
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Videospiele
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272 Chs

Chapter 183: Encroaching Forces

Natasha arrived at Manila and was holding her weapon tightly. Containing the 3rd key's excitement of beating up the 5th herrscher just like the old days.

"Calm down girl, you know we can't kill her." Natasha rolled her eyes and the divine key shocked her a bit. "Ow! What was that for?" Natasha rubbed her hands and glared at it.

The weapon glowed erratically, seeming to be cursing her for having no intent to cause mayhem. And by now, she had a pretty good feel for the weapon, understanding what it wanted to say. Somewhat.

"I know, I know. Geez, Ein-san's better than me, blah blah blah. But you're my partner now." Natasha gave a smirk and the weapon's glow died down to just dim lights. Like it was depressed, its most beloved abandoning it.

Raven felt bad and immediately soothed it. "Sorry, sorry. I'll definitely give this herrscher a good fight. So don't get depressed, okay?" Natasha sighed, but the 3rd key was still dim.

Thinking of showing instead of telling, she immediately ran off and looked at her map. Receiving a locator for herrschers from helixcraft.


Ana, an A-rank Valkyrie that was in the Schariac family. The fair maidens of Schicksal that countered honkai. Especially with their history of the now traitor Adelheid Schariac that could make herrschers kneel with her blood. And her retired twin, Cecilia.

But ironically, she was currently fighting off the influence of the honkai with all her might. And it was a tough battle, her blood not potent like Cecilia's and Adelheid's. Getting corrupted more and more by the second.

"Hah, hah. Damnit. What in the world is happening to me? I've never had a problem with honkai energy before." Ana was confused. Panting heavily from her duress. As she is a measly A-rank, she does not know that the first stages of the birth of herrschers were.

*You are weak, terribly even. What would Bianka and Rita say when they see your pathetic display in this eruption?* She heard a voice and frowned immediately.

"W-who are you? And what do you mean?" Ana felt her anxiety build up as her acquaintances, Rita and Bianka were her goal in life.

*Stop playing stupid, girl. You know what I mean. If help didn't come, your little subordinates would die. And you'd run away, to save your sad life.* The herrscher persona snickered and Ana started having doubts.

"I... I won't do that! T-they're my squad..." She felt that the herrscher was correct about them dying. And it wouldn't even happen if she was even half as strong as Bianka or Rita.

The herrscher felt her doubts seep through her entire being and had a malicious smile on its face. *Then what are you waiting for? Relax, give in and receive power that you have always desired.* The herrscher tempted her and Ana's vision was turning darker.

"Yo, so you're the one with the 5th's core huh?" Raven appeared and had the 3rd key on her shoulder. Giving an amused smirk at Ana.

"Who are you?" Ana squared up, seeing that the woman had a weapon on her and the pair of glowing eyes on her didn't do Natasha any favors of being suspicious.

"Me? Well, this is kinda complicated. I thought you'd be devoured by your herrscher core already, but you have a pretty strong resistance huh?" Natasha sighed and gestured for her to follow.

Ana was confused and she wanted answers. The herrscher clicking her tongue at Natasha's bad timing.

After a few minutes of returning to the ruined city as Ana followed her. Natasha suddenly stopped when she thought that they were far enough.

"So? Who are you and what do you want with me?" Ana squinted her eyes with suspicion and Natasha gave a smirk. "Well, short answer. You." She pointed at her with her claws and Ana frowned.

"What's the long answer?" Ana did not have enough information about her, but Natasha wasn't really giving the vibe of someone that would hunt her down for something. So she listened intently to what she has to say.

"Ugh, I already gave you the short answer. Do you really need to know the long one?" Natasha groaned and didn't really like interacting with people that much. Developing an introverted nature at her time with World Serpent.

"Yes, I would like that please." Ana raised a brow as she didn't really give much information with her short explanation.

"Fine... You have a herrscher core, one of my colleagues really want it for our boss you see? Though things are complicated, as you clearly haven't awakened yet. Or your herrscher persona that is." Natasha squinted her eyes and Ana went wide eyed at the information.

"B-but that's impossible! I'm from house Schariac..." Ana couldn't believe it as Schariacs were known for their incredible honkai adaptability. And she remembered the voice that was talking to her earlier. Starting to have a mental breakdown.

"Uh-oh. Shouldn't have asked about it sweetheart." Natasha clicked her tongue and started to prepare for a fight. Seeing the true stigmata of the 5th that glowed brightly on Ana.

"Urgh." Ana groaned and got on her knees. Immediately starting to feel the corruption take hold of her consciousness. The gestalt will of honkai bearing down on her will immensely.

"You ready, girl?" Natasha patted the 3rd key and started to charge up the weapon for battle. The 7 thunders of Retribution glowed and electricity arced from the railgun. Ready to atomize anything in its wake.

Natasha smirked and gave a chuckle. "I guess we'll be reenacting a one of Ein-san's little feats eh?" Natasha felt the cold encroach as Ana stopped twitching and groaning. Natasha immediately used the charge blade form of the weapon and propped up the gigantic shield as Ana caused the 4th honkai eruption.


MEI, Vill-v, and EINSTEIN were still surveying the world. The honkai was going all out, energy levels still rising. And major honkai outbreaks were going to happen at every facet of the world.

"Ein, this is going to ramp up quite quickly. We need to deploy a flamechaser or one of ours for this." EINSTEIN suggested and Ein nodded.

"Hmmm, this is still pretty tame. I can feel it, a special one would be appearing later. MEI, EIN-chan. Care to have a little mission? You guys have been cooped up here for centuries already, why not go out and touch some grass?" Ein teased them and they pouted at him.

"It's not like I didn't want to go outside Ein... Mobius already knows that the people nowadays do not hold a candle to what we know. It's a cultural and intellectual problem." MEI huffed at him and EINSTEIN nodded.

"Well, just go will you? Do some crazy shit or something." Ein sighed as they were always researching or something. Complete shut ins, unlike Mobius who was still running an organization at least.

"Ugh, fine. MEI, how are we going to go about this?" EINSTEIN brainstormed with MEI and thought of how they would exterminate honkai beasts efficiently.

"Hmmm, let's set up a beacon at the Pacific ocean. Release massive pulses of honkai energy there and reveal one of our landmasses so they could travel. Then let's wrap them all up in one fell swoop." MEI suggested and the two started their plan.

The scientists released a landmass the size of a country on the Pacific and it was built sturdy. Strong enough to wage apocalyptic wars on as they set up the device that would suck up honkai energy and release it as a pulse.

They had a squadron of the best ELFs. Hyperspecialized in their own fields of combat. An Elysia ELF that focuses on long range attacks and crowd control. (pic)

An ELF based on Cheng, using water's edge. A 10th divine key for crowd control and gathering enemies. (pic)

Bianka's ELF, the vanguard of their squad. (pic)

Bella ELF, honkai specialist of the little group. And of course, Sirin's ELF. A honkai specialist as well that focuses on physical damage. (pics)

Tericula's ELF, blood embrace. The heavy weapons Juggernaut that would take care of judgement class honkai beasts and above that has immense defense. (pic)

They stood in line, right in front of their creator as the little squadron got excited. "Master, this will be fun! I can already feel it!" The bubbly Elysia ELF cheered. Though her other team mates were a little too stoic and didn't react.

"Hmph, what are you talking about? This will be a walk in the park." The Sirin ELF haughtily dismissed her, but she had a smirk on her face and couldn't wait to obliterate the enemies.

"Focus on the mission." The Bianka ELF looked at them with incredulity. As they were in an important mission along with their master.

The Cheng ELF nodded at her words and they stared at the blotted horizon. A horde of honkai beasts coming at them like a tsunami at all sides.

It was a grand sight, they were creating tremors on the ground. An army of giants and monsters that caused a stampede. Millions of them were coming just from the land. And more were flying around as they came first to their position.

"Hmph, I'll take care of the ones at the sky. You guys better kill everything on the ground. Ein might not have said it, but this will surely have a reward. And I want something." MEI squinted her eyes at EINSTEIN and her squad of ELFs called the angels of slaughter. As they have gone to numerous xenophobic planets with alien life and committed omnicide, leaving the planets bare, lifeless, apocalyptic.

Bianka ELF cracked her knuckles and neck. Her skin opening up for vents. Their honkai reactors consuming the honkai energy in droves. As long as there was honkai energy, they were perpetual killing machines that the Adeptus Mechanics would jack off to with their robo dicks as they conquered entire star systems with just a small squad.

"Equipment Living Form. Durandal, entering battle." She then disappeared, holding an energy sword. Quickly arriving at the horde of enemies. Killing everything in sight instantly like an Asura. ELF Bianka harvested honkai beasts like grass. Giving her squad more power as she killed them.

"Ahhh, there she goes. She's still has a one track mind." ELF Sirin shrugged, but she smirked nonetheless. The scissors on her back, glowing an ominous pinkish violet as they absorbed the honkai energy from the enemies.

"Umu, quite the excited she is." Bella ELF nodded and her wings of plasma expanded by the second. Concentrating for an aoe attack with Sirin.

"Well, it would be quite crude of us if we do not do anything Bella. Let us go." The two friendly ELFs flew to the skies and their reactors pumped out titanic amounts of honkai energy.

"Conducting cage." Bella whispered, spawning rods of pure electricity behind her back. They then circled around an area. Creating a prison of plasma and lightning that would melt anything that tried breaking through.

She then spread her arms and released all of the energy she gathered. "Thundering Verdict!" Her eyes glowed and a barrage of lightning rained upon the enemies.

The artillery of lightning atomized honkai beasts in droves. Snaking around like locusts that consume everything in sight.

Any leftover lightning and electricity wasn't wasted as well. Entering the conducting rods as they re energized them and released them with greater ferocity. Chain lightning eating through the enemy hordes.

"Hmmm, impressive display as usual Bella. But I won't lose you know? Shackle magic~" Sirin bent space around a massive area and everything around it got compressed. The honkai beasts bunching up for her next magic.

"Snip magic." The blade of her scissors separated and turned into thin threads. Slicing the crowd into 4 pieces as she waved them. Killing everything in front of her as far as the horizon could go.

"Hmph, they're going all out huh? Might as well. Bloody Judgement." Blood Embrace held her axe and it started to expand. The blade of the weapon getting coated by blood.

She then leaped and threw the axe at the center of a horde. Causing a quake as it hit the ground and showered the enemies with blood. Melting anything that the blood rained upon.

"Bianka, I'll assist." The Cheng ELF offered at the comms and started concentrating. "Purge of Evil." Water poured like a tsunami and made a whirlpool. Sucking in any honkai beast that got caught up in the water.

"Nice assist, Cheng. Immortal blades!" Bianka ELF blinked at the congregation of enemies and sucked them in further. She then used her sword with immense speed. An omni-slash sliced them to ribbons.

And when she appeared at Cheng ELFs side, the honkai beasts turned into chunks. The vacuum left by her slashes then sucked up more honkai beasts that were nearby and got decimated by the shockwave.

"Hmph, I can do this all day." Bianka ELF cracked her knuckles once again and started killing anything in her wake.

"Ara~ Everyone is so energetic. I guess I'll do my best as well." Elysia ELF smiled and the halo on her head started glowing pink.

Massive crystal constructs appeared overhead and started dropping at the center of hordes. ELF Elysia then winked at them and used her staff. Releasing a concentrated beam at one of the monoliths.

The monolith then vibrated violently and glowed a brilliant pink, sufficiently charged with energy. Suddenly, lasers started shooting down everything in sight.

ELF Elysia charged up the other pillars and the massacre started. One shot, one kill. The pillars shooting everything with 100% accuracy. Acting as turrets that killed millions in less than a minute.

"Hehehe~ I'm still so amazing, I don't waste a drop of honkai energy ya know~" She boasted to the other ELFs and they got annoyed. As she was right, she is the most efficient ELF. Balancing murder with utmost control.

"Hmm, they're working hard. I guess it's time to work for that reward, Ein did say to exercise a bit." MEI took out a red herrscher core. The gem of haste, Ein loaned it to her for some exercise he said.

MEI was admittedly curious on how her new and improved body would be like if she is a herrscher. She then wore the key of blankness, the very thing that has degraded her body in the past. But now, it was an instrument of war with her new body.

She slotted the gem at her suit. Feeling a surge of honkai energy from the core, but she controlled it immaculately. Her logical mind refusing to let the core go berserk.

"Hmmm, this is quite comfortable. Alright, this should've been expected. It is time for the first phase of the experiment." She took out another core and it was the gem of serenity. Slotting it on the suit, she received the powers of the 6th and 7th herrscher.

"Excellent. My conclusions from the past were correct! A shame that my body back then could not handle the powers of a herrscher." The key of blankness could harness a herrscher core's power to the maximum. Especially because she knows how to use them. And the only thing holding one of her greatest inventions back was the user's body.

Wings of fire and ominous black lines appeared on her back. Her eyes turning to a brilliant vermillion and blood red. She then floated up to the skies, staring at the horde of flying honkai beasts.

"Hmph, you pieces of trash were a pain in the ass back then. But not today." The air started to ignite, MEI sped up the molecular vibrations in the surroundings. Heating up everything in her wake to immense levels.

"Burn in holy fire! Xenos scum! For the Emperor!" She raised her hands and a beam of pure heat travelled among the enemies. Incinerating anything that got hit instantly. The bigger honkai beasts exploding like a bomb from the sharp increase of heat. And MEI manipulated their molecular vibrations. Turning everything to a bomb.

They then exploded grandly, shockwaves decimating everything in sight. The black body radiation blinding everyone from the intense brightness.

"Ugh, nobody heard me right?" MEI looked around as she got a compulsion from being thankful to Ein that she could manipulate physics to her will. As Adamantine might let her do it more easily, but it was more fun doing it herself. Relying on her knowledge and past invention.

"Okay, nobody saw that. I think... Anyways." She started manipulating the matter of the honkai beasts in another area and she got a cruel smile on her face.

"Die! Scum! No prisoners! For the Emperor! AHHHHHH!" The honkai beasts she targeted turned into anti-matter. Sirin ELF quickly erected a barrier as it would be a spectacular event that mankind has never witnessed nor will experience naturally.

With a resounding boom. Tons of anti-matter quickly annihilated itself with normal matter. A world ending explosion then rocked the world. And thanks to Sirin's barrier, it was contained inside the battlefield. Decimating everything in sight.

"Ahhh, shit. Thanks for that save." MEI started sweating and thought that her gene seed was a bit dangerous sometimes.

"Hah, no problem Dr. MEI. Don't worry, Ein-sama won't hold it against you. It's his fault that you became overzealous anyway." The ELF squad nodded and EINSTEIN shook her head.

"Ahhh. You saw it didn't you?" MEI squinted her eyes at them and ELF Bianka immediately called for a tactical retreat. "Run!" The ELFs ran away and left their master to deal with an irate MEI.

"Don't be pissy MEI. Ein and everybody else knows about it already, 100%." EINSTEIN shrugged and MEI frowned. Thinking that she would really ask for something later.


Thanks for reading everyone, I am still alive. Why so worried anyways? Lol, thanks for the concern btw. I just received surgery and been binging some fics. Needed a little rest because anesthesia is a bitch. Anyways, ciao.