
chapter 8


when she got home she met her mom blending some fruits she dropped her bags on the table and slumped on a couch near her...she was extremely tired and exhausted.seeing how tired her daughter was she offered her some of the juice she had made..."today was a tough one aye?..."yeah mom it was" Mathilda responded while taking the drink from her and gulping it like her life depended on it...seeing her daughter's action she was startled "why don't you head up to your room take a bath and get some sleep...aye? how about that? she said persuading her daughter..."okay mom I'd do that... especially the bathing. Then Mathilda headed to her room...straight to the tub she filled the tub then she pulled all her clothing off and stepped in...the water was warm...the minute she got in "uhh" she let out...the water was already working it's wonders,she felt so relaxed. then she closed her eyes, Thinking back at the day, she couldn't resist remembering how cool David looked while cooking, it was as if the job was meant for him, like it was created for him, he looked pretty hot while cooking too...she thought to herself, then she jolt back to reality "the heck was that? she said to herself "of all things to think about...wow, I'm beginning to run mad"

"but he do is hot even without cooking especially with the apron on and the way he sprinkles the spices and all" she thought again.

"wow wow wow I've completely run mad wow she said out loud in disbelieve...she had been in some relationships but she had never thought sexually about them now she was sexually thinking about her teacher? that she met few days ago?...sane her would never do this she said to herself..."maybe it's the tiredness that is speaking...tiredness don't speak dear she thought to herself with a sign.

"I need to get out of here asap...she said while getting out of the tub and grabbing her towel...she needed some sleep she had a lesson to go for....she laid on her bed with her PJs on and before she knew it she was asleep.


while on his way to the restaurant David had actually stepped few steps down his building he wanted to have a glimpse of her house...how could their house be so close? he had actually thought of waiting for a while to see if she would come out so they would go together and he actually did but along the way he remembered his dignity so he decided to start going on his own..."if she had seen me waiting here it would have seem all creepy and all" he thought.then he got in his car and headed to the restaurant.

his good old friend...so he likes to call him, Stephen was going to come over today and look around the restaurant he was going to be his sous chef...the both of them had been friend for at least two years it was more of a business friendship at first but their interest clashed and they both became good friends he had also put on a vacancy ad for chefs online and some people had contacted him about it so today he was going to interview all of them but he was going to teach Mathilda something today so he was going to teach her this morning and the interview would be later in the afternoon...he clapped his hands together and signed as he arranged his plans today again is going to be a tight one he said.

"Good morning" Mathilda said when she got into the restaurant "I actually saw you while heading out this morning but you've already gotten the car so I didn't call. she said.

when David heard what she said he was actually shocked "she did see me...wow I was so lucky that she didn't see me waiting there thank the almighty he thought. " really? I was kinda in a hurry to get things arranged here. you know, you should have called me" he said looking at her.

"I should? okay next time I'd do just that Mr teacher she said brightly.

Mr teacher the heck is that David thought to himself with a little disappointment in his face.

noticing the change in his facial expression..."I'm sorry, don't you like it? to be sincere with you I don't know how I should address you so I decided to go with that to keep the respect she said with a little smile on her face.

"David, just call me David nothing more nothing less. I'd really like that he said

"okay I'd do that"

things were a little awkward for a while then David said "go and put on an apron there are things I planned on teaching you today"

when Mathilda heard the word apron she became red. "he just had to say that" she said to herself...blaming the guy for her own thoughts...what the heck is she thinking about self.

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