
Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife

The_Creator223 · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs


Chapter 18


Vince blinked in surprise as he just heard what Xenovia asked him, a few moments ago. "You want to spar now?"

"Yes, I believe now would be a good time to spar." She replied summoning Durandal.

He got up from his seat and unsheated his Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. "Alright, but let's take this out in the field."

"Very well."

The two walked out as the rest of the club members shivered at the holy-energy from the holy-swords as Issei spoke up. "I feel uneasy with those two holy-swords unsheated."

"It's only natural because your a devil Issei." Rias then got up from her chair and turned to Akeno. "Akeno, set up a barrier for the fight."

"Yes Buchou."

"Ano, Buchou what are we going to do?" Asia asked curiously.

"We're going to see them spar against each other. I've always wondered about what is the identity of Vince's holy-sword. He always evaded the question whenever I asked." She replied pouting a little.

(School Field)

The two holy-sword wielders noticed the barrier appear as they turned around to see the club members and to their surprise the entire student council.

"Well, that's a surprise. Then again, they probably want to see us, use our holy-swords. This is a rare moment for devils afterall." Vince spoke after a few moments of silence.

"I agree. Vince, I would like to add a stipulation to our spar." Xenovia offered.

"What is it?"

"If I win, you'll tell me what is the name of your holy-sword." She said to him.

"Are you really that curious about my holy-sword's identity?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, the holy-sword you wield is a mystery. Even though it doesn't have the power output of my Durandal, I can tell it's strength is at least on par with it." Xenovia commented.

"I see, let's only use our swords and whatever ability it can use. And if I win, you answer my question on a church member. Agreed?" He asked, gaining a nod from her.

The two pointed their swords at each other as he spoke. "Well then, come on!"

Vince into a fighting stance. His knees were slightly bended and he heaved the katana on his shoulder as Xenovia charged at him. He brought down his katana to block Xenovia's slash but was surprised when he was pushed back due to a destructive aura released by Durandal. "Ugh."

Xenovia quickly brought Durandal up and slashed him again as he brought his katana just in time to parry the attack. The two holy-swords clashed against each other as they respectively released an enormous amount of holy-energy pushing their wielders back a considerable distance.

Outside of the barrier, Rias and Sona along with their respective peerages eyes widened as they felt the holy-energy erupted from the holy-swords as Vince and Xenovia charged in and respectively engaged each other.

"Amazing, I never knew Vince's holy-sword could match Durandal." Rias spoke in awe.

"Agreed. Though if I had to make a guess, it responds to it's wielder much like Durandal." Sona added, while nodding.

"While Vince-kun is more balanced his experience in wielding a sword isn't much compared to Xenovia-san's despite her being more direct." Kiba analyzed.

"Really? Who's gonna win?" Issei asked curiously.

"Most likely Xenovia-san, she has more experience in swordsmanship than Vince." He replied seriously.

"Even so, Vince-kun is doing well to keep up with Xenovia." Akeno commented.

"Yes, I agree." Rias added.

"Me too, though I wish Vince would win." A feminine voice spoke up.

Everyone turned around and their eyes widened to see Kasumi and Akari there, with a smile. "Hello."

"Eh!? Why is Kasumi here and why are there two of them!?" Saji spoke shocked, not knowing about Akari.

"Do you know why Rias?" Sona asked raising an eyebrow.

Rias shurgged in a manner Vince would do. "Kasumi is Vince's childhood friend. Akari is a clone of Kasumi, but Vince also treats her like a childhood friend and they live with us, unfortunately."

"You're just upset that you're not going to take Vince's chasity." Akari replied with a huff.

Rias gained a tickmark as she glared at her. "Of course his chasity belongs to me, I'm his fiancé!"

"Only in name Rias, and if I recall correctly his chasity does not belong to you, or you Akari." Kasumi said with a frown.

"Ufufu, it might belong to me soon after we have an affair." Akeno commented with a smile, causing the three girls to glare at her.

"Aaah, Vince is so lucky to have Buchou, Akeno-san, Kasumi-chan and Akari-chan fighting over him..." Issei spoke with a sad look, before he let out a scream of pain.

Asia frowned as she pulled his cheek. "Issei-san..."

"Owowowow, please let go Asia-chan!" He cried out.

"You're so whipped." Saji said to him.

"Shut up!"

Back inside the barrier the two holy-sword wielders jumped back breathing heavily with Vince's left arm, gone slightly numb from the shockwaves of the attacks. "You're pretty good Xenovia."

"You are so good as well Vince. Despite not having much experience in wielding a sword you have good instincts and reflexes." Xenovia complimented.

"Thanks. Let's end this in one blow okay?" Vince asked her.

"Very well." She replied.

"Release!" Vince channeled lightning into his katana as the blade suddenly glowed bright blue as it radiated holy energy and lightning, with it occasionally releasing a small spark of electricity.

Everyone's eyes widened at seeing the sudden transformation of the holy-sword. It's holy-energy now rivalled Durandal's.

"I see. So I was right, it does rival Durandal, let's end this!" Xenovia commented before she lunged at him.

"Hiyaaah!" Vince also followed Xenovia's example and lunged at her.

The two went right past each other as they stood still for a moment. Everyone outside the barrier waited in anticipation for a few seconds before Vince slumped to the ground with a large gash across his chest. "Looks like you win."

"Indeed. But you were also able to keep up with me. Are you alright?" Xenovia asked, putting away her sword and helping him up.

"I'll be fine." Vince sheated his katana and sighed.

"But you should get that treated." She stated.

"I know."

The barrier was undone as Asia quickly went up to Vince and started healing him. "Are you alright Vince-san?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it Asia." He said reassuring her.

Rias and Sona along with their peerage walked up as Kasumi spoke with a smile. "You did a great job Vince."


"Vince, since we won our bet, can you tell me your sword's identity?" Xenovia asked him.

"Damn, well a bet's a bet. The name of my sword is, Totsuka-no-Tsurugi." Vince spoke, shocking everyone with the exception of Issei who looked confused.

"That's the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi!?" Rias asked in a shocked tone.

"Ano, what's the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi?" Issei questioned.

"The Totsuka-no-Tsurugi is a holy-sword wielded once by Susanoo is the Shinto god of the seas and storms. He used this very sword to slay the Yamata no Orochi. Izanagi also used this sword once to slay his offspring the fire-god, Kagu-tsuchi." He explained, surprising him and those that didn't know.

After thanking Asia from healing him, Vince got up and was about to leave before he was stopped by Sona. He raised an eyebrow but sighed. "Yes, Sona?"

"Vince Reinhart, I would like to ask of you to join my peerage." Sona announced, surprising everyone including himself and causing Rias to glare at her.

"I decline. I'm not interested in being someone's servant." Vince answered seriously, causing Rias to smirk.

"I see, well, the offer is still open if you want to change your mind Vince." She spoke with a nod, respecting his decision.

Vince nodded and walked away, (There is now way in hell, I'll agree to being someone's servant.)


Vince sighed as he walked around the mall with Kasumi, Akari, Rias and Akeno. "Remind me again, why I'm here?"

"Well, Kasumi and I need to buy some new clothes. I hardly have any and her clothes are worn out. Rias and Akeno came along because they wanted to show us around and buy some things." Akari responded as she walked closer to him.

"Do I look like a freaking pack-mule to you?" He asked as his eye twitched.

"Don't be like that Vince, you did say you were going to help us." Rias spoke crossing her arms.

"And we will treat you too lunch after this Vince. Don't worry." Kasumi answered, also walking closer to him.

"Ara ara, could it be that you don't want to spend time with us?" Akeno asked smiling.

"Oh geez, I wonder what gave that impression." Vince replied sarcastically.

"No need for sarcasm Vince." Rias said with a frown.

He shrugged and took a step back. "Just let me know when you're done. I'll be looking over somewhere else."

"But we need you to stay with us. We want your opinion on what looks good on us." Akeno stated with an innocent smile.

Vince sighed as his looked around, his mind drifted off as he recalled what happened earlier in the day.


Rias raised an eyebrow as she heard the unusual question from Vince. "You want to know more about Gabriel and Shura Kirigakure?"

"Yeah, back then they usually left me in the dark about them or they would evade the topic." He replied.

"I see. I'll tell you what I know about them, but you'll have to join us when we go shopping, okay?" She asked him.

Vince thought it over for a few seconds completating on whether he should agree, before shrugging. "Alright, I'll go."

She smiled and nodded, "As you already know Gabriel is an Angel and a Seraph from heaven. She serves as a guardian of the Throne of Heaven. She assisted in the Great War against the Devils and Fallen Angels."

"Huh, I didn't think Gabriel was that old." He commented.

Rias however shook her head in disbelief. "You find out the person you know for so long is a Seraph and the first thing you comment is about her age?"

"I'm living with Lucifier's little sister and two dangerous kunoichi. You tend to care less about trivial things like titles." Vince remarked with a shrug.

Rias pouted at being referred like that but nodded. "Moving on, the other person Shura Kirigakure, one of the most powerful exorcists in the church. She's well known for executing powerful stray devils with her demon-sword and her apperance."

Vince slightly paled at the mention of the demon-sword. (Then that means for the past two years she had me avoid getting slashed by a demon-sword.)

"Vince, are you okay?" She asked concerned after seeing him slightly pale.

He cleared his throat, "I'm fine. Anyway, thanks for telling me."

"Your welcome. But why did you want to know more about Gabriel and Shura Kirigakure?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"For Gabriel, she's a good friend of mine, despite her being as dense as a brick wall. As for Shura well, you didn't think I got this strong on my own, right?" Vince asked with a small smirk.

Her eyes widened at the implication. "You were trained by one of the most powerful exorcists in the church?!"

"Yeah, she didn't teach me any church related stuff though. Anyway, that's all in the past now." He answered nonchantly.

(Flashback End)

"We're here." Rias spoke with a smile.

Vince at the store and sighed as he saw the store sold lingerie. "Yeah, I'm not staying here."

"Why not? We need your opinion Vince." Akari said, holding his arm.

He removed himself from her grip. "You have four people amongst yourselves. Not to mention Kasumi looks embrassed at the thought me seeing her in lingerie."

Said person's blush intensified as a result, Rias however smiled seductively. "Are you sure? You can have us pick out whatever you want. Even the see-through lingerie."

"Ufufu, are you sure you want leave Vince-kun? We'll be wearing whatever you picked out." Akeno teased.

Vince facepalmed as the blush on his face grew from imagining them wearing the see-through lingerie. "No, I'm leaving. You four have fun."

He walked away as Akari pouted. "I thought for sure that would get Vince. I guess he has more self-control that I thought."

Kasumi however breathed a sigh of relief as Akari smirked. "You know, it's only a matter of time before Vince losses his self-control and I have his first."

Kasumi's eyes narrowed as she looked at her. "That won't be happening Akari."

"I am Vince's fiancée, his chasity belongs to me." Rias commented as the two glared at her.

"Stay out of this!" They shouted in unison, before they glared at each other.

"Ara ara, maybe I should have an affair with Vince-kun." Akeno spoke smiling as the three girls now glared at her.

Vince continued walking, much more calmer than before with most of his blush faded away. (That was a close call, it wouldn't have turned out well for me if I saw them like that.)

He then raised an eyebrow when he saw Kiba and Issei talking near the restroom. "Hey guys."

The two turned around as Kiba smiled. "Hello Vince-kun."

Issei however went up to the him with a slight jealous look. "Tell me how is it like to shop with four beautiful bishoujo's?!"

Kiba and Vince sweatdropped as he shook his head. "Annoying, they try to drag me around like a freaking pack-mule and almost made me enter a lingerie shop."

The sweatdropped from the two got bigger as Issei grinned pervertedly. Vince however sighed, "Issei. You do know that grinning like that in front of the guys restroom you'll only further confirm the gay rumors about you, right?"

Issei immediately blanched and shook his head as he quickly nodded. "Y-Yeah!"

"So, what are you two doing?" Vince questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"We're doing karaoke singing about the main theme from Dragon Ball with Asia-chan, Koneko-chan, Motohama, Matsuda and Kiryu." Issei answered with a grin.


"Do you want to join us later Vince-kun?" Kiba asked curiously.

"No thanks. Besides, I prefer Dragon Ball Z, better." He replied causing Issei to shot him an annoyed look.

"You like that one better?!" Issei shouted.

"Well, yes because I grew up on that." Before Issei could retort Vince's cellphone sounded off.

He checked the caller I.D. and raised an eyebrow, never seeing the number before. "I'll be back. I have to take this call."

"Yeah, who's this?" Vince asked answering the call.

"Hello Vince, it's me. Your father, how are you doing?" The man asked.

Vince's eyes widened greatly before they narrowed, Kiba and Issei's eyes widened as they saw a look of pure malice in his eyes. "To what do I owe the displeasure of this call, father?"

"Don't be like rude, Vince. I know I haven't seen you around in a while, but I am still your father." He replied in a indifferent tone.

"What do you want and why are you calling me now?" Vince asked in tone, void of any emotion.

"I need you to come back to Florida in the United States, your mother did something stupid and sent you here which it placed me in a tough spot." The man answered with a sigh.

At that point Vince immediately released an enormous amount of killing intent, Issei and Kiba backed away slightly from the intensity of it. "You..."

"Speak up, I can't hear you." Vince's father spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.

"You have a lot of nerve to ask me, to go back there just to bail you out of trouble." The tone of Vince's voice was cold, sharp and filled with hatred.

Before Vince's father could continue, Vince interrupted him. "Not to mention you undermined what you did. You haven't seen me in a while, bullshit! It was twelve fucking years ago! You left me when I was four and gave all your custody to my mom, as far as I'm concerned you have no right to call me let alone think for a moment I think of you as dad!"

"Now you listen here, I did not call you to be lectured. Are you going to come back to Florida or what?!" The man shouted over the cellphone.

At that moment the killing intent from Vince intensified, up to the point were it was palpable. Everyone from the Occult Research Club along with Kasumi and Akari arrived, due to feeling the killing intent. With the exception of Kasumi and Akari, everyone's eyes widened at the amount of killing intent from him.

"Akari." Kasumi spoke softly.

"I know, Kasumi." She replied with a frown.

"You idiot! Isn't it obvious!? After you left me and my mother alone do you really think I would help you?! Go to hell, you worthless son of a bitch!" Vince closed his cellphone furiously and walked away, not even acknowledging the fact that the others heard every word of the conversation.

To everyone's surprise they some tears from his eyes, they looked at him worriedly. Rias was about to go after him, but was stopped Kasumi who shook her head. After a few moments Asia spoke up. "W-What happened to Vince-san?"

Kasumi and Akari said nothing, but sighed sadly. Rias looked at the two. "Please, tell us what happened."

"We can't. It's personal to Vince." Kasumi answered sadly.

"And it wouldn't be right to talk about his past like that." Akari added.

"But Vince-kun is our comrade, whatever is troubling him we want to help him." Kiba retorted.

"Yeah, we can't just leave Vince like this." Issei stated.

"We want to help Vince-kun." Akeno said.

"Help senpai." Koneko spoke with a nod.

After seeing the determined looks on their faces Kasumi and Akari looked at each other, for a few moments before nodding.

"We'll tell you, but you can't tell anybody else about this okay?" Akari asked, gaining a nod from the others.

"We don't know the specific details ourselves. But we know that when Vince was four his father left his mother, Elena-san and him. He gave all of his rights as parent to Elena-san during a court meeting. After which Vince never saw his father in person again." Kasumi explained to them.

"Vince has an intense hatred for his father, since he left both him and Elena-san alone. Back then, Vince wanted to try to get to know him better. Elena-san tried to have both him and Vince talk together multiple times, but his father either lied and never called or he would just refuse all together." Akari added, surprsing the others.

"Vince was a very smart kid back then. He told Elena-san, to don't try anymore. Vince already knew that his father wasn't going to make an effort. From their Vince developed a hatred for his father that increased greatly as he got older." Kasumi finished sadly.

Akeno gave an emphatic look as Kiba shook his head and Koneko nodded sadly. Rias sighed as Asia also looked sad. Issei however grinned and spoke. "Vince is a comrade, I'll make him forget his dad by teaching him about the beauty of oppai!"

Everyone immediately looked at him in disbelief. Akari groaned as she rubbed her temples, not believing she just heard that. Kasumi however sighed, "I'll go see how Vince is doing."

Without a word, she quickly left.


Vince walked slowly towards the back alley of the mall, with an enraged look on his face as stared at the concrete wall. "Why?! Just when I nearly forget about him, he finds a way to mess everything up for me!"

[Vince, please calm down. You can't let him get to you.] Yume responded sadly.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Vince punched the concrete wall. His fist went dented the wall as his knuckles were badly bruised and bleeding as a result.

[Vince please stop!] She cried out as he punched the wall again.

The blood on Vince's knuckles seeped through into his hand as he wordlessly cocked his fist back ready to punch the wall.

"Stop!" Kasumi quickly grabbed Vince's hand before he could punch the wall again. She examined the hand and winced at his self inflicted wounds.

Vince roughly got his hand away from her and panted as he looked down, clenched his already damaged fist and tried to punch the wall again. "Hrrrrr...!"

"You can't!" Kasumi quickly grabbed Vince from behind and hugged him. He tried to get away from grip and tried to punch the wall. But she held on firm and twisted her body in an angle where she hugged him from the front. "Please Vince!"

Vince breathed heavily as he leaned against the wall with Kasumi hugging him. He eventually slumped to the floor with a look of anguish on his face.

"Does your hand hurt?" Kasumi asked after a few moments of silence.


"I'm sure Asia will be able to heal it." She commented.


Vince looked at the sky as he sighed. "Kasumi."


"I'm really pathetic. Letting him get to me like this." He remarked.

Kasumi shook her head, "That's not true Vince. It's only understandable because he is the one that caused you most of this pain."

"You know, you don't have to put up with this. You can also leave Kasumi, I'm sure there are better guys than me to look after." Vince commented with a hollow chuckle.

"I don't care. You're the one I want to be with the most Vince. Besides, you make me feel happy. Even if you hated to admit it, you were always a kind person that looked out for me. Don't ever call yourself pathetic Vince." She replied in a stern tone.

His eyes widened as a small tear passed down his cheek. He pulled her into a hug. "Do you really want to be next to someone like me?"

Kasumi smiled and hugged Vince tenderly, "Yes. I will always be with you Vince, no matter when. No matter how long."


They stared into each others eyes for a few moments before they leaned and kissed each other on the lips.

The two eventually pulled away from each other with noticeable blushes on their faces for what it seemed like a few hours, was only a few seconds in actuality.

Kasumi and Vince got up from the ground and dusted themselves off. The two then leaned in and got closer to each other for another kiss.

"I found you!"

The two quickly turned around to see Akari with the other Occult Club members. Rias and Akeno looked jealous along with Issei, while the rest either had the decency to look embarrassed or look away.

"You're really sneaky for trying something like that Kasumi. I didn't know you had it in you." Akari stated with a frown.

"It's not what it looks like!" Kasumi shouted.

Vince hid his knuckles and started to walk away. (I need to leave from here.)

"I doubt that." Rias said in a irritated tone.

"Ara ara, I'll have to have an affair with Vince-kun really soon then." Akeno spoke with a smile, annoying Rias, Kasumi and Akari.

Kiba noticed Vince starting to walk away and grabbed his arm, after seeing him place his other hand in his pocket. "Wait. You're injured, aren't you?"

Vince said nothing as Kasumi spoke up. "Asia, can you heal Vince please? He injured his hand badly."

Asia nodded and went to Vince, "Please let me see your hand Vince-san."

Said person sighed and showed his hand to everyone, surprising them with the exception of Kasumi who already saw it. Rias frowned at seeing the injury. "Vince what did you do?"

He said nothing but pointed to the cracked portion of the wall which had his blood on it as Asia started healing him.

"Vince-kun, why did you do that?" Akeno asked in a worried tone.

[It's a bad habit of Vince. Whenever he gets furious, he punches any wall he can find.] Yume spoke, surprising everyone.

"Yume, don't."

[Vince, I understand that you want to keep some things private to yourself. But you can't keep this private, look at what you did to yourself!] She exclaimed, causing him to shake his head.

Akeno looked at him with sympathy, "Do you hate your father, Vince-kun?"

"...I would feed him to a Stray Devil if I had the chance." He replied hatefully, causing some of the others to wince and Akeno to nod.

After Asia finished healing Vince's knuckles he thanked her and left without a word.


Vince sighed in deep thought as he packed his clothing in a luggage. "Well, I'm almost done."

[Are you going to tell the others about this?] Yume questioned.

"When they get back." He replied sighing a little.

He picked up his luggage and walked in at the same time Rias, Akari and Kasumi came in through the front door. (Good thing I bought my ticket for the flight the other day.)

"What's with luggage Vince?" Rias asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm taking a mini vacation. I just need to go away for a little bit." Vince said.

"Where are you going?" Kasumi questioned in a curious tone.

"Vatican City."

"You're going to the Vatican!? That's the central city where the church is!" Rias shouted, surprsing Akari and Kasumi.

"Yes, but I'm only human and they can't do anything to me. Not to mention, I'm a natural holy-sword wielder. Trying to detain me or try something underhanded would hurt their reputation." Vince countered.

Rias tried to argue back, but couldn't find anything wrong with his logic. She shook her head and sighed. "Just be careful, Vince okay?"

"I will."

"Can Kasumi and I come along?" Akari asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately no. Someone needs to look after Rias, whenever I leave I swear she gets into trouble." He remarked, causing Akari to defliate and Rias' eye to twitch.

"We understand. But please be careful Vince." Kasumi spoke in a reassuring tone.

Vince nodded as Akari walked up to him and kissed him on the lips. "For good luck."

She walked away smirking at the two, Rias immediately kissed Vince on the lips as Kasumi did the same when she was finished.

Vince blinked owilishly as a small blush appeared on his face, not expecting to be kissed by three women one second after the other. "I-I'll be going now. Later."

He walked out of the house shaking his head. (Sheesh, they're really making it difficult for me.)


Vince sat down on a seat as he looked out the window from an airplane. (I can't believe I let him get to me like that. I know I've been holding back my anger for a while, but I didn't expect for me to lose control. It must have been because it was him in general and not about him.)

He sighed and closed his eyes, (I shouldn't think about that. Getting rest right now is important, I don't want to suffer jet lag.)


A fourteen year old Vince breathed heavily as their were numerous cuts and tears all over his clothes. His face fell into the ground. "Is it really necessary to try and hit me with Serpent's fang Shura?"

"It wasn't that bad. You've gotten a little better dodging it, so quit complain' shrimp. I need to make your reflexes better along with your stamina, it sucks." She replied heaving her sword to her shoulder.

"Ugh... How do you even get away with this? Shouldn't my mom or Gabriel know?" He questioned groaning in pain as his entire body is aching.

"I told Gabriel and Elena up front that I wasn't gonna pull any punches in training ya, you needed this. It was your fault for getting lazy after yer friends left and letting those idiots get to ya." Shura answered seriously.

"Was it that bad?" Vince questioned, getting up.

"Of course it was that bad, your control was piss poor at best and your body wasn't in fit condition to handle the "blessing" Gabriel talked about." She responded taking a sip of beer, that she just took from her tattoo.

"...So what's next?"

Shura tossed him a large book to which he caught and nearly fell down. "Read it."

He looked at the book and blinked owlishly. "A book about the human body? I but already know about sex."

"Not that kind of book you shrimp!" Shura shouted before she blinked. "Wait, how do you know about sex already, your fourteen!"

"The internet." He said simply.

She shook her head in disbelief, "It's a medical book about the human body. After ya done reading it I'll go more into it."

"How do you know this stuff?" Vince questioned.

"Well, I know a thing or two about being a doctor. Though I'm not a conventional one." Shura replied with a shrug.

"So does that mean you're like a back-alley doctor?" He asked, before clutching his head in pain.

She slapped him upside of the head with annoyed look. "No smart ass, I'm not that type of doctor and just for that, were gonna do some dodging drills later on. Right after we focus on you controling your water and lightning."

"Fuck. So, why do you want me to learn about this crap?" Vince questioned sceptically.

"It would be a waste if you didn't learn. You'll understand why this was a good idea later on, now get started!" Shura said, taking another sip from her beer.

Vince grumbled in annoyance, but complied and started reading. (I wonder if this will ever come in handy.)

(Dream End)

"-We have arrived at our destination, all passengers please gather your belongings and exit the plane." The attendant annouced.

Vince's eyes snapped open as he took a deep breath and got up from his seat. (Another dream... I'm glad that medical training was helpful, it's the reason Akari is alive afterall. I guess those two years of Shura training me into the ground paid off.)

He grabbed his luggage and left the airplane calmly. (I wonder if there's anything good to eat around here.)


As soon Vince opened the door to a room, he promptly tossed his luggage on the floor and jumped into the bed. "I missed sleeping on a bed. A futon is comfy but I prefer a bed."

[I'm glad you like it Vince, it's a good thing you found a hotel that was pretty good.] Yume responded with a smile.

"Yeah, it was hard trying to find a good one online though." He stated, as he lied his head down on the soft pillow.

[So what are we you going to do now that you're in Vatican City.] She asked curiosly.

"Just what a usual tourist does, check the sites, get a bite to eat and get a few souvenirs." Vince commented.

[Are you going to go visit the church? I'm sure Gabriel or Shura would be happy to see you again.] Yume asked with a smile.

"Unless I know she's there, probably not. As for Shura, I kinda doubt she would be happy to see me. She did have to train me for two years afterall." He stated shrugging.

[Don't be so negative Vince, I know Shura enjoyed her time with you.] She said frowning.

Vince however shrugged, not really believing that. "So Yume, I've been meaning to ask you. Do I have a Balance Breaker?"

Yume blinked owlishly at the question, not expecting that but nodded. [Yes, you have two of them. One for each Sacred Gear, why do you ask?]

"I was curious to see if I have one. ...Am I close to unlocking it?" He asked in a hesitant tone.

[Actually, yes you are. You're very close at unlocking Element Brand's Balance Breaker. Angel/Devil still has a ways to go though.] She answered.


[With Element Brand's Balance Breaker, you'll be able to do new feats you wouldn't have been able to do before.] Yume explained smiling.

"That's cool..." He commented as he stood silent for a few moments.

[Vince, let it go.] She said seriously.


[Your Balance Breaker will not unlock until you let go of the lock you placed around your heart. You should not suppress your true emotions just to avoid getting hurt.] Yume explained sadly.

"What are you talking about?" Vince asked feigning ignorance.

[Please Vince, if you continue to suppress your feelings away you will only continue to suffer and ignore what's in front of you. Let go of your restraints and show more or your true emotions.] She answered softly.

After a few seconds of silence, he sighed greatly as he decided to stop feigning ignorance and lied his head down on a pillow. "It's not easy as you think Yume. I suppressed most of my emotions so I wouldn't be affected by what people say about me."

[You don't have to try to suppress it everytime Vince, it isn't healthy. One of these days, someone is going to say the wrong thing and you won't be able to suppress what you'll feel.] Yume lectured in a soft tone.

Vince shrugged again before covering himself in a blanket. "I-I see. Regardless, I'm going to go to sleep. I want to explore the city in the morning."

[Good night.]

"Good night." He said closing his eyes.


Authors Note: A lot of stuff happened in this chapter. I gotta say though, this one is so far my favorite chapter to write, because I was able to go into more detail about Vince's past and his internal conflict. It just goes to show that everyone has their own problems to deal with.

The reason why Vince lost was because Xenovia simply has more experience in using a sword compared to him and they agreed to only use their swords. He put a good fight, but ultimately lost due to lack of experience.

Also, as for the scene with Sona. I kind of expected her to ask Vince to join her peerage after seeing his abilities and what he can do in a fight. Although he denied the offer because he doesn't want to be a servant to anyone.

Moving on, I'll just say this real quick. With Akari, Rias and Akeno trying to seduce him and a guy can only take so much, it's not going to be long until something happens.

As for the scene with Vince's father, I wanted to show how much he hated and resented him. As you can see, Vince will mostly lose his cool when talking to him and will go into a great emotional stress where he will act irrational.

Just to note, Vince will have a special moment with each of his harem. He already had one with Akari and this time it's with Kasumi. I want to have Vince develop his character from those moments and vice-versa.

In the flashback, Shura is pretty much training Vince into the ground. With all of the stuff Shura is making him do, considering the dangerous stuff he's going to face because of his Sacred Gears, it's pretty tame in comparison. Just to be clear, the reason why Vince lost control of his Sacred Gears in the flashback is because he got lazy and started to revert back to his old self after Kasumi, Hayate and their mother Ayame left.

Also before anyone asks, yes a year has passed in the flashback since Shura started training Vince, in total she has trained him for two years since she did leave at some point. Which will be explained more in the next chapter.

For the record, Vince's Balance Breaker for Element Brand. The one that lets him use his elements, will be revealed soon in a future chapter. I'm not telling when, but it will be shown and yes, I already decided what the Balance Breaker will do. But before that can happen, Vince needs to remove his restraints on his emotions, which is holding him back from unlocking his Balance Breaker.

That's all for the indepth explanations, the next chapter Vince will explore Vatican City and the events that'll happen may or may not surprise you. Let me know what you think about the chapter, I enjoy the feedback and take care.