
high school system

A boy named Theo wakes up one day to find himself with a system

killer_beee3345 · Others
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9 Chs

Meeting the team

After seeing that I grow a smile at least Justice is served I said, Ya but the police are trying to find the person who sent out all the information, Okay I understand, Ding the host is reputation has increased, Ding the host has reached tolerable, Tolerable Description: You are more respected than the three ranks below you and you have a small chance of being invited to a party and you will get a tiny bit of respect from your peers, I was confused how the hill is my reputation increasing the police have no idea on who I am so how the hell, I will figure that out later, Me and Alex continued to talk until it we finished our jog, We departed and I went home, When I reached home I showered and then put on my clothes then I went down for breakfast my parents hadn't woken up so I made myself serial, I ate and I left the house, Today I decided to arrive early to school, So I could improve on some skills of mine, I reached my classroom and got out my sketch book, and started drawing, Ding skill drawing has been acquired, I then got out my phone and got a picture of me and my family, I started at first it was hard but with time it became easier, The level up sound became was like music to my ears, It leveled up to level 24 once I was done with drawing I felt proud of myself, it looked so life like, I then got out some crayons, I got a blank piece of paper and started, Colouring, Ding the coloring skill has been acquired, started colouring the blank piece of paper until coloring reached LV24, Then I started colouring the picture, It took me about an hour to finish but once I was done I felt complete, Like I had done something with my life, I rolled the paper and put it in my bag, At this moment students started entering the class as I waited for Lukas, Chris, Chloe and Maraya, I pulled out a French textbook from my bag, Ding the host has acquired the skill French, As I was leveling up the skill, I felt a lot of eyes on me, I just ignored them, Until Lukas arrived in the class, Hey man are you dating my sister, Lukas asked me seriously, what no, But explain this Lukas pulled out his phone, It was a picture of me and Alex on our jog, Man we just jog together, I said to him, Since when do you jog, Dudeam just trying to improve on my body, Besides I she is older than me, Fine Lukas said, Besides I would only smash her, What did you say, Nothing, Okay since you want to do it with her I will give you only one free pass, Lukas said, I just gave him a thumbs up, He hit me with a book then we just started laughing, After that Chloe and Maraya arrived at the same time I explained to them everything Chloe had a stoic expression, As for Maraya she looked relieved, Then Chris arrived and Chloe explained, The math Teacher was the first today so were all stressed out, Turns out Maraya is in Group A, Once the teacher had arrived in the class, He started serving out the papers, he started from the last to the first, Maraya 98℅, Chris98%, Chloe 99%, Lukas 99℅, Theo 100%, The whole class was in shock, so you weren't kidding when you read through the book in less than 5 minutes, Lukas said, Ding the host is reputation has increased, Ding the host is reputation has increased, Ding the host is reputation has increased, Keep up the good work Mister Brown said, And you have been moved up to group A, I was happy my reputation had increased and I had gotten recognition from my Math teacher, System show me my reputation, Okay host, Reputation, You are mostly known for Being a boy worm in Math and Biology and know people are wondering if you are dating Alex,

Okay that seems about right, After that the teacher had given us work to write, I wrote all the work in a matter of minutes, and I got out the French text book and started reading it, The teacher didn't seem to mind, So after the lesson was done we went to the chemistry class, It took about 1 and a half hours, And I also developed the skill chemistry, It had reached LV13, At this point it was a matter of time, After the lesson we had our free period, and I was bombarded with questions from those guys, Asking how I could be so good and some asking for answers for questions, after that the days past by as the previous days, It was time to meet the team me and Chris went to the court, We so our new team, good your here Coach Jake said, Hey am Michael the team Captain, and his are, Lucas, Authur, Samlim and Christiano, Hey am Theo, Oh so your the guy who everyone is saying is dating Alex, Michael said, Ya but we are not dating, I said with a never changing expression, Okay, Hey am Chris nice to meet you guys Chris said, Okay before we accept you two to the team, we have to see your skills Michael said, He throw the ball at Chris, You first, I went to sit on the bleachers, Okay first start with a two pointer, Chris nodded and throw the day and it landed in the hop, Okay good, Know a three pointer Chris went shoot again and it landed, Okay, Lucaus Christiano, go surround him, Chirs try and defend the ball, from them, Chris nodded and he started dribbling the ball, Lucas tried to get the ball from him but Chris just passed him but he got hit and he then fell down, Man are you okay I ran up to him, Ya am fine, Thats all next is you Theo, Okay I nodded, okay first go for a two pointer, I shoot then it entered okay then for a three pointer, I shoot and then it entered, Then they called different Samlim to come and even Michael joined try and protect the ball from us, I nodded as before Samlim tried to take the ball from me I just backhanded him and switch over to Michael, As he came at me I jumped up and gave him a slam dunce, The coach was happy, I knew I made the right chose, the team started talking and then they turned to us, Welcome to the team you two, Ding Quest complete: Join the basketball team,

Rewards :Your reputation has increased, You have gained favor before Coach Jake

I was happy hey system show me my status

Name: Theo Heart



Friends:Lukas, Chris, Chloe, Maraya

Skills: Analysis, Biology, Basketball, Drawing, Coloring, Chemistry, Luck, Freach, Kissing, Poison resistance

I was satisfied with my progress, After that we practiced for the rest of the day, And it was finally time to go home, I left school but as I was on my way I heard a sound please stop let my daughter go please, Two men were getting away in a car with a girl please let her go someone help me, I heard a Ding sound, Resuce the daughter of the Markin family

Reward: Favor before the head of the family, Increased reputation,

failure: Death of the girl

My eyes narrowed I mean I was going to do it either way, And my Dad worked for one of the branch companies and this my is a multi millionaire, I so a bicycle that was next to me I got it and I started riding it, I took the bicycle, and started riding it, Ding Riding has been acquired, The more I rode the more I leveled up and the faster I got, I was able to catch up to the car, Hey boss someone is chassing us, What who, a man on a bicycle, Haha just increase the speed, Okay boss, But no matter how hard they tried to get rid of me they just couldn't I felt like I was one with the road, I rode until the car stopped, I also stopped the bicycle, Then two men came out, Hey boy you wanna play hero, He pulled out a knife I became sacred then I had a Ding sound, Luck has been activated, I then grow a smile, Let go of that girl or else, Or what your two against one, I picked up a rock and throw it at one of the mean, Ding throw has been acquired, The more rocks I throw at them the more painful it became and I didn't give the men any time to react and thanks to the luck it boosted the speed of it leveling it up by the time I was done with those two men they were on the ground in pain, Hey their am not going to hurt I have come here to resuce you I said to the little girl, She came up to me and started hugging me, I picked her up and started carrying her, What's your name I said to the girl am Anya, She said, Inbetween sods, well am theo nice to meet you, To lets get you back to your parents, I put her on the bicycle as for the two men I so a rope nearby thank God for that skill, I got the rope and tide it onto the two men, onto the bicycle, I then rode at speeds that we're not considered possible, Go faster Anya said, Okay as for the two men they were shitting bricks, Stop man please one of the men shouted, increase the speed okay, Anya was in front Of the bicycle, We finally reached the street were the man was when we reached we so many police and bodyguards Grandpa the little girl shouted, Anya shouted, What everyone started looking at me, I barked the bicycle, Ding Quest completed: Resuce the daughter of the Markin family

Reward:Your reputation has increased, You have gained the Favor of the Markin family

I smiled I put Anya down she ran too her granddad