
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Is it Worth the Trouble? Part2

Earlier this morning…...

"Are you certain, Vice President?" Mari asked with a narrowed brow. 

"Y-Yes, Madam President," Meiko said as she was sweating on the spot. "I….I wasn't able t-to find anything that would result in throwing him in prison with the rest of the boys. I-I'm sorry!" Meiko bowed, her sweat drops flew past Mari, over her shoulder.

Hana was sitting in the chair with her chin resting on the palm of her hand. "Are you sure? Maybe you didn't look everywhere."

"I-I'm positive. I've searched everywhere in the room, nothing out of the ordinary. I'm very sorry! I failed the Underground Student Council!" 

Mari crossed her arms under her ample chest. This was proving to be quite more difficult than she anticipated. She swore she would find anything that could prove Matsuri being the same as the five boys they were observing in the prison. Those words that her father said to her came back to her. Perhaps he was different from the boys…..was she wrong...

She shook her head. She refused to believe that Matsuri is a good-natured boy at heart. No matter how much he shows it on the outside, he's still the same as the other boys. And she had just the story to prove it.

"Relax Meiko," Mari said, getting the grey-haired teenager's attention. "He may not have anything in his room. But we still have one method up our sleeves."

"O-Our sleeves?" Meiko said as she raised up, looking at the crow master with concerned eyes. 

"Yes." She made a victorious smirk. "I've done some investigation on Hitoyoshi's background. And I stumbled onto something interesting."

"Oh~." Hana said with an intrigued look. "Like what?"

Mari looks at her two friends. "Have you guys heard of the event that happened at the high school in Tokyo, back in March?" 

"I-If I recall, there was such an incident that I have heard of. It was during the month of graduation, a student council killed herself."

"Killed herself?" Hana said with a curious look. "But why?"

"In the story," Mari gained their attention. "It was said that the student council, Yoshimiya Kagekuri, numerous photos of her naked were shown across the school." The two garnered shock expressions. "Rumors started to spread about her, and soon, she killed herself, by jumping off of the building."

"That's horrible." Meiko said with a sympathetic look.

Hana wore an enraged look. "Who the hell would do that!?"

"They don't know. But…...I have a good idea who took those photos..."

"Y-You do…..but…...wait. Don't tell me it's-"

"Again, this is just an idea, but I can guess it's 'good little male' Matsuri."

The two wore similar expressions. Hana had a surprised nervous look, while Meiko wore an almost similar face to Hana, but she was more shocked and concerned. Was it Matsuri? Did he really take those photos? Does he possess that type of personality?

"Wait a minute!? That scaredy cat Hitoyoshi is that type of guy!?" Hana said with a shocked expression. 

"It would appear so..." 

"Then let's throw him in prison before he does something to us or any of the other female students!" Hana said in a desperate tone. 

"Not yet."


"I want to confirm it first, before we gain the opportunity."

"I don't see why we can't just throw him in prison now! I-I mean think about it! We have all that we have to throw him in the prison!"

"Calm down Hana," Mari said as she crossed her arms under her chest. "I've been doing some more research, there was something that bothered me during my research. When they wrote the article about the incident, they left Matsuri out of the picture."

"They left him out?" Meiko said with a nervous tone.


"But why would they just go and do that?"

"I don't know. But I'm going to get some answers…..today…..from Hitoyoshi."

"Then when he finally admits it….." Hana said with her fist pumped in the air. 

"We will have the time to strike. You two continue to watch over the boys, I'll handle Hitoyoshi myself."

"Becareful Madam President." Meiko said with a little sweat. 

"I will. You two watch yourself as well."

Back to the Present…...

"To actually think he actually did that…..bet he doesn't care about anything he did to that Yoshimiya girl one bit."

Meiko didn't say anything. Her mind was too transfixed on the boy that they are mentioning. This just felt to be thrown out of the blues. There were questions she had that didn't feel connected to Matsuri. 

"Oh well, once we get him to confess, it won't be long before we can throw him in prison with the other boys."

"....don't you…." Meiko whispered under her breath.


"Don't you think this is too much trouble?"

"What do you mean? Aren't you excited that we can finally throw him in prison where he belongs?"

Meiko's cheeks heated up as her sweat started up again. "D-Don't get me wrong! I wish to throw him in prison as much as you do…...b-but…..I feel like…..that this all seems unnecessary….."


"I mean, I was shocked when I heard about the incident, but the whole idea of Matsuri being part of it…..don't you think this seems a little…..tad too much. Digging into someone else's life and all."

".....well…..I mean it does seem too much trouble by digging into someone's life and all…..I mean it is his privacy…...but we're doing this for the sake of the school and the students."

"Y…..You're right…...I'm sorry Hana. It's just that....never mind."

"Relax Meiko, the sooner we get him to confess the better."

"You're right..." Meiko cleared her throat. "Anyways, let us continue with our work."

"Right!" She saluted as she took off to her post. 

Unknowest to them, Jo was listening in throughout their conversation. He coughed low to not make himself noticed by the council. 

"Hitoyoshi…..taking naked photos..."

Several hours have passed, and Kiyoshi and Gakuto were working over at the refuse waste area. While Hana was busy keeping watch of them as they continued rebuilding the structure. 

Kiyoshi walks over towards the spot next to Gakuto. "Hey, do we seriously need to think of something? We can't keep working on the hole if Hana is still here." 

"Indeed. If only Matsuri-dono were out of class early, then we could have worked on the hole to make it even bigger." Gakuto whispered. 

"I mean, I was able to make it a little bigger when Matsuri was guarding us, but….." Kiyoshi was pondering for a bit. Will they even make this plan work? "Hey Gakuto, I've been thinking about this for a while…..but even if we are able to do this. I don't know if Matsuri can distract both of them for 3 hours."

Gakuto's eyes shifted to Hana who was looking at the book upon her knees. "You're right. Then let us even the playing field shall we….." He said with a victorious smirk.

Kiyoshi looked at him. "H-How?"

"Simple….." Gakuto stood tall. He puffed out his chest with pride. "I'm gonna take her as my bride."

".....huh?" Kiyoshi said with a deadpan look. 

"If we can't remove her, the only way is to turn her into a friend. And the fastest way for that is to make her fall for me." He said as he straightened out his hair in stylish fashion.

Kiyoshi just looked at him with a plain look. Was this man for real right now? "I'm sorry, I don't follow….I think that's the longest way you can take…."

"Listen to the end." Gakuto waved his hand non-chalet. "According to my profile, girls who like clovers, wear a jersey under her skirt and have blunt bangs are interested in history by a high percentage! Basically, I, with my vast knowledge of history, can make her mine easily." 

" Think of another way." Kiyoshi bluntly said. 

Gakuto didn't listen as he turned around and prepared to make his move. "No time. I'll put the plan into action."

Kiyoshi tried to stop him but he had already left. "He's a dead man." 

As Hana was looking through the book while drinking her tea. Her eyes weren't partially busy looking at the book, but her mind was more distracted by Matsuri. She really could not believe that Matsuri possesses such a lewd personality. If it was true, of course. 

If it was true, she would definitely not mind putting him in his place. All of his glances at her grey hair friend should already tell her that he has his next target. 

"He better think twice before making a move on any of us." 

"Hana-dono!" Her mind snapped back to reality when she took notice of the glasses wearing boy that stood there with a smile on his face. "Well, what chaotic times. I'm talking about the beginning of the three kingdoms on the mainland. Chouun, carrying ato, Lord Ryuubi's son, through the army of 1000 soldiers to me that's-" He stopped as soon as blood immediately leaked from his mouth. 

Hana drove her fist right into Gakuto's stomach. "Stop spotting nonsense and go back to work!"

The boy waltzed over to Kiyoshi as he was holding his stomach that was in aching pain. 

"I….I was surprised by that development."

"I'm surprised that it went exactly like I imagined."

Gakuto had tears in his eyes. "We have tried everything…..our dream is over…." He cried dramatically.

"It's too early to give! And beside…..I have…...I have an idea." He said as he was dancing in place.

Gakuto snapped back to his senses. "Really!? You do!? And why are you dancing?"

Kiyoshi sighed. "I do…..but I'm not going to like it." He said as he stepped forward. His eyes are still downcast towards his feet. His heart was thumping fast as he took in a deep breath. He raised his hand. "Hana! May I use the bathroom!"

This caught Hana's attention. A small blush formed on her cheeks. As if her mind on Matsuri finally disappeared as her full attention was now on the boy in front of her. 

"Kiyoshi-dono…..how is going to the bathroom a good idea?" Gakuto was rather confused by his partner-in-crime's sudden behavior of going to the bathroom. 

"Just trust me…."

"Permission granted." She said immediately.

Kiyoshi saw the looks in her eyes, he was suddenly having second thoughts. "Um…..huh…..actually I think I-"

"I said….." Hana repeated in a dark tone. "Permission granted." 

"What have I done?"

…..Within the school building…..

"Come on, come on! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Etsuko chimed happily as she was pulling Matsuri up the stairs. 

"Would you calm down Etsuko! I'm going to trip and fall if you keep up with this pace." He said in a panic tone as he was being pulled by the rather energetic Etsuko. 

Once they made it to the second floor, Matsuri threw himself forward until the last steps stumbled towards the wall. His hand was able to catch himself. Etsuko jumped up the last set of steps and landed on her feet. 

"It's been a while since we hung out with each other in person and I didn't want to put this chance to a waste." She said as she grabbed her friend's hand lead him up the stairs.

"Again, we just met a couple days ago! And also, you do know what will happen if anyone catches me hanging out with you, right!?" He said in a breathless tone. 

"One! Even if we did meet a couple days back, it's rarely a chance that we get to finally talk face-to-face. And two! I don't care what anyone says, and besides, these friends of mine won't mind you one bit!"
