
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs

The name

Asher raised his head to meet the gazes of the five kids who locked their eyes on him so intently.

Asher made the last and most important sentence.

The name of this religion would be…

….The Abahlawuleli.


Everyone was shocked but Quin Shin just seemed to be much more shocked or he exaggerated his own shock.


Asher tapped his hand. Relax Man. It is Xhosa for Redeemers.

What's Xhosa?

Cyrus asked.

Hammurabi took the liberty of answering Cyrus's question.

Xhosa is a kingdom.

Then why didn't you just call it Redeemers?!

Quin Shin really couldn't get a hold of Asher's thoughts.

Asher spoke slowly. The strangeness of the language further adds to the mystique of the Religion.

Asher now smiled. It is called the redeemers for we have come to redeem the evildoers of the world and expel bad energy.

Cyrus rubbed his hand all over his face.

Gosh! You really sounded like an ardent Worshipper right now…

Julius nodded his head reflectively. That's a pretty brilliant Idea. That's some evil gene you've got there…

But, Brains. Julius spoke to Asher. How do we take this round the world. No matter what we do, it would only be limited to the sodarian empire. It would never spread to the rest of the world and so our influence would be limited to sodarian empire.

Asher nodded. That's why I am going to invite the princes of the other four empires. This way, our power would spread to the other empires. I don't plan to limit the religion to our empire alone.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't begin with our own empire. This might cause some problems, it's better we start with another empire. That way, we would be able to notice any problems and fix it by the time we get to our empire.

For the first time, Julius smiled. He was really satisfied.

Though it didn't last for long.

Julius turned to Quin Shin.

Bearer, Do you get the idea?

Quin Shin stretched. Yeah…I think I did…

Julius spoke again. Good. Then, it's up to you, use your perfect communication skills and bear fruits.

Quin Shin smiled. Yeah, don't worry, Julius-Chan. trust me. I'm gonna make sure I bear the Almighty fruit.

Asher watched these six kids in astonishment. Their adaptability was top notch. They had already gotten used to a new religion and were even using lyrics and making reference to the religion which had barely just had it's inception.

But one thing still bothered him.


Yes, Asher.

The fact that that kid bore the same name with him still worried him.

Cyrus nodded his head repeatedly. Wow! That was some crazily thought out plan.

Quin Shin raised his hand like a modern day school pupil who wanted to ask a question.

Just one question, Julius-Chan.

Since you're the oldest amongst us and our coordinator, I believe you're the most suitable person to answer this question.

What is the name of our Cult?

The question took everyone by surprise as they all simultaneously realized that they didn't actually have a name.

Julius spoke first. Alright, Since we have all realized the problem, who has a name?

Quin Shin raised his hands excitedly. Me! I do!

The five kids stared at him, waiting for him to talk.

Quin bubbled with excitement that threatened to explode.

Let's call ourselves the…

…Chan Bros!

How does it sound? Perfect right? You're falling for the name right?

Quin Shin soon noticed that his companions were very quiet and none seemed to have anything to say to him.


Is it so awesome that you've been driven speechless!?


Quin was escorted to the floor by a bag which Alexander threw at him.


What the hell was that for!?

He's still talking?!


Another bag collided with Quin Shin's head.

This time it was thrown by Cyrus.

You're such a fool. Hammurabi spoke slowly.

Julius immediately raised his hand to stop them from further attacking Quin Shin.

Enough of the play! Let's not mistakenly remove his veil and expose his identity.

Hearing this, the other kids left him alone.


Quin shin sulked as he stood up slowly.

If the name was that bad why didn't you just reject it normally?

Alexander touched his shoulders gently.

Sorry man, the smile on your face was just so wide that I couldn't resist the urge to smack it to the floor.

Cyrus touched his shoulders too.

Yeah, that's right. The name was so bad that I would rather be nameless.

Asher spoke up.

I have a name.

Everyone immediately kept quiet and listened very attentively to hear what the genius had to say.

Only a jealous voice broke the silence.

Oh? So he gets that reaction?

Alexander showed his bag threateningly to Quin Shin and the Asian was forced to close his mouth lest he received another bag attack.

Asher spoke again.

Let's call ourselves…

…The Elite.

Love it!

Suddenly, The familiar dark street returned to Asher.

Asher looked around him, the darkness was back.

The Room and the six kids were gone.

Asher tapped his feet as he got lost in thought. His mind tried to register the large amount of information which he was just dosed with.

Oh right!

Asher quickly brought out his phone but it was futile.

The bold red writing was gone.

Asher mused slowly.

…The Elite…

Asher suddenly stood rigid as a sharp shrill sound permeated his brain.

Two seconds later, Asher returned to normalb

But something about him had changed. He didn't give off the Aura he gave before.

The air around him seemed a lot warmer and he looked a lot friendlier.

No longer like the weird lone teenager who walked alone earlier.

What am I doing here?

It's raining, Damn!

Asher suddenly started running in the direction of his house as he noticed the rain which was dropping on him.

Ah! I must have blacked out again. Those blackouts are getting more rampant these days.

Asher didn't think too much about it. His blackouts had become a normal part of his life.

One moment he was lying on his bed, Reading his history textbook, The next moment he was Out in the streets doing God knows what.

Moreover, he never remembered what he did during the blackout.

He only hoped that whoever he became during the blackout would be careful enough not to get crushed by a train.

If he were to die, Asher wanted to die conscious.