on how long it'll disappear. Do you feel anything different?" She asked, curious.

I closed my eyes and focused on my body. Hm, this is weird. I can feel something foreign inside my body. Let's try and influence it, I then willed it to move copying those xianxia novels or chakra from Naruto.

I tried to make it move outside my body but it didn't want to. So I just used it on myself, slowly, I felt it encase me.

Mobius: "Y-you're floating! How do you do that!? Is it the energy? Can you feel it? What do you think can it do!?"

With my concentration broken I returned to the ground "Woah, I reall was floating! Calm down Mobius or I won't tell you." I grin at her.

She glared at me like I killed her parents "What do you mean calm down!? Of course I can't. This is the very first time in history that someone besides a herrscher can manipulate something using honkai energy!"

I put my hands up, surrendering to her enthusiasm "Okay, okay. I feel something foreign inside my body like another limb entirely and I can will it to move. When I used it on myself, as you can see I floated. Let me try something else."

I saw a pen on the table, I tried to make the energy move outside of my body again as I started imitating a force choke on the poor pen. My arm's pink circuits glowed as the pen slowly floated.

Mobius stared wide eyed at the phenomena. "You can make things float as well? Maybe it's telekinesis?" She started writing on a clip board. "What's your limit? Can you try it on something heavier?"

I nod and looked at her. She looked confused at first then gasped as my hand got in her direction. I tried to lift her by encasing her on it and it kinda felt like a weak hand for now that can't lift much, but she still floated.

She flailed at first but then started writing again. I flip her upside down by imagining it and gesturing, she slowly rotated until her head was floating above the ground.

Mobius glared at me weakly "Hey! Don't play with your powers using me you idiot!" She flailed wildly as she protested.

I gave her a shit eating grin and as she saw it she started to sweat. "Hmm, Moby-chan doesn't appreciate my gift, maybe I should punish you~"

She shivered and looked at me nervously "Ein, we can talk about this! Don't do it! I swear if you do!" She got cut off as I juggled her around like a ball.

"You fucking bastard! Put me down!" I slowly put her down as she sat on the floor. "Ugh, you stupid buffoon! Why did you do that!?"

I shrug "Because it's fun of course, loosen up Mobius. You're gonna get old quickly if you don't have fun sometimes."

Mobius: "It WAS fun at first! But you had to ruin it by juggling me like a ball!"

I patted her head "Sorry, sorry. I'll tell you about other things that I felt that changed."

Mobius pouted and was a bit teary eyed. Maybe I did tease her a bit too much.

"So, I also feel like it increased my strength a fair bit. You don't have anything I can use here to test it so it'll be in my training ground later. I don't quite know the limits of this, I'll test it in the future."

Mobius: "I see, we will test it later then. Can you do it unlimitedly? Telekinesis I mean."

Ein: "Now that you say it, I can feel that it's quite exhausted like it just did a workout or something. It must be tied to the amount of honkai energy I have in my body."

Mobius: "Then we'll have to slowly increase the amount of your honkai energy." She gave a manic grin "I'll surely enjoy injecting you with some more~" She purred.

I laughed at her "Sorry Moby-chan I don't think you'll be pleased at our next sessions. I probably won't feel like I'm melting next time."

Mobius then had a realization as her shoulders drooped "Tch, I forgot that your cells have incredible adaptability and resilience. I just have to pump you full of it then."

She chuckled and smiled a bit. "Hey Mobius, I know you like science a lot. But is there anything else that drives you to improve humanity? To the point of obsession even."

Mobius went silent for a few moments and looked at empty space.

"A reason huh? I don't really keep it secret but this is the first time someone has asked me. Well, it all started when I was born. They told me that I already had my first words when I was just born. A genius they say, but my mother died giving birth to me."

"My father works at an apothecary and was quite renowned. But it all started going down hill when he was afflicted by an unknown disease. The side effects of his medicine made him violent, he would beat me often because of it." She said almost mockingly.

"I didn't hate him, after all it was the side effects of his treatment. I pitied him instead, because of the disease he had to take medicine that slowly ate away at his sanity and logic."

"At my 9th birthday I was beat up again. I left and went to a prestigious school that sponsored everything for me. I then had a realization that humans are imperfect, ugly, and ridiculous. I vowed to make humanity the perfect organism so they won't be like my father."

Then it became silent. After a few moments I patted her head and smiled at her "Hm, that's quite impressive. Look at you now, a scientist in MOTH and we're starting to make your ambitions true. Good job Mobius."

Mobius just stared at me but she did crack a small smile "Thank you. It does frustrate me a bit that you're the catalyst for my success in my endeavors."

Ein: "Hahaha, don't mind it. As a scientist, it doesn't matter as long as you succeed. With our without help does it?"

Mobius: "Well, nobody has been able to help me after all besides Klein. Speaking of her, can we tell her about your special conditions so I don't have to make her leave every time you go here? I'm quite busy and I need help."

Ein pondered for a moment "Do you trust her? If you do, then fill her up about our experiments. You might just exhaust yourself and have a heart attack, sitting on your chair all day."

Mobius: "I'll inform her then, I believe she is trustworthy, competent as well.

Ein: "Okay. Speaking of assistants, you work too much Mobius. You're the quintessential workaholic. I have an idea, now that we have made some breakthroughs I'll prepare something for you. Go to my room, I'll be back in about an hour. If I don't see you there I won't work with you anymore got that!?"

I then wore a turtle neck long sleeve so I can hide my apparent honkai corruption, thankfully the ones on my face disappeared. I dashed to the kitchen and prepared a simple 3 course meal that I made using my inhuman specs.

With 15 minutes to spare I arrive at my room where I saw Mobius staring at the pikachu bootleg plushie in my room. What? It's cute so I had one for myself.

"Oya? You like cute things huh Moby-chan?" I smiled sweetly at her.

She froze and then looked at me "What do you mean?" She denied

Ein: "You know there's no point lying, I saw you staring at my plushie."

Mobius sighed "I don't particularly like plushies, I like small animals. But they just run from me everytime."

I got stunned for a good few seconds "You like small animals? That's unexpected. Maybe because you have this unsettling look on you all the time. Even MOTH agents are scared of you, I'm sure you've noticed."

She froze for a minute as she internalized what I said. I just prepared the dishes that I made "Do I look... That scary?" She slowly said

I shake my head "A bit, but I think it's because you feel dangerous. Like people feel you stare at them like a lab rat that's to be dissected."

"I see." She then smiled but it looked evil. "How about now?" She asked

Ein: "Uhhh, you look evil Moby honestly. You subconsciously lick your lips too when there's something interesting like when we first met. That can give people the creeps."

Mobius frowned "Do I really look that bad?"

Ein: "Umu, you're beautiful honestly very even. But you feel dangerous hahaha."

Mobius then looked at herself on a mirror and analyzed herself thoroughly.

I finished setting up and it smelled heavenly. I heard Mobius' stomach rumble. I made some scallops for our appetizer, a herb encrusted lamb chops and a tiramisu for dessert. After I made some meals for the gang I quickly ordered tons of food so I can make everything I want without relying on the ingredients in the kitchen here at MOTH.

"Don't worry about it too much Mobius I'm probably the only one that saw you smile genuinely and it was honestly stunning. Helps that it happens rarely too." I patted her head "Go on, I made this especially for you. You probably haven't eaten good food in a long time. It's delicious I guarantee it."

She took a fork and we started eating. Mobius ate quickly and efficiently. Surely because she wants to save time. After we finished she sighed contently and smiled. I quickly took a picture.

"There! I got solid evidence of your amazing smile Moby-chan. I'm gonna use this for negotiations because of how rare it is."

Mobius: "Hey! Give me that!" She lunged at me and I let my body go on the ground, I'm like a concrete wall after all, she'll hurt herself.

I stored the camera immediately and stuck my tongue out at Mobius. "Hey! That's cheating..." She noticed that she was on top of me and squishing her melons on my pecs.

I wiggle my eyebrows "You're quite aggressive Moby-chan~ pushing me down in my room. And we just had dinner once."

Surprisingly she didn't get off immediately and closed her eyes as she laid her head under my chin. "Is this what having friends are like? I feel so satisfied, like I just made a major breakthrough in my projects."

I hugged her waist and patted her head "Feels nice right? Well at least you have me as a friend now Mobius. I doubt other people will understand you, but I'm sure we will be together for a loooong time."

We basked in the moment for a minute as she slowly stood up. "Thank you Ein, for letting me experience something interesting."

Ein: "No problemo. Oh, how about we buy a cute little pet for you so you'll have a nice companion in the lab. There are no dangerous things there that can be reached by pets anyway. Ooh, maybe a chinchilla. Those little guys are cute and it just needs a little house set up. I'll take care of the rest."

Mobius was shocked for a moment "You don't need to do that. It will be an unnecessary disturbance for me."

Ein: "Don't say that, you like small animals right? Chinchillas don't need much, and I'll help you take care of it. Klein can help too and it'll be our little mascot in the lab."

Mobius hesitated for a bit but still gave in "Fine, but you'll help me with it. I'm a busy person with very valuable time."

I nodded "You don't have to worry too much, we'll make animals love you in a heartbeat."

Mobius: "Thank you for the dinner and everything. It was a pleasant experience, I must go now."

I patted her head and smiled "Anytime, I'll have to make you experience new things as your friend after all."

Mobius nodded and went back to her lab.

I crack my knuckles "Now, I need to test my new powers shouldn't I?"


Omake: Mei's troubles with Mobius

Mobius: "Hi, lightning rat. We meet again.

Mei sighed "I'm not your rat, Mobius. And my name is Raiden Mei, try to remember it this time

Mobius: "Ohh, so you're the type to name small animals huh. Quite cute for a herrscher. But I'm not in the habit of doing that~ There are so many test subjects to keep track of, and I prefer simpler identification methods.

Mei stared at her "I'm not your test subject."

Mobius: "Ah, it's too soon to say that now. After all, Your journey here has barely started. Maybe you'll change your mind later.

Mei rebutted instantly "No, I've made up my mind on this."

Mobius giggled "We'll see about that, herrscher."

As Mei was about to leave Mobius they heard a deep voice behind them that caught them off guard. "Mobius..." Both of them stood still and didn't move. Then they slowly turned their heads at the same time. They saw a tall man, his eyes were closed but his long platinum silver hair was very noticeable. His face looked like it was carved by god and his body screamed absolute power.

"You are scaring the little girl Mobius, I know you're excited as you haven't had a herrscher as a test subject before. I told you before, you can give people the creeps. Stop trying to convince her to be in your experiment. Now apologize, before I whip out your picture while you were playing with Hamsuke."

Mobius shivered and quickly did a 90° bow to Mei "I... I apologize Raiden Mei. I won't bother you with my experiments again."

Mei was gaping like a fish, everybody told her to be careful of Mobius after all, it was just simply mind boggling seeing her apologize like that. After being silent for a solid minute she then got out of her funk "I accept your apology." She then looked at the man, curiously but he was too intimidating

"Excuse me sir, but are you Odin?" She blurted out after channelling the courage.

He turned to her "You are Raiden Mei? Interesting indeed. Yes, I am Odin, I'm surprised you heard me from someone?"

Mei nervously scratched the back of her head "Kevin said your name once, he didn't tell me anything about you though."

He nodded "I see, because you are a special visitor. Being a herrscher, I'll introduce myself." He opened his eyes, they were slightly glowing and his pupils were slits that looked like they were a dragon's. He then looked at Mei's violet eyes.

Mei: This guy radiates danger like crazy! I feel like he's staring at my soul. If I fight him I'll lose in a heartbeat. I want to run away right now, but my legs won't move.

"My name is Einheri. Serial number CM-0. They call me Odin. Rank 0, my codename is Imperator.


Thanks for reading guys! Don't mind the omake I just like making them and you don't have to read them if you don't want to.

Anyways thanks again ciao