
His Darling Rebel With a System

[Romance + Comedy+ R18 scenes + violence+ supernatural elements] Zeva Chen, the protagonist of the story. She is an orphan with her parents passing away, at young age. So, she had learnt to strive and survive in the dog eat dog world today. She is young, and an absolute beauty. But well, try to mess with her and you are going to go back home Black and Blue. Yes, she was a little crazy too. You might call her a little Rebel, who would do anything to get something that she has her eyes fixed on. That was what the world saw her as. But deep inside, our girl was a softie and a sweetheart. She deeply cared about people whom she loved. And it so happened one day, that she saw a family in a brink of death situation. While trying to save them, Zeva herself was about to meet death. BUT! She did not die. She was saved by a 'System', who had chosen to get attached to her. Hence, she gets a system that would help her reach the heights of success in her life. And the most baffling thing about it was - Her system's manager was a three years old looking kid. Now not only she has to complete the tasks given to her by the system, but also babysit the little trouble! And that was not only it! The main thing is yet to come. Our girl has fallen in love! With her professor? Unfortunately. Fallen in love? Wait-! That's an understatement. She was obsessed! She turns on ready to do everything to get him, not knowing that the 'so called professor' had his eyes on her.... NOW READ THE BOOK! ENOUGH INFORMATION HERE. (This story is going to go for long... so be prepared!)

Sal_World · Urban
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212 Chs


 "Oh." Zeva realised that she had not even told her where they were going.


So she then started counting the events for the day that she had to do and said, "First, we will go to a clothing store to get you some clothes, then…"

"You will get new clothes for me?!" Lia asked excitedly with big eyes. Zeva nodded her head with smile and said, "Of course, or else what do you plan on wearing tomorrow? We can't go washing and then drying and wearing the same dress everyday, can we?"


Lia giggled and said, "How funny. I was thinking you to be a miser, but you are quite generous."

Hearing her, Zeva pressed her lips together and flicked Lia's forehead. She did not whether to cry or laugh at it. It was a confusion in itself. On whether it was a compliment or a statement of degrade again.

"You silly little girl, you must learn to say 'Thank you' when someone does something good for you, alright."


Lia's mood right now was really good, so she said nothing but looked back at Zeva with a wide smile. She was a girl after all. A female being. Going shopping would undoubtedlty improve her mood to no ends.


"Okay, then after that, we will be going to my school." Zeva said.

Lia blinked and said, "School? For what? Study? But haven't you finished your high school"


"Yes, but today we have to collect the hard copiYou es of our results." Zeva answered, as she took her bag and checked around if she was forgetting something.


"Oh, I se- "


"Ahh!" Zeva sheirked and fell straggered backwards when in front of her eyes all of a sudden appeared something like a visual projection of a screen like something.

"What is this?!" She exclaimed.


"The system's program assigned you, your first task." Lia answered her.

Zeva put one hand on her chest and tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. She had her eyes wide and she looked at Lia and said, "That's alright. But why am I seeing this? Aren't you the system being and in control of it?"


"Yes, that I am. But it is now your system as well. And you are linked through it's programme. Therefore, whenever you are assigned a new task or whenever you complete a task, the screen will appear in front of us." Lia explained.


Hearing that, Zeva looked at Lia with a big frown on her forehead and asked, "So, this thing is going to appear at any time?"



"But what if I am out or in public? Will it not catch other people's attention and will I not be exposed?!" Zeva asked with a tensed expression.


"Nope!" Lia answered with a chilled expression.

"How?" Because no one other than you and me can see our system's screen, even if it appeared in a public place."


"Really.. *Sigh* that's a relief to hear." Zeva said as she sighed in relief.


"Alright, now what is the task!?" She asked, as she looked at the screen.

And what appeared on the screen was,



[TASK #1 – To beat the shit out off someone within 24 hours.]

 [ Task Completion Award- Materialistic Possession]

Zeva read it out loud, and then looked at Lia with a, 'I am completely clueless' face. And asked, "What does it mean?"


Lia who was also looking at the screen reading it, looked back at Zeva and said, "What is there not to understand? It is written in simple English Language. Don't tell me you can't even read and write now! What did you go to school for then?"


Seeing Lia go on with her own flow, Zeva interrupted her and said, "I read what is written, and I understood it very well too. But what type of task is it? To beat the shit out of someone? Who does that?"


Lia shrugged her shoulders without any care, and said, "I don't know who does it. But you have to do it."


Zeva narrowed her eyes and said, "What type of task are you assigning me, Lia?"

Lia turned intrigued and said, "Hello! I haven't assigned you any of these task. It is the system's programme that has assigned you the task, according to your own character, personality, hobbies, passion, interest, and in accordance with the possibilities of your near future, get it?! "


Zeva pouted her lips, and making a sad face, she said with a sigh, "But I am not that type of person.. how will I do that? Isn't it like being a tryant?"

And as soon as Lia heard it, her face became like she had just heard the most impossible thing on Earth.