
Scarlet & Roses

Zaxe City.

Zaxe Skyline Condominium.

When Claire arrived at the condominium at nearly 10 pm, Claire didn’t see Hunter anywhere.

Not that she hoped to get birthday wishes, or a surprise dinner, or a present from him– she said inside, lying to herself. She knew there was a bit of a dream and a hope that Hunter could finally like her or at least be nice to her.

Heh, what a wish…

Well, at least I was right and it’s not a problem that I’m late…

Claire thought between being sarcastic and rolling her eyes at herself. She quietly walked barefoot, holding her heels, and went right to her room.

Hunter was inside his room after spending hours at his private gym. He knew how Claire had spent her day at Qoya City, considering he got the updates confirming Claire’s visit from the places he’d booked.

He knew too when Claire had arrived at their place and he intentionally avoided her.