
chapter 9-learning something new

we would be making chicken cacciatore today.she heard him say,she was really happy that her learning lessons have started already..."whop,I can do this,no need getting nervous and all she said to herself while heading to the kitchen.

although David would have loved it if he could just sit and watch her all day but work call...plus he doesnt want to look like and idiot in front of her.so he went into his fully professional mood.

before I teach you how to prepare the meal,I noticed that during the testing,while you were cutting you weren't holding your knife properly plus it was only one cutting method you used,so today I also decided to teach you all that.but not all at once he said looking at her to see if she was listening...she was.

when you get a resturant of your or in your kitchen, in other for things to be easier for you, so as you dont have to be searching for "salt"he said with an air quote, just put them close to you somewhere reachable. "I believe its common knowledge" he said adjusting his apron.he looked at her.

"yes.i know that.plus when you get used to it, youd know where to get all of them with your eyes closed mathilda said.

"true very true.

let's start with the cutting method,since I'd be teaching chicken cattiatore which is prepared with herb, onions, tomatoes and bell pepper.i will be teaching you how to cut the herbs and onions and bell pepper.

as he was saying all this, Matilda was busy jotting it down...she was going to learn it again when when she gets home.

"so....this is how to hold a knife.listen and look closely.he said then took out his knife."which hand are do you use mostly?

"my right she responded..."move the blade next to your guard hand so it pushes against the first knuckles on your index finger"...he said while demonstrating it to her."keep your finger tips cured back so they are away from the sharp edges of the knife"...that all you need to know about holding a knife "chefs way" he said.he saw that she was jotting down what he was saying and may not have seen all that he did wo he decided to test her.

"why dont you try what I just did now...you were watching right?

mathilda was taken a back when he told her to redo what he just did.she was busy jotting things down that she really didnt see much of what he did.butvshe still wanted to try she had glanced nice in a while so she might be able to do more than she thought she could.

she picked up the knife with her right hands held it tight "then then' she didnt know what to do after that.seeing her difficulty chr decided to help.he took the knife from her took her hand and placed the knife on it he placed it on the first knuckles on her index finger..."did you see what I just did?

"yes" she responded.

then you bend your index finger so that the knife doesnt chop them off. "now try it.

she did and she got it right this time.

when he had taken her hand he could hear his heart beating..."man.youve fallen so hard.hope she she cant hear it cause that would be so damm embarrassing he thought.pay attention man.you cant mess this up,but her hands were so soft he'd like to know the feel of them on him."focus focus focus.damm he cursed within himself "let's go back to what we are doing.

"I don't think jotting things would be of help It would take most of your attention which is mostly needed to be focused on me pointing at himself realizing what he just said "and at what I am doing he added so that youd be able to learn practically not words.

"how about you record' that would be the best.what do you think about that?

she had actually been thinking what he was thinking after he asked her to redo what he did and she couldnt...it was kinda embarrassing and disappointing.

"I like the Idea,its a very good one.id make use of my phone.she said.

"yeah that's a good one.do that.

then he went ahead to teach her the different style of cutting.

chiffonade for the herbs,minced for the onions and julianne which she already knew for the bell pepper.

after that they started with the preparation for the chicken cacciatore.

after he had taught her finished they both sat and ate it all.

it was already afternoon.the people coming for the interview would soon be here plus his friend

"would you like to join me interviewing? he didnt want her to go yet and he needed the help.

"me? help with the interview.i dont really know much about that.it would be them interviewing me not me interviewing them.David let out a huge laugh...he didnt know she could be funny.

"you dont have to do much.just sit and taste their meal youd be able to tell between good and bad meal I believe.he said while smiling at her

"if that's all I can do that.she said while nodding.

"my sous chef would soon be here.his an old friend of mine, he is as good as I am.but not better.he head his phone vibrate.a message from Stephen.

"his here already.

mathilda saw a very handsome man man walk in..."wow his handsome" she said out loud.yhen she quickly covered her mouth when she noticed that David was staring at her...shocked..she just hoped that he didnt see her as cheap she just love acknowledging people's good looks...and Stephen happened to be one of them.although shed admit between him and David.David was more handsome.

"well that was unnecessary...you didnt need to compare.she counter attacked herself.mathilda had always known that she had two personality although the other one was more in her thought making her think about what normal her wouldnt...or that was normal her...the real her,either way, if that was the real her she didn't like its thoughts as of recent...she isn't ready for any thing...not now,especially not with David.although she thinks that its not only her that has these thoughts...maybe it was something normal that everybody has "Hhmm" she signed.

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