
high school system

A boy named Theo wakes up one day to find himself with a system

killer_beee3345 · Andere
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9 Chs

Reward and Basketball

Hey kid where did you find this girl a cop asked me, I saw her getting kidnapped saw I rode on a nearby bicycle, So your telling me that you a kid chased a car on a bicycle, Kid I would have to take you in for questions, Out of no where Anya came and said that, Big brother is telling the truth, Then the two kidnappers who were on the ground started shouting for the police to take them away, Please take us away I don't want to spend another second next to this monster the kidnappers shouted, Damn what did this kid do to this two men, One of the policemen whispered, Okay come with us they took the two criminals away, And Mr. Mark on came up to me, Thank you for saving my granddaughter, The old man said, No problem I said to the old man, Would you like a lift home the old man asked me, Sure I am late, Okay get in, The old man had come in a limo, I entered the car and it was quite nice it had a TV and a drinking area, Once I reached home I saw my parents they were worried when I opened the car door and passed throw they started to bombared me with questions on why I came home late and I didn't inform them, Don't worry am fine I told my parents then Mrister Markin, came through the car my Dad was shocked, He immediately stood up right and welcomed the man, No need to welcome me thanks to your son my granddaughter is safe, My parents were surprised but happy at the same time, Hey your son told me that you work at one of my branch companies, He asked my Dad, Yes Sir I do, my dad spoke immediately, As a reward I will upgrade you to branch manager and you will get a salary of 300000dollars per month, My Dad and Mom's jaw dropped they never expected that such a good thing would happen to them this fine day, As for your son if he ever needs any help he has my number and he can call me, He said while looking at me, I just nodded, Big brother are you going, I heard a voice behind me, Ya but we will meet soon I told the Anya as she looked sad, When Anya said expectantly, I then started thinking. Ah, I have a basketball game on Friday you guys should come and watch, Papa can we she looked at her grandfather, Of course we can her Mister Markin said, Yaaa, Anya started jumping up and down, they soon got into the limo and went home.


A week has past and today is the day we play against the other school the R.E.D it was short for I don't give a shit on explaining sorry am just fired up, But our school hasn't won in ten years so if we do this then we will advance, As for what happened in this past week, I leveled up my abilities, My body had finally gained some muscle, Like if before I was a pre-time skip Usopp now am a Pre time skip Mark Grayson, thanks to the system I was progressing well, And I was able to get a six pack, I had grew closer to Alex to the point my system notified her as a friend, but I wasn't able to rank up am still on tolerable, The system told me the higher the rank the harder it is to go to the next rank, As for Chloe, Lukas and Chris they were able to rank-up, The system told me that this was due to Chris being on the basketball team, Turns out I can't benefit from my friends but my friends can benefit from me, The system told me that this is because I am on the path to become a high school god, And I mustn't get help from anyone other than it, And turns out I am the only one guy every to hold a system ever in the real world, I just wanted to let you know, now that we have gotten up to speed let's play some basketball, Because we were new they put us on the blechers, So we had to watch this guys play both teams had seven members, including us, the first half went smoothly, with both teams having 0-0, Cowinsidentaly, Salim and Aurthur, got injured so they told both me and Chris, I heard my parents shout, Go Theo, Wow go big brother, Anya also shouted, I ignored them and started playing, Ding Luck activated, Ding basketball activated, These guys are toast, they throw the basketball in the air, and the opposing team got it, They started playing, Lucas blocked the guy with ball and passed it to Michael, but Micheal shot the ball but it missed but thankfully, Chris was able to shoot it in, now it was a 2-0, and we had about 5 minutes left in the game so, We had to think fast, and this time when they through the ball in the air our team caught it, Michael caught the ball and started running with it but, Luke the captain of the other group got the ball and through it in the hoop, making a 3 pointer, and with the remaining time we had we had to think fast we only had 56 seconds left, when they through the ball in the air this time Michael got the ball past it to Chris on which he pasted it to Christiano but he was being blocked by other people and only 30 minutes were left on the clock, Am free I yelled out Michael passed me the ball the moment I got the ball I started running with it 15 seconds remaining, I throw the ball at a distance giving us a three pointer, Yes that's my son my Dad shouted, it was know 5-3, So when they throw the ball again we only had to hold the people off but surprisingly Michael pasted the ball to me when I so the other team running at me I got scared and just shot the ball, Ding Luck skill has been activated, when I opened my eyes the ball had laneded, and the time was up it was know 8-3 and our team won, The crowed went wild, my team started carrying me and moving me around