
Highschool Paranormal Investigators

A group of bored friends decided to make a club to serve as a hangout area. After a bit debate on the name the club “Paranormal Investigation” was made. After word got out that the Paranormal Investigation club was fake, the group was faced with an ultimatum: Create a legitimate presentation based on the club’s activities, or be forced to disband. Not wanting their hangout to be disbanded, they begrudgingly obliged. Choosing to investigate the school’s most popular rumor. As they continued they found the activities to be much more fun than they thought. Leading them to decide that perhaps taking the club seriously would be an enjoyable option. Follow the group as they investigate and debunk rumors with facts and logic. After all, ghosts don’t really exist. … Right?

Stagiestpig · Horror
Zu wenig Bewertungen
3 Chs


=Three weeks later…=

In a hallway that was hardly used a door barely open was at its end. Above the door read a sign named 'Paranormal Investigation'.

John swung the door open, "Good afternoon! I sure hope you had a lovely day. 'Cause I did not!"

Eric leaned back on an officer chair, "What happened?"

"Miss Eagle decided it would be funny to hand out a load of homework! I had plans for the weekend thank you~!"

"Math?", Sam asked as she too walked through the door.

John turned in surprise, "I thought you had club today?"

"I'm at a club am I not?"

"…Whatever sports club you participate in."


"Why volleyball?"

Sam sighed exasperatedly, "Because it's a good sport to use your whole body in. Keeps the blood flowing. This is the third time you've asked me this."

"I'm going to ask you again next week."

"Oh you're trying to start one of those 'bits' aren't you?"

"You've caught on!"

Kayla's voice came from across the room, "Seems like the homework Miss Eagle decided to push out isn't due until next Friday."

John's eyes brightened, "That means I don't have to do it all this weekend?"

"Seems like it."

"Let's go!"

Tim yawned, "Why are you so loud?"

"Ah, were you sleeping? My bad."

"Not tired anymore now."

"Your face says otherwise."

"And you look like a celebrity when you awake?"

"Of course, natural beauty baby!"

"Yeah, you act like one."

"You look like one!"

"Alright stop bickering!", Sam shouted.

Pouting, John complained, "Mom got angry."

"Yeah, some babies need some scolding!"

"You would scold a baby?"

A knock on the door sounded, interrupting their conversation. The door was pushed open and a woman walked in, clipboard in hand.

John whispered, "Oh no, that clipboard means it's bad news."

Sam frowned, "Did you do something illegal?"

"Tim would be the only one to do something like that!"

"You bastards, I've never broken the law."

"Oh really?"

"Ahem!", the lady fake coughed to gather their attention, "We received an anonymous report that your club is… a phony."

"Objection! Such harsh words can't be said without being backed by evidence!", John argued.

"I'd say this current situation is quite some evidence. Let's see, a half awake member. Someone on their phone. Two of you arguing. Another doing work like a responsible student. And the last nowhere to be found."

"One of those are good points! How is that evidence!"

"None of that is 'Investigating the Paranormal'. I'm not seeing a lot of investigating going on."

Tim yawned, "Investigating takes time, detectives wouldn't rush a case would they? With a break to adjust our mindset we can get back to work with three hundred percent effort."

The lady rose an eyebrow, "Really? Tell me, what are you investigating currently?"

John answered, "These bullshit rumors!"

"Watch your language Johnathon."

The lady pulled out a pen and tapped the clipboard, "You have contributed very little towards your club goal. I'm afraid to say that this is merely an excuse for you to get together. We have a list of clubs wanting to be created, and we've decided to purge the unnecessary ones."

"Who says paranormal investigation is unnecessary?"

"Why would it be needed?"


"Tell you what, give me a good excuse and I'll give you a chance."

Eric spoke up, "Paranormal Investigation is more than just an investigation. It's a search for truth. Many people get stressed and panic at the thought of something paranormal happening. It strikes fear in the hearts of many. Investigating these and finding answers to them can calm the hearts of those people, providing clarity to the situation. It's an aid to mental and physical health."

The rest of the club stared at Eric dumbfounded. For that answer came out of nowhere.

The lady was impressed, "Huh, what a convincing argument. Very well, but I need proof that you're actually doing as you say."

Tim asked, "And how do you propose we do that?"

"Hmm, I want a report. A detailed report with information on your activities, thoughts, and investigations. I'll give you a week."

Tim raised a hand, "Wait a moment, investigations take time. We need a month."

"Two weeks then, I can't go any more than that."


"I'll be here to collect that then."

The lady left and John sighed, "Well, that was surprising."

Kayla interrupted, "More importantly, what are we going to do?"

"We could pull something out of our ass and call it a night. That's what I do for most my essays."

A voice came from the hall, "I heard that!"

"You got ears like a rabbit or something?!"

Eric shrugged, "Why not just do it for real? Maybe it'll be fun."

"And what do you propose we investigate?"

Kayla answered, "We can aim for the big fish. Something known well enough that Mrs Kensworth won't believe we made it up."

"Is there something like that?"

Tim answered this time, "Rumor about the school having a ghost has been spreading about. They call it the Woeful Violin."

"Stupid name but okay."

"Oh I heard about that! Something about how when dark comes the sound of a woman's wails can he heard.", Sam interrupted.

"What does that have to do with a Violin?"

"It sounds like one."

Eric scratched his neck, "Wasn't that already investigated though? I mean surely someone wanted to know."

"Yeah, two people stayed overnight to figure out what exactly the noise was. But they claim that when they got to where it was coming from, it was an empty room.", Kayla responded.

"And it's a typical story too!", John complained.

Tim nodded approvingly, "Alright so that checks off the three requirements then."

They waited to hear the requirements, but he remained silent.

Eric coughed, "You're doing it again, what's the requirements?"

"Oh, first it's a well spread rumor. So no one thinks we are making things up. Secondly it hasn't been solved yet, that's a go figure. Thirdly it's not too absurd to where it may have a reasonable explanation."

Sam clapped and then pointed, "That's great and all, but one issue. It happens at night, and my mom certainly won't let me stay out so late!"

John placed a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll allow my smooth talking do the work to convince her."

"Mhm, sure."