

Chapter 19


Vince yawned loudly as he rubbed his eyes and sat up from his bed. (I can defintely say this bed is more comfy than my futon in Kuoh.)

[Good morning Vince.] Yume greeted with a smile.

"Morning Yume." He replied stretching, causing multiple bones on his body to make a "popping" sound.

[What are you going to do for today Vince?] She asked curiously.

"Check out the sights and get a few souvenirs for the others along with Kunou and Yasaka. After that, I'm gonna get a bite to eat. I'm really starving from what we did last night." Vince stated as on cue his stomach growled loudly.

Yume giggled as she nodded. [You've been working hard on it ever since you defeated Kokabiel and you've worked even harder last night. I'm positive you'll be able to use it in a real fight.]

A few minutes later he came out wearing a black long sleeved shirt, with a pair of red pants with a belt strap on the right side, and black shoes. (I wonder if I'll have any trouble with the church today. Even if I know Gabriel and Shura, I should be on guard just in case somebody decides to do something stupid.)

[You look handsome Vince.] Yume spoke with a smile.

"Thanks, Yume." He responded with a small smile.

Vince grabbed Crescent Rose in it's travel form and placed it below his back. He grabbed the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi and placed it on the side of his left hip. "We should get going now."

Yume however sweatdropped, [Won't the people be alarmed that you're carrying a katana? This isn't Kuoh, Vince.]

"Oh right." Vince placed a long black coat on his body, covering the sheated Totsuka-no-Tsurugi.

She blinked twice before nodding. [That's good enough, it's better than the citizens seeing you have a katana.]

"My thoughts exactly."

Before Vince could leave his cellphone sounded off. He raised an eyebrow and checked the caller I.D. "It's from mom."

[You should answer it then, Vince. I'm sure Elena-san wants to talk to you.] Yume said.


Vince answered the call and spoke. "Hey mom, how are you?"

"I'm okay. I also got a call from deadbeat." She replied casually, much to his and Yume's surprise.

"He called you to?" He asked sounding surprised.

"Yeah, the bastard had the gall to tell me I need to discipline you more. I told him he had it coming and hung up on him." Elena said in a slightly smug tone.

"Right. So, it seems that your idea worked mom." Vince commented with a smirk.

"I told you it would work Vince. You didn't have to go find him, he'll eventually try to contact you. The transfer to Kuoh Academy just sped up the process greatly." She answered, chuckling a little.

"Yeah, so why did he try to contact me?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"Well, the courts and the investigators in the United States found out that he was claiming you, despite you not living with him. As you know we couldn't do anything about that in the past because of the court costs and we couldn't afford it. Since they found out he was illegally claiming you, he now has to pay for all of the money he got." Elena stated, smirking over the phone.

Vince blinked owlishly, before he nodded. "I see. And he wants me to go back there to prove otherwise. Which is funny considering he lives in Chicago and I used to live in Florida."

"Exactly, it's funny because the investigators just found out about that. I'm positive it won't be long before he's forced to pay that amount. Though he might come and try to convince you to comeback." She replied with a small sigh.

"I don't mind getting a visit from the greedy son of a bitch." He commented with a malicious smirk.

"Don't kill or maim him Vince, he's not worth dirting your hands with. His own actions are going to get him later on." Elena said seriously.

"I won't kill him. But that won't stop me from breaking a few bones in his body if tries something." Vince responded with a small shrug.

She sighed in response. "Fair enough. So Vince, are you going to tell me what you've been doing?"

He stood silent for a few moments before sighing. "I'll tell you what I've been doing soon. There will be a day where parents are allowed to go and look at what the students do in the school. I'll pay for your ticket to come over here so I can explain, it's the type of thing that can't really be explained over the phone, alright?"

"Okay. But how will you even get the money to pay for my flight?" Elena questioned.

"I've been taking a few jobs here and there, they pay very good." Vince answered cryptically.

"Alright then, I'll be there when the day comes. Take care Vince." She spoke in a soft tone.

"You too mom."

"Goodbye, Vince." Elena said, hanging up.

Vince turned off his cellphone and sighed. "Well, this will be interesting to explain."

[It will be, but I'm glad you can talk about matters like this with Elena-san.] Yume spoke with a smile.

"Mom will eventually find out. I'd rather tell her myself in person, that have her find out in a bad moment." He replied shrugging.


Vince walked through the city with a look of surprise as he took in the sights. (This place is pretty much the polar opposite of Kuoh. The place is more traditional while Kuoh is more modern in terms of structure and the atmosphere is defintely different.)

Unaware to him, four figures each wearing a pure white hooded cloaks that hid their faces, were following him.

One of the hooded figures looked at him before nodding. "We've found our target."

"Why are we waiting here for? Shouldn't we go and capture the brat already? Both him and his holy-sword are within our sights to take it!" The other figure exclaimed.

The second figure shook their head. "No, it is too soon. With this many witnesses around it will make things complicated. Especially if we get caught by the church."

The third cloaked figure snorted, "Not to mention he's probably armed to the teeth."

The fourth cloaked figure said nothing but nodded in agreement.

"Tch, at least we'll be on the good graces of the Khaos Brigade if we turn him in along with his holy-sword." The figure replied grumbling.

Currently Vince was looking through one of the gardens in Vatican. He blinked in surprise as looking at how well the flowers were kept. (Not bad, these flowers are well tended to. Not to mention I haven't seen these types of flowers before.)

After a few minutes of looking through the garden he promptly walked out and headed towards a restraunt. Vince looked at the menu and grinned at seeing pasta and pizza on the menu. (Pasta and pizza? I'm so getting those.)

Yume's eyes widened at the amount of pizza and pasta he ordered. Even the waitress' eyes widened at the amount but nodded and went to go get the order.

[Vince, are you sure you'll be able to eat that much? I know pasta and pizza are your favorite food to eat but still...] She trailed off in a worried tone.

"Well, I skipped breakfest because I wanted to eat this purely for lunch. Besides, you know if the training I did last night with you, you know I was gonna be this hungry right?" He responded, grabbing a drink that the waitress just gave him.

[Well... Yes, that's true.] Yume spoke with a nod, agreeing.

"You know, I still remember when you first told me about it. It was surprising that you would know something like that." Vince commented, causing Yume to pout at the jab.


Vince blinked owlishly as he stared at Yume, unable to believe what he just heard. "Repeat that again Yume?"

[I'm going to teach a technique that I've learned over the years. I prefer to use my fists to fight, but this technique can be used on any other weapon, so it's very useful.] She explained with a smile.


[Well, you do need something to compisate for the fact that you don't have a fightning style. Developing one would take a lot of time, which we don't have since you will be getting attention by the other factions for killing Kokabiel, despite having help.] Yume responded, causing him to groan.

"Right... But before we work on that, can you tell me more about the techniques themselves?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

[Of course. I've learned these techniques back then before I was sealed into your Sacred Gear, Angel/Devil. I found them in special tomes, unfortunately most if not all of the tomes were destroyed during the Great War. Fortunately, I've mastered these techniques so it's not all bad.] She answered cheerfully.

"I see. So what's the technique you're going to teach me now?" Vince questioned.

[I'm going to teach you the easiest technique to learn, it's called Astra.] Yume replied with a smile.


[It will be easier to explain after I show you.] To Vince's surprise, Yume's hands glowed a small green color, before she disappeared at speeds that surprised him even more. She appeared before a boulder and gave it a jab, causing the boulder to crack. Yume followed up with a regular punch, a backfist, a double punch, before ending it with a palm to boulder.

The boulder immediately crumbled into pieces after getting hit with the palm strike. She looked at Vince with a smile as she spoke. [Astra is a special technique that allows you to double your speed to preform five consecutive attacks. But in exchange your attacks will only do half the damage it normally does.]

"And just to make sure, I'll be able to do this with my scythe and katana?" He asked her.

[Yes, you'll be able to do this with anything you can use a weapon. That's what makes the other techniques so unique.] Yume answered with a nod.

"That's good to know. Is there anything else I need to know?" Vince questioned in a curious tone.

[When it comes to these techniques, remember that practice makes perfect. You'll see what I mean the more you use it.] She replied.

"Alright." He took out Crescent Rose in it's scythe form as he twirled it in a 360 degree angle before stopping.

"Astra!" The blade of Crescent Rose glowed slightly green as he disappeared from Yume's sight, before crashing his face straight into a boulder.


Yume held back giggling as she went to Vince and helped him up. [You'll get used to the speed and the control, you just have to keep practicing.]

(Flashback End)

Vince rubbed his nose as he winced at the memory. (I'm glad that was in my dreams and not in real life. I would have broken my nose more times than I would have counted.)

The waitress came in with three large plates and three large bowls, three of the plates had an extra large cheese pizza with mushrooms on it. While the bowls were filled to the top with different variants of pasta. "Here's your order, sir. Umm, not to be rude. But will you be able to finish all of it?"

"Yeah, don't worry I'll be able to eat it. Thanks." He replied, grabbing a fork and placing his drink near him.

"You're welcome, let me know if you need anything else." She stated, before leaving.

Vince nodded and quickly dug into the food. Yume's eyes widened as she saw him eat the pasta and pizza slices with such gusto.

The other customers in the restraunt stopped what they were eating and just looked at Vince in surprise as they saw him eat at an incredibly fast pace, without leaving a single trace of food behind.

He quickly swapped a bowl of pasta and dug into another one. (This is really good, I haven't had anything like this to eat in a long time. The food Rias, Akari and Kasumi cooks are good but this is my favorite food to eat.)

[Vince, please slow down you're going to choke at this rate.] Yume called out worriedly.

Vince paid no attention to her as he immediately finishing eating the last pizza slice of the first and second plate, before taking a large sip of soda that was ordered earlier. "Don't worry Yume, you know this happens everytime I'm starving."

[I know, but please be careful.] She replied with a sigh.

He nodded and quickly went back to eating the pasta on the final bowl. (I can't really control myself, I'm starving!)

A few minutes later Vince finished eating the last slice of pizza as he drank his soda and let out a loud sigh. "That was great."

The waitress came back in and her eyes widened as she saw all of the plates Vince ate were completely gone. "Here's your bill."

"Okay." Vince looked at the bill and his eyes widened. (Well, it looks like I'll have to steal some cash before I get home.)

He took out the cash from his wallet and paid the bill while leaving her a ten dollar tip. "Here, later."

"Goodbye, thank you and come again." She spoke with a small smile.


Vince smirked as he patted his stomach. "That was good, I wouldn't mind eating like that again."

Yume however sweatdropped. [Was it really necessary to eat that much?]

"Yeah, I was really hungry. I think it had to do with me practicing my ice element last night after doing that training session." He replied with a shrug.

[Well, that is true. It happened to you back then when you were training with your Water and Lightning element. Because your body wasn't accustomed to using the Ice element, it will increase your metabolism and will make you hungry. Thankfully, that side effect will pass over time, like it did with the Water and Lightning element.] She stated, crossing her arms causing her breasts to rise.

Vince took a small glance at her breasts before nodding. "At least this time it's one element instead of two."

His eyes narrowed immediately as he felt a small chill up his spine. He immediately look at Yume and spoke in a whispered tone. "Yume, is it me or does it feel like we're being followed?"

[It's not you Vince. There's four people following you, be careful I think they might be hostile.] She whispered in a worried tone.

He nodded calmly walked towards an empty back-alley. (I can't deal with them when there's civillians around and I need a small place to get them all so they won't spread out.)

Vince stopped walking after reaching an abandoned parking lot. "I know you've been following me. Come out."

The four cloaked figures came out from behind as the first one spoke. "Well what do you know, the brat isn't as helpless as he looks."

He ignored that person and turned towards another one. "Are you with the church and what do you want?"

"You can say that, we're here to take you in, along with that holy-sword you have." The other guy replied with a shrug.

Vince tensed as he looked at them. "And why do I do that? The church has no autority over me and my holy-sword sure as hell doesn't belong to them."

The third cloaked figure took a step forward, speaking in a feminine voice. "That is irrelevant. We have our orders to take you into custodity and confiscate your holy-sword, either come with us quitely or we will use force."

"Gah, does it even matter? This brat doesn't even stand a chance against us." One of the figures said taking out a gun.

"So I guess talking about this is out of the question?" He asked sarcastically, looking at the other cloaked figure while ignoring the one.

The cloaked figure immediately fired from his gun at him. "Don't ignore me you brat!"

Vince swiftly moved the side and raised his hand as a ball of ice formed on his hand. "They say that the first one to talk a lot of crap is usually the first one to go down. I think it's safe to say you fit the bill."

"Shut up!" The cloaked figure immediately took out a sword made out of light and charged at him.

The other cloaked figures shook their heads, but quickly took out their light swords and charged in, with the exception of one of the cloaked members, who just calmly stood back and watched everything with an unnoticeable grin.

"Raaah!" The cloaked figure swung his light sword mercilessly as Vince calmly evaded his attacks.

He ducked, dodged and weaved through his attacks as he raised his hand and blasted with one of the cloaked figures that tried to slash him from behind with sharp, thick shards of ice. "Like I would let you!"

"Gaaah!" The other cloaked figure was sent flying back as a result, with his stomach and arms were impaled by some of the ice shards.

Vince immediately created two ice daggers and swiftly stabbed the figure that was down in the kidney and in the kneecap, causing him to let out an ear piercing scream.

"You bastard, you'll pay for that!" The first cloaked figure shouted angrily, raising his light sword over him, ready to decapitate him.

"I highly doubt that." He froze the concrete underneath himself and slide away just in the nick of time before having his head decapitated. Vince immediately followed up by raising his left hand and blasting the guy with multiple ice shards in his stomach as he created a small translucent ice shield to parry a stealth attack from another cloaked figure, who looked surprised.

The cloaked figure shouted in pain as the ice shards were embedded into his stomach, causing his cloak to be stained with his blood. He brought up his gun and quickly shot at Vince.

Vince grunted in pain as he felt a bullet pierce through his ribcage, but fired a small barrage of crescent-shaped ice projectiles at the woman that spoke earlier, with his left hand catching her by surprise as she screamed in pain. He immediately brought up his ice shield with his right hand and painfully smashed her face into it with his left hand, knocking her unconscious. "Good night."

The cloaked figure tried to get up but couldn't as he gasped in pain as Vince just created an tossed an ice dagger, impaling his left thigh. "D-Damn, you're a monster."

Vince brought out Crescent Rose in it's rifle form and pointed at him as he covered it in ice. "Funny, how this all could have been avoided. Oh well, not my problem."

He fired a large projectile made up of ice, as multiple air slices, sliced through the large projectile before it made contact. "You don't have to be so hasty you know."

Vince turned around to see a cloaked woman take off her hood, revealing Shura. "It'll cause a mess in the Vatican if you do."


"Not bad Vince. You've grown-up into a man. Compared to back then, when you were such a shrimp." She replied with a grin, taking off her cloak.

"And, you're still you..." He replied dryly, putting away Crescent Rose in it's travel form.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shura asked frowning a little.

"You haven't changed much." Vince answered as he froze the gun shot wound on his ribcage, leaving a small slab of ice on it.


"You! You're Shura Kirigakure-" The man spoke before being knocked unconscious by Vince, after he tossed an ice rock at his temple.

"Mind explaining what's been going on, Shura? He asked in a nonchant tone, not feeling remorse for what he did.

"I'll explain later, but I need you to come with me as a witness to the Vatican." Shura replied with a small shrug.

"That depends. Is the church going to take me into custody and confiscate my holy-sword?" Vince asked in a cautious tone.

"Of course not. Micheal gave the order not to do anything to you as long as you don't act hostile. These morons said doesn't mean a thing. Besides, Gabriel has been wanting to see you for a while after she heard what happened." She explained, rounding up the bodies.

Vince created a lightning rope and tightly tied it around the unconscious cloaked figures. "Uh, which part are you talking about?"

"Well, there's the fact that you've pretty much bombed that Gremory girl's engagement and you're engaged to her and you did manage to bring four powerful ninjas to deal with Kokabiel while killing him yourself. That's not counting your holy-sword." Shura commented.

"Fuck." He grabbed the rope of lightning and effortlessly dragged the unconscious figures, after wiping away the blood from their body by splashing them with large amount of water that came out of his right hand.

Shura snickered, "You should have seen Gabriel's reaction when she found out. She looked like a gapping fish when she found out."

"I wish I could have seen that." Vince replied chuckling.

"Sheesh, you are full of surprises Vince." She said looking at the sheath for his holy-sword.

"And why's that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I thought for sure you were gonna wield a Demon-sword. You have all of the qualities for it." Shura replied with a sigh.


"Tch, now I have to find a way to make him wield demonic-swords." She said mumbling to herself.


"I'm surprised you didn't use Leviathan on Kokabiel though." Shura commented lazily.

"I was already exhausted from another ordeal I came out from. Using Leviathan after using Jigadirasu Uru Zakeruga was out of the question." Vince answered with a shrug.

"Still. You did pretty good fighting against Kokabiel from what I've been told. Kinda ironic that he was killed by a human." She replied nonchantly.

"No kidding."

After a few moments of silence, he spoke up. "If you were undercover then why didn't you help me?"

"I wanted to see how strong you've gotten. You did pretty good, hell you can even use Ice now. Since when did that happen?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"More or less a week ago, I got it after pretty much getting blasted the face by an explosion." He answered with a small shrug.

Shura blinked twice before snorting. "You always did get into weird crap."

Vince's eye twitched. "It's not like I could help it. Besides, I had to take an explosion to the face. I didn't want my hard work to be ruined."


"To put it simply, the medical training you drilled into my head, was helpful. It helped me saved my friend's life." He answered seriously.

She smiled slyly, "I told ya, it would come in handy Vince."

"I know, Shura, thanks. Anyway, I'll explain what happened along the way." Vince stated calmly, catching her off-guard for a moment.


Shura laughed loudly as she walked into the church with Vince, who was still dragging the unconscious bodies, by a lightning rope. "And you still deny sleeping with any of them?"

"I can't just sleep with them just like that. The baggage would be to much to deal with right after." He replied dryly.

"So? Since when does that stop ya? Back then you did whatever the hell ya wanted." She asked laughing a little.

"Yes, but we're talking about Lucifier's little sister, her "Queen", a former clan heiress that's been trained to be an assassin, her clone and a leader of a powerful faction." Vince replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hah, so this mean you have a fetish for dangerous women?" Shura teased.

"No, not to my knowledge. Just older women, which ironically enough you seem to fit the bill." Vince retorted in a sarcastic tone.

Shura tried to slap Vince upside the head, but he ducked at the last second as she grumbled. "Disrespectful shrimp..."

"You had it coming."

The two continued to walk through the church, ignoring the looks of shock and collective gasps from the other members of the church after seeing Vince dragging three unconscious and slightly bleeding bodies.

They finally stopped walking as Shura spoke up. "Oi, Gabriel I'm here."

Gabriel came out of a door as she smiled. She noticed Vince and pulled him into a hug, causing him to feel her breasts against his chest. "Vince, it's been so long. How are you doing?"

He ignored the sensations of her breasts and patted her back. "I'm doing okay."

"That's great." She then noticed the unconscious bodies. "Oh dear, what happened?"

"I ran into Vince, it looks like the intel was right about them. They tried to kidnap Vince and take his holy-sword. But they were no match for him." Shura explained with a grin.

"I see. That is very unfortunate to hear, but I am glad they were captured alive and Vince is safe." Gabriel answered with a smile.

Vince cleared his throat gaining their attention. "You two mind explaining this? I'd rather not be out of the loop here."

"Oh, my apologies Vince." Gabriel looked apologetically, before nodding.

"I'll explain Gabriel. I did say I was gonna tell him." Shura answered with a shrug.

"Very well, then."

"To put it simply, a few weeks ago we've gotten some info, that a small group of people were going to betray the church. I was sent in undercover to get enough evidence to send them in. Apparently, they were going to join an unknown organisation but before they could join they wanted to get on their good graces. When they heard you were coming they wanted to turn ya in along with that holy-sword of yours to them. You actually sped up to the process for them to make a move." Shura explained.

Vince looked angry as he turned towards the unconscious bodies. "Just to be clear. You need them alive right?"

"Yeah we do." She replied.

"...Can I maim them at least?" Vince asked with a straight face.

Shura blinked at his violent question as Gabriel looked appalled. "No Vince! You can't do such a thing to them, it isn't right!"

"They tried to trade me in as an object." He commented dryly.

"I am very aware of that Vince, but you can't do that. The church will punish them for doing such an action." Gabriel spoke seriously.

"..." Vince said nothing, but placed his hands in his pockets as he gazed at the unconscious exorcists with a cold and furious look that surprised even Gabriel.

"Don't get so bent out of shape Vince. With the stuff they have against them, they'll get into some deep trouble." Shura said in a reassuring tone.

"Alright, fine." Vince took out Crescent Rose in it's scythe form and pointed it at them with the blade just a few centimeters from their heads. "If they try again, I won't be so merciful."

Gabriel looked at the weapon in surprise. "You wield a scythe?"

"Isn't that the same weapon as that sniper rifle you had earlier?" Shura asked, alarming Gabriel at the mention of a sniper rifle.

Vince sighed irritably and placed Crescent Rose away after changing it in it's travel form. He then gave a brief explanation to them about Crescent Rose and how he obtained it. Gabriel's eyes widened throughout the explanation as Shura just chuckled. "...That's more or less how I got Crescent Rose."

"Does Elena-san know about this?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"Nope, not one bit. She doesn't even know about my holy-sword." Vince replied causing her to sigh.

"You gonna tell your mom about this?" Shura asked raising an eyebrow.


"Vince, why are you inside Vatican City? I'm happy to see you, but I'm curious as to why." Gabriel questioned in a curious tone.

"Sightseeing. You and Shura did mention that I should visit the Vatican at least once if I got the chance." He answered shrugging, causing the two to nod.

Gabriel then looked at Vince worriedly. "Is everything alright? I've heard you're engaged to the devil Rias Gremory."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. We live together now." Vince stated with a shrug, further worrying her.

Gabriel walked to him and held him tight in her arms, unintentionally causing her breasts to press up against his chest. "Oh dear, are you going to be alright Vince?"

"I will be now." He remarked, making Shura laugh at the comment.

A few moments later they pulled away as he noticed the looks they were receiving from the other members of the church. (Is it really that surprising to see me hug Gabriel?)

"I see. Well, it was very nice to see you again Vince." Gabriel spoke smiling.

"Same here. Glad to see ya aren't much of a shrimp anymore, Vince." Shura added with a grin.

"Likewise. Anyway, I'll be going now. I have a few things I want to do, later." He said as he left the church.

Upon walking outside Vince picked up his cellphone after hearing it sound off. "Hey Yasaka, what's up?"

"Hello Vince, I wanted to call to see how you were doing. Is everything okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I'm taking a mini vacation to Vatican City, I just came out of one of the churches." Vince replied, stretching his arms causing a bone to make a "popping" sound.

"You're in the Vatican? Are you sure that's safe Vince?" Yasaka asked in a surprised tone.

"In my case, yes. I'm a neutral party and I know a few people that are higher up in the Vatican, they won't let the lower ranks do something stupid." He responded casually, not wanting to tell her yet on what just happened.

"If you don't mind me asking Vince, who do you know that has that much influence?" She questioned in a curious tone.

"Gabriel, one of the seraphs and Shura Kirigakure." Vince answered with a shrug.

Yasaka's eyes widened over the phone as she shook her head. "You weren't kidding Vince. Those two really are important people to the church."

"Yup, so anyway, before I head to Kuoh, I'll stop by Kyoto to give you and Kunou some souvenirs from Vatican." He stated.

"You don't have to do that Vince." She replied modestly.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I already planned on getting some souvenirs for the other back at Kuoh. Besides, I'm sure Kunou would like something outside of Kyoto." Vince responded back.

Yasaka thought it over for a few moments before nodding. "If you put it that way, I can't deny your offer then. Thank you Vince."

"You're welcome, later." He said hanging up.

"Goodbye Vince." Yasaka hung up the phone, before her eyes widened. Her face immediately flushed as she started breathing heavily. She gripped her chest as placed the phone on a table. "Oh no, not now..."


Authors Notes: Again I apologize for updating late but I've been very busy. But on the upside I do have some surprises set up for the next chapter. As you can see, Vince was reunited with Gabriel and Shura. Now to go a little more in-depth with the explanations.

To put it simply without any explanations. The reason why Vince's dad wants him to go back to Florida was more or less explained in this chapter. Vince's mother isn't in any real trouble, in fact she was the one who thought up of the whole plan. She had Vince go to Kuoh, for not only a better education and a fresh start but to also have Vince get a higher chance of having his father contact him. Just goes to show that Vince inherited most of his mother's traits.

Also, that's basically the main reason why Vince's father wants him to go back. So he could continue getting money, while more or less screwing them over financially. Without Vince being the same country he'll be caught and be forced to pay what he's taken. The main reason why this couldn't be resolved earlier is because Vince and his mother are very poor and court costs would be more trouble than what it's worth. How she was able to get Vince in to Kuoh Academy will be explained in a future chapter.

The main reason why I didn't include Vince training more in his Ice element for his new technique in the last chapter is because I couldn't find a proper place to put it there to begin with. It would have taken me even longer for me to finish the chapter if I just plastered it there. But yes, Vince did train in his dreams with Yume like he usually does.

The technique itself is from the Fire Emblem series. Or to be more specific, Fire Emblem: Awakening. The reason for this is because the techniques in awakening are very versatile. It can be used on pretty much any weapon, including hand-to-hand as shown by Yume. I did give the techniques a little bit of a background to fit DxD. But I do want to point out, it is not an overpowered lost arts to learn. It's just very versatile because it can be used on pretty much any weapon.

This trait is also present in Fire Emblem Awakening since it can be used with, swords, axes lances, etc. And the only reason why it's lost is because the tomes for it were destroyed. I also hope that I've explained well how the technique Astra works.

One thing to note, is that one side effect from Vince learning a new element is that after using it. His metabolism will increase greatly as result because his body is trying to adapt, hence the reason why Vince was able to eat a lot of food. It will go away as time passes though.

I decided to have Yume be the one to teach him so they can spend time and bond more with each other. As you saw in the flashback, Vince was very bad when he started using the technique Astra. He had little to no control and smacked face first into a boulder. Vince can use the technique in battle now. He's not a master of it yet, but he can use it properly in a fight. The same thing applies to his Ice element, Vince has trained well enough where he can use it properly in a fight, but he's far from mastering it.

Just to note, Vince can channel any of his respective elements to Crescent Rose when he fires a round. The elements he uses will have different effect.

Also, yes Vince does have the qualities to wield a Demon-sword. Given by how he acts normally, it's no surprise.

Before anyone else asks, yes it was the Khaos Brigade. Those exorcists hasn't joined yet, but they were going to. While trying to use Vince and his holy-sword to get on their good side, which ultimately failed.

Just for the record, on what Shura was talking about will be explained in the next chapter. But I do want to point out that Leviathan is not a familiar.

The reason why Vince talked a little bit about what happened to him is because he's known Shura and Gabriel for years, he does respect and trust them. Though, that won't stop him from making smart remarks at them when he get a chance to.

As for the last bit with Yasaka, you'll find out what happened to her in the next chapter.

That's all for the explanations, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think about the chapter in the reviews and take care.

Next chapter