
001 - Hogwarts

Far from the industrial heart of the once-great British Empire, nestled in the rugged Scottish Highlands, stood a majestic castle.

Perched atop craggy cliffs overlooking a dark, haunting lake, it was surrounded by a dense, ancient forest teeming with secrets.

This was no ordinary castle – it was The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a place of mystery, magic, and legend.

For over a millennium, Hogwarts had been the pinnacle of magical education, welcoming witches and wizards from the British Isles and beyond.

It was a bastion of learning and protection for the magically gifted, a place where the arcane arts were passed down through generations.

Its halls were steeped in history, echoing with the footsteps of young magic-users and the whispers of long-forgotten spells.

On this particular day, the castle hummed with life.

First-years scurried through the corridors, wide-eyed and excited, while the older students navigated the ever-shifting staircases with practiced ease.

Within the Great Hall, the clattering of silverware and the low buzz of conversation filled the air as students gathered for lunch.

At one end of a table, a group of first- and second-years huddled together, animatedly discussing the latest gossip.

"Did you hear? Professor Rakepick was caught – she's a Dark witch working for an evil organization! She used the Cruciatus Curse on a fifth-year student, Merula Snyde and fled the castle last night!" one whispered, eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement.

"I know! The Ministry sent Mad-Eye Moody to catch her! Moody! He's a legend!" another added, his voice brimming with awe as he took out a pentagonal card containing the figure of the Wizard.

[ Magister Moody – Four Star ]

All they were excited about was getting a chance to see one of the most famous battle wizards of the time.

They spoke in hushed tones, thrilled by the drama unfolding in their midst, but oblivious to the gravity of the situation.

Dark wizards at Hogwarts were no laughing matter, and the older students knew it all too well.

At the far end of the table, the senior years ate in silence, their expressions grim.

They understood the dangers of having a Dark witch infiltrate their ranks as a professor no less.

The coming weeks would undoubtedly be tense and filled with suspicion and caution lest they too be implicated in matters involving Dark organization that somehow managed to infiltrate Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, a Hufflepuff girl with striking features made her way toward the Ravenclaw table, scanning the faces of her classmates.

"Hey, have any of you seen Alex?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Nah," replied a boy named Victor Ketsueki, barely looking up from his meal. "Professor Kettleburn let us out early. Last I saw, he was talking to him. Maybe he's in the common room?"

The girl sighed. "Thanks, anyway," she muttered, retreating to her own table with a reluctant nod.


Up on the second floor of the castle, away from the bustling Great Hall, a different kind of scene was unfolding near the abandoned girls' bathroom.



"……It feels so good…" Breathless whispers and soft moans echoed from inside a small, confined space.

Hidden in a broom closet, two teenagers were lost in each other, their bodies rubbing against each other in a sensual way as they entangled together in a heated embrace.

The both of them kissed each other hungrily as the boy's hands wandered beneath the girl's uniform, exploring her smooth, bare skin with an eager, trembling touch.

His hands moving up towards her ample yet still growing bosom.

But before he could go any further, a shrill voice interrupted them.

"Hehe... what are you doing, Alex?" teased a ghostly voice from the hallway.

The boy froze, his hands pulling back as he and the girl hastily disentangled themselves.

"Myrtle…" the girl groaned in exasperation, her excitement from earlier dying down as she hurried to straighten her clothes. "Why do you always do this?"

Floating in front of the 'hidden' broom closet was the translucent figure of Moaning Myrtle, her spectral form hovering as she wore a mischievous grin, clearly enjoying the disturbance she had caused.

"Because it's not fair!" Myrtle whined dramatically. "You two get to have all the fun while I'm stuck being miserable, moaning, and moping in this awful bathroom!" pointing towards the said bathroom as her figure dramatically did a few arial maneuvers.

Alex shook his head with a resigned smile as he adjusted his robes. "You're always a mood-killer, Myrtle," he said, stepping out of the closet with his partner.

The ghost gave a theatrical pout, but her expression softened as she added, "Oh, and by the way – lunch is over. Classes are starting soon. Thought I'd let you know."

"Thanks for the heads up," Alex muttered, glancing at the girl beside him with an apologetic grin. "Guess Myrtle's saving us in more ways than one, huh?"

The girl sighed but managed a small smile. "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure to find us a better spot next time."

"I promise," Alex said with a wink. "But I've got to run. Professor Snape's class is next, and you know he won't hesitate to take points if I'm late."

The girl gave him a playful elbow. "Fine, but you owe me a nice dinner at Forks and Knives. And no more broom closets."

"Anything for you" Alex said, as he embraced her body once more, planting her lips with a passionate kiss once again.

Like a deer caught in the headlights, the girl was flustered once again as she kissed Alex, their heads separating after a while as he said with a smile "Don't sweat the little things Beth, I'll find us a new place soon"

As Alex turned to leave, she called after him, "Seriously, why did you even pick Alchemy as your elective? Isn't Snape enough torture with Potions?"

"It's an Easy credit," Alex replied with a grin. "Plus, I'm the only one who can get Ravenclaw points out of him!"

With a wave, he jogged down the corridor, making his way toward the dungeons for Snape's class.

Back in the classroom, Victor was waiting.

"Hey, Alex! Tonks was looking for you earlier. Where've you been?"

"Got a late start today. Didn't feel like lunch either," Alex replied as he took his seat. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small slip of paper.

With a tap of his wand, the paper expanded into a full-sized book, its leather cover gleaming with gold lettering: "Alchemy and its Secrets" – by Nicolas Flamel.

Victor watched in awe. "Still cool every time you do that. What's the spell again?" taking out his own copy of the book from his bag of holdings.

"Verto for the transformation, then Engorgio to enlarge it," Alex said, settling in.

Victor smirked. "How do you manage to juggle your relationship with the two–"

But before he could finish, Professor Snape swept into the room, his robes billowing behind him as the chatter died down.

With a practiced flick of his wand, the door to the dungeon sealed, barring any latecomers from entering.

"Today, we begin Chapter Nine," Snape said in his low, cutting voice. "We will finally move on to the practical applications of what you've learned this year – Transmutation of Elements."

The classroom fell silent as Snape began his lecture, his dark eyes sweeping over the students with a cold, calculating gaze.


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Verto – A basic transfiguration spell that turns objects into something else temporarily.

Engorgio – A mid-level transfiguration spell that can enlarge things for a long time

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A/N : Those who give power stones be blessed with big PP.

Updates will be a little slow, 2-3 chapters a week at most, and for those who want to read up ahead, I have a Patreon for those who want to support me, there will be 7 early chapters there. Updates will be same up there, 2-3 chapters a week.

