
He Left

Cley's Pov:

"Damn!" I murmured.

All I want to do right now is to fall asleep but I can't even do that! I'm still mad at Berlyn. How dare her do that to me?

"What!? What did she really do? It's just a friendly hug, Cley. You're just over reacting." My inner wolf said that.

Tss. Friendly hug, huh? Even that's a friendly hug or intimate one, it's still the same! She allowed someone to touch her, period! I don't want to see her holding or touching someone except me!

Jeez! Am I really this possessive and over protective? Am I acting too much? I'm just hurt, okay. The moment I saw her embracing Vladimir, I can't stop myself to think stupid things between them.

I'm jealous, okay. What do you expect me to feel? I just saw my mate embracing someone else. Do you expect me to be happy with what I saw?