
Trust Issues

Berlyn's Pov:

This is the first week that Cley wouldn't be able to attend classes on DVU ever again. I'm not use to it. I'am used to see him inside the campus and on our classroom every Monday to Friday.

And now that he already decided to stop attending classes, i feel a little bit agitated. I missed him already. Eventhough he said that he's going to pick me up everyday before and after school, I think it's not enough.

After what happened between us that night, he asked me if I wanted to live with him in the pack house so that we can live together since then, but I refused for now.

Im not yet ready to leaved my mom and dad alone. God knows how I really wanted to live with him in the pack house, but whenever I think about mom and dad, wake up every morning with a new surroundings and new creature that I needed to mingle with, I've hesitated.