
Hollywood System

In a parallel world without Marvel and Dc a new tycoon is about to emerge from the depths. He will conquer the movie industry, create classics, make blockbuster movies, and be crowned the King of Hollywood! [Ps: I do not own anything this is purely fictional all the credits go to the rightful owner. Also if you are going to rate this fan-fic please just put 1 star.]

EliasHanni · Filme
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26 Chs


"I don't have a problem with you starting a Pastry-Café Liam. But I'm telling you that this would be unlike creating comics son. You have to manage your employees, give them wages, and not only that you will have to show your face to them"

John was concerned. This was a new territory that his son was trying to step onto. He doesn't have any problem with Liam wanting to manage a Pastry-Café. He's worried that his son would be managing people and maybe these employees would even try to manipulate him.

"I know Dad. I'll think of something alright?" Liam said to his father, he understands that this would be out of his league, and his identity as a kid could be revealed since he would be managing a Pastry-Café.

Another reason is if those adults would even listen to him due to his age, they could even try to manipulate him in some ways. Though Liam knows that he is smarter and wouldn't even get manipulated, still his father is worried about those exact reasons.

"Alright I'll leave it to you son" Jhon knew that Liam is talented but still he is an eight-year-old boy. Managing something such as a Pastry-Café at such a young age, made John worried.

"Thanks, by the way, I still have some stuff to do" Liam left the study and went back to his room to continue drawing Thor's story.


After the events that ensued last night, Liam decided to have a stroll around the neighborhood. John bought him a bike and he never used it till now. Liam took his gear and a small bag.

Silvia was watching him on the porch.

"Just stay in the bicycle lane alright? Be careful and stay away from huge trucks sweetie" Silvia said in concern. Though when Liam told her that he would be riding his bike to have fun with Kevin.

She was joyous to know that Liam would spend time with his friend, but still, she was worried about Liam's safety. She tried to tell Liam that she would give him a ride to Kevin's home but Liam insisted on riding his bike instead of her giving him a ride.

Silvia walked closer to Liam who was busy putting on his helmet. "Sweetie, why don't I just give you a ride?" Silvia said.

"Mom I'll be alright, besides it's just a few blocks away" Liam had many plans today in secret. First, he was planning to go downtown.

What Liam was planning was looking for a warehouse or a small printing company where he could publish his comics and maybe buy the place with the help of his father.

After Spider-Man would be released, Liam was planning in publishing in his own publishing company. Liam decided that he would start his own company now, especially due to the amount John had given him he could buy a warehouse of his own.

"Ok but I'm just worried, anyways have fun" Silvia gave a small smile to Liam as she kissed his forehead. "Be safe ok?"

"Yeah I got it, Mom," Liam said as he put on his helmet and started to step on the pedals. "Bye mom!!" Liam shouted and started to pedal faster.


After a few blocks and turns Liam stopped at a small house. He put his helmet on his bike and walked to the door ringing the bell.

Opening the door Maralyn saw Liam, they already met once on Kevin's eighth birthday. "Liam you're here, just a second Kevin is still putting on his helmet"

"Kevin! Liam's here!" Maralyn shouted and Kevin immediately walked down the stairs wearing a white t-shirt and black pants with a pair of cycling shoes.

"Hey Liam! I'm done let's go!" Kevin hurriedly put on his helmet and took his red backpack. "Bye, mom!" Kevin said hurriedly as he took his bike from the garage.

"Can you take care of Kevin for me Liam he's a bit you know" Martha said watching her son who was pulling his red bike.

"Sure Mrs. Feige I will," Liam said as he took his bike.

"Bye, mom!" Kevin shouted as they both rode their bikes. "Wait, Liam!" Kevin said and started to pedal faster finally reaching Liam. "Your fast, by the way, where are we going?" Kevin asked.

"Downtown" Liam gave a small smile to Kevin.

"Wait downtown?! No, we're not going there it's too far! and also it's dangerous without an adult you know!" Kevin stopped his bike, they were a few blocks away from his home.

"Come on you have been to downtown once," Liam said. "Besides we're just going to take a small peek at the bustling part of Boston and that's it we'll go back home"

"I don't know about this" Kevin said giving a doubtful look at Liam. "What's the true objective?"

"Fine, you got me. I'm going to search for a warehouse that I can buy to publish my comics," Liam says in a defeated tone to Kevin. Liam thought about it but it was getting harder to lie to Kevin, he now pretty much can see through his deceits.

"Why didn't you ask Mr. Lockley or your mom she could have given us a free ride, not only that we will have an adult with us," Kevin said to Liam. Though they are friends, Kevin knew that Liam had a habit or a trait of being a liar.

Liam said to him a few days ago that they would just be strolling around with their bikes, and as Kevin predicted there was information that Liam didn't tell him.

"Well Dad's busy, and Mom doesn't know anything about this and I also want to stroll around downtown," Liam said as he touched his neck a bit embarrassed that Kevin saw through him.

"Hmm fine let's go but we have to be back before sundown if not my mom is going to kill me," Kevin said and shivered remembering his mother's wrath. He also was excited to go see downtown, since they weren't allowed to go that far.

"Yes!" Liam shouted in happiness and they started sprinting with their bikes, to the destination downtown.


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