
Hollywood Road

This is a dazzling circle, where every step up requires tremendous effort and stepping on countless competitors’ heads. Countless geniuses come to Hollywood with their dreams, but most of them fall on the road to progress and eventually become ordinary people. In the process of climbing upwards, talent often plays a greater role than effort, but opportunities are more important than talent and effort! This is a story of a small person who seizes every opportunity and embarks on the road to fame in Hollywood ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 99: Shocking Scene

With his right hand gripping the steel pipe, Murphy cautiously approached the stairs. On one side of the stairs was the entrance to the basement storage room, and the switch outside that door had been turned on, indicating someone had entered.

In the basement storage room, there was the original camera and the police car receiver, as well as some office equipment he had acquired from the previous company when he rented this house. It wasn't surprising if someone had their eyes on these items.

As he neared the storage room door, Murphy heightened his alertness. Living in this country had taught him through countless real-life examples that America was far from the paradise some had once portrayed. Crimes were not limited to slums; even middle-class communities saw their share of incidents.

Reaching the side of the stairs, Murphy extended a hand to gently push open the storage room door, revealing a descending staircase. As he had anticipated, there was light below and the sound of rummaging came from within.

The stairs ended in a corner, with the storage room just beyond. From the doorway, Murphy couldn't see what was happening inside.

Stepping lightly, he descended the stairs, ready to act at any moment.

At the corner, he pressed himself against the wall, intending to peek around when suddenly, a shadow appeared.

With the light in the storage room and him hiding around the corner, the shadow moving forward indicated the person inside was approaching.

Murphy frowned and raised the steel pipe. Having spent time in prison, he knew many thieves carried guns, often escalating burglaries to murder.

Pressed against the wall, Murphy's eyes tracked the shadow on the floor, silently calculating the person's approach.

The storage room's poor ventilation gave it a slightly musty smell. Murphy felt an itch in his nose, suppressing the urge to sneeze and readying himself to strike.

Footsteps grew louder, and from the shadow, Murphy gauged the person was close. Just as the figure turned the corner, Murphy swung the pipe with force, intending to incapacitate the intruder with a blow to the shoulder.


The person turning the corner screamed in shock, a piercing sound.

As Murphy swung, he saw who it was. Reflexively, he diverted the pipe away. Thankfully, he hadn't aimed for the head, just a disabling blow to the shoulder. The pipe missed the person, striking the wall with a heavy thud.

The long-unattended storage room shed dust from the impact.

"Achoo..." Murphy couldn't hold back and sneezed.

The person he had scared was utterly terrified, ignoring the dust on their short, golden hair, bending over with arms raised in a defensive position, screaming, "Ah..."

Seeing Carey Mulligan scared out of her wits, Murphy dropped the pipe and, ignoring the pain in his hand, pulled her close.

"Hey! Carey, it's me!" He bent slightly to face her doll-like face, "It's me, Murphy!"

Hearing this and recognizing his familiar face, Carey Mulligan stopped screaming, though tears had started to flow, washing streaks down her dusty cheeks.

She stared at Murphy, breathing heavily, and after a few seconds, calmed down enough to grab Murphy's hand and loudly ask, "What are you doing? Trying to scare me? This game isn't fun at all."

After all, she was just a sixteen-year-old girl.

"Calm down, Carey. Achoo..." Waving away the still falling dust, Murphy grabbed her arm, "This isn't the place to talk. Let's go upstairs."

Half a minute later, the two, covered in dust, found chairs and sat by an old desk. Carey Mulligan, after a brief adjustment, was mostly calm again.

"Why did you try to hit me?" she asked Murphy, her face full of grievance. "Where did the nice Murphy go? How could you act like this?"

Murphy, rubbing his sore right hand, scratched his head. What did she mean by asking why he tried to hit her?

He spread his hands, "I thought a thief had broken in."

Carey Mulligan's eyes widened, "How could I be a thief?"

Her face showed even more hurt.

Murphy stood up, took a towel from a nearby shelf, and handed it to her. She wiped the dust away, though her displeasure was evident.

Sitting back down, Murphy pointed to the door, "When I came in, the gate was open, the chain lock thrown on the lawn, and there were noises in the storage room..."

He spread his hands, "What do you think that looks like?"

"This... this..." Like a magician, Carey Mulligan's grievance disappeared. She sheepishly scratched her dusty golden hair, "I remember unlocking the gate and hanging the lock on it. How did it fall off?"

Knowing she was in the wrong, she gave Murphy an apologetic smile, "I went to the storage room to put a box of old clothes."

Murphy frowned, "How did you get the key?"

"Did you forget?" Her big eyes were full of innocence, "One time I helped Paul Wilson move things and asked if I could have a key. You didn't object, so I asked Paul for one."

Murphy recalled, realizing it was before filming started, but at the time, he was just too lazy to deal with her...

This was a minor issue. There was a more important question. Murphy didn't continue to press her, pointing to the storage room, "Why bring old clothes here?"

"Uh..." Carey Mulligan looked down, appearing pitiful, "Because of the dropout issue, I had a fight with Uncle Julian... I moved out of his house and needed a place to stay."

She peeked at Murphy, "You've always been the nicest to me. I have nowhere to go. You wouldn't let me live on the streets, would you?"

Afraid Murphy might disagree, she added, "Living outside, I'm scared of meeting people like James Franco."

Murphy frowned, still considering.

"Achoo..." Carey Mulligan sneezed too, shaking dust from her hair, "Can I use the bathroom upstairs? I'm really dirty."

Her short golden hair was visibly dusty, and her face, stained with dust and tear tracks, looked truly pitiful.

Murphy, feeling somewhat sympathetic, nodded slightly.

Carey Mulligan stood up, pointing at his hair, "You're dirty too."

Murphy touched his short hair, finding it covered in dust. He stood and headed for the stairs, "I need to wash up too."

Behind him, Carey Mulligan watched his back, her eyes twinkling.


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