
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

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70 Chs

Is it Worth the Trouble? Part3

…..On the Rooftop…..

"I wonder where she is….." Chiyo said with a curious look as she was eating her food. Her eyes fluttered about as she was looking around the empty rooftop. 

Mayumi on the other hand was rather uneasy. "She really got to hurry up, I don't want to get caught up here. I don't know if we're even supposed to be up here." She said with a worried tone. 

"Etusko said that we need to eat somewhere in private so we don't cause a ruckus for her new friend." 

"Eh? Whose even is her friend? Does she not like crowded areas?"

"Not sure. She didn't mention it. I wonder what type of girl she is?"

"Does it matter?" Mayumi asked with a raised brow. 

"Well, aren't you curious? I wonder if she's pretty?" Chiyo's innocent mind was already running. She was off in her own dreamland.

Mayumi on the other hand couldn't help but to sigh at her friend's innocent mindset. Sometimes this girl worries about her. But she did admit, she too was also curious about the mysterious friend that Etsuko was going to bring. She hopes that the girl isn't much of a hassle or some sort. Or worse…..

"I just hope it's not…...well….."

"Hm? Who?" Chiyo snapped back to reality. 

"You know…..that one boy who's not in prison." She said with a worried tone. 

"Oh, you mean Matsuri?"

"Yeah him."

"I don't see why you're so worried about him? He's not bad."

"Have you talked to him?"

"Well…..huh…...not really."

Mayumi's face paled. "Now I'm worried."

"B-But don't worry! I'm sure it's not Matsuri if that makes you feel better." Chiyo said with an attempted nervous smile.


The pair looked towards the door. Etsuko's head popped out from the other side. Wearing her goofy smile upon her face. 

"There you are," Mayumi said with a tired look. "We were wondering where you were. Did you find your friend?"

"You bet! But before I introduce you guys, I want you guys to make my friend feel welcome and not do anything to offend my friend in any way possible." 

Mayumi and Chiyo blinked at each other, unsure of their eccentric friend's words. But they knew better than to not question their friend's personality. 

"S-Sure…..well where is she?"

Etsuko's smile widened even bigger. Before the pair could blink her body zipped behind the door to grab her "friend". Few seconds passed as she appeared again, this time her whole body was dragging another person out. 

"Girls! Say hello to my special friend, Matsuri Hitoyoshi!" She presented the group to a bewildered Matsuri. 

Chiyo wore a surprised look as she stared at Etsuko's special friend, while Mayumi wore a pale look on her face, sweat poured against her skin as she looked at the boy. Matsuri was on the similar boat as he found out just who Etusko 's were. And he wished that he never did. Etsuko on the other hand wore the usual goofy happy face. 

"........Chiyo....." Mayumi spoke. ".......I'm worried."


Kiyoshi wore a terrified look on his face as he walked across the field to the bathroom. With Hana walking behind him, wearing her unreadable expression on her face. Her eyes were focused on Kiyoshi who continued at his pace to the bathroom. 

Kiyoshi's eyes glanced behind his shoulders and noticed that she was at a good distance between themselves.

"Calm down Kiyoshi, remember you're doing this for Matsuri. He doesn't need to deal with Hana..." He thought to himself. "With Matsuri knowing about our secret, no doubt Hana will attempt to get him to pee in front of her as well…...this is my problem…..I won't make Matsuri go through this." His hand tightened into a fist. 

"I got this…..I got this…..I got-" He looks back at Hana whose face still remains fixated on the boy. The air around her gave off a terrifying sensation. Kiyoshi trembled even more. "....I DON'T GOT THIS!!!!" 

On that note, Kiyoshi made a mad dash towards the bathroom. He paid no mind to looking behind him as his only sights were forward towards the small building ahead of him. He dared not to look behind him as he made it inside the bathroom! He rushes over to the nearest stall, as soon as he makes it inside, he turns around and immediately closes the door on Hana who was close behind him all the way.

He quickly locks the door and settles against the door. Catching his breath. "I…...I'm safe…...I'm-" His thoughts were cut off as he heard Hana from the otherside of the stall. The door rumbled as the girl was doing something on the other side. Before he could ask himself, he spots Hana jumping over the stall. "YOU KIDDING ME!?" 

Hana lands on her feet. Kiyoshi could only watch in horror as the girl whom he was trying to get away from was inside the stall…...with him. 

"Okay. You can go now." Hana said. 

"No! You get out first!"

Hana clenched her teeth. "I'll get out after I see you pee!"

"N-No! I'm not peeing in front of you! Why are you so fixated on this!? Can't you let go of the past!"

"Bullshit! You saw me pee! I'll forgive you if I see you pee!" 

Kiyoshi backed up to the corner. He was covering his private area. "I...Yes I know….b..but….." The boy was completely lost for words. He knew what he had to do, but he was too embarrassed to even do so, especially in front of Hana. 

Hana was beginning to lose patience as she immediately grabbed Kiyoshi's hands and attempted to remove them from his area. 

"Stop being stubborn! Get it out!" Hana exclaimed as she wrestled with the boy. 

"Stop! It'll really come out if you keep going at that pace!" 

"Duh! That's the point of this dumbass! Now whip it out so I can see!" 

Kiyoshi's hands trembled against her force as she wrestled to remove them from his downstairs private area. Tears welled in his eyes as he was starting to feel the pressure from both Hana and his bladder. 

"D-Don't push there! I….I'm..." 

Hana clenched her teeth again as her patient started to wear once more. Penting up enough force, she forces the boy's arm above him and pinned them against the barrier of the stall. Kiyoshi tried to move, but the girl proved to be stronger than him.

"Now then," Hana breathed as she made a satisfied smile. She lowers her hand down to his gential area. "Be a good boy…..and show me..." She slowly reached for the zipper of his pants. 

Kiyoshi could hear the sound of his zipper being undone. His struggle only proved to be in vain as Hana hands were much stronger. He could feel the zipper getting closer to being open, revealing his genitals, showing Hana his private area. 

Hana eyes were transfixed on the boy's genitals as it was slowly coming into view. Her breathing became heavy, her eyes trembled in excitement. 

Kiyoshi's mind started to swirl. Was this really happening? Was he really going to be showing her, him peeing in front of her!? He panicked. 

"No! Stop it! I don't want to!" He yelled as he struggled with his body. 

"H-Hey! Stop making a fuss you-" She was cut off as she tripped on her heels. She fell on her bottom, but her hand grabbed his pants and pulled them down along the way. Leaving his bottom area free from the pants. 

"Aaaah~." Kiyoshi bladder reached its maximum limit. He let go.


Matsuri was in an awkward situation. Etsuko invited him to eat lunch with her and her friends. But he never predicted or even foresaw what or who her friends even were. The boy could only have his stare on his food in front of him, not daring to look up.

Chiyo was seated next to her pale and terrified friend, Mayumi. Her eyes couldn't help but to be transfixed on the boy who is their guest. Mayumi on the other hand was scared. She really didn't like the idea of Matsuri being here. She was too scared to not even eat her food. The only one who was not scared was Etsuko, who sat next to Matsuri with a goofy smile with food crumbs on her cheeks. 

"...um..." Chiyo was the first to speak up. "T-This is nice."

"I know right!" Etsuko immediately joined in. "It's soo nice that we all get to get along and have fun and eat together!"

"....ha.....ave...….fu..." Mayumi was breaking up her words. 

"Huh? What's wrong Mayumi?" Chiyo asked her friend. 

Mayumi immediately stopped eating and set her food down. The three looked at her, anticipating to see what was wrong. Even though Matsuri could take a wild guess. 

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Mayumi repeated. 


"WHAT'S WRONG!?" Her body shot up in the air. Her hands raised behind her head. At the peak she animatedly threw her fists down against her sides in frustration. "THERE'S PLENTY OF THINGS WRONG WITH THIS SCENE HERE AND YOU GUYS ARE TREATING IT LIKE IT'S NOTHING!!!!!" She lets out. 

The two girls just blinked at her reaction. Completely oblivious to her worries. Matsuri on the other hand gets where she is getting at. He felt guilty for getting her upset. 

"Mayumi calm down." Chiyo said.


"Is that what you're worrying about?" Etsuko said with a careless smile. "As long as we keep quiet about this, then everything will be fine."

"But what if they find out! More importantly," Mayumi eyed the boy. "What if he's like the other boy's. He could attack us any moment!" She panicked. 

Matsuri was visibly hurt from that. The boy's really did a number on their presence here at the school. While he did expect much, he was still hurt from her comment. 

Etsuko puffed her cheeks in frustration. "Why'd you say that!? I've known Matsuri for two days and he's the kindest boy I've met!" 

"I don't think 2 days is enough, Etsuko." Chiyo said with a nervous laugh. 

"Um..." Matsuri made himself known to the group. All eyes immediately on him. He took a deep breath. "I….I think I should go."

"Huh!? Don't go! Please stay!" Etsuko pleaded. 

"S-Sorry, but..." He said as his eyes were on Mayumi for a brief moment and left immediately. "I….I don't want to cause any trouble."

Mayumi was left dumbfounded. Just a moment ago she was worried if he was going to do anything to them. Anything lewd or perverted. But he was being honest.

"W-Wait, come on, stay. Just stay a little longer."

"Yeah! Mayumi is just scared, that's all! It has nothing to do with you! Well maybe a little-B-But that's not the point!" Etsuko quickly restated herself. 

Matsuri made a small smile at them. "I know you guys are trying to cheer me up, but it's fine, really." He said as he was already packing his things. He got up and looked at Mayumi whose eyes were still on the boy. He bowed. "I'm sorry if I'm causing you any trouble. And thank you." He said as he was about to leave.

Etsuko had a small tear in her eyes, she was hoping to hang out with Matsuri some more, no matter how she pleaded. Chiyo was on the similar boat, sure she barely knew him, but if she recalled, Matsuri was one of Kiyoshi's friends, right? He was not in prison like the other boys, so he couldn't possibly be bad right?

"Wait." Mayumi's voice called out. Stopping the boy in his tracks and looking back at the girl who was still standing. "Um…..please don't leave…...y-you can stay with us….just for a little longer."

"But…..weren't you scared of me?" Matsuri asked with a sympathetic look.

"I was…...but after that…...I really don't want to be the villain here…...and besides I suppose you're not that bad, I suppose."

"That's what I tried to tell ya from before!" Etsuko complained. 

Mayumi felt a nerve hit her as she turned towards the small member of the group. "You did not mention anything about your friend being a male!"

"I was being secretive about it. It was pretty obvious," She said with a you didn't know look plastered on her face. "I even keep saying the word 'friend' in my words. I didn't reveal gender or any of the sorts. You need to learn more about sec-REEEEEE!" She was cut off from her words as Mayumi was pinching both her cheeks.

"How the hell am I supposed to know the way your chaotic mind works." She says with an annoyed expression as she continues to pull her friend's cheeks.

Chiyo giggled at her friend's interaction before she looked over at the boy. "Hey, come back and sit with us."

Matsuri was a little hesitant, he really didn't want to intrude, but if she insists. He slowly walks over with hands trembling a little. Was this really okay? He took a deep breath to calm himself. He sat down in the middle between the two sides. 

As Mayumi was done giving punishment to her friend, she looked back at the boy with a sympathetic smile. "Again, I'm really sorry for the outburst…."

"N-No, it's fine. I understand. Since the boy's were caught peeping in the girls bathroom, I can understand..."

"I know…..but it's really not just that…...it's also that I don't want to get into trouble with Chiyo sister."

"I understand…...wait? Chiyo sister?"

Chiyo wore a surprised look. "You don't know? She's the president of the U.S.C."

".......huh? I'm sorry…..did you say…...your sister is…...the president of the....U.S.C....as in....the Underground Student Council..." 

"That is right, Hitoyoshi."