
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · History
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

New school

I've finally found a school you'll be attending in this area.


Asher snorted out loudly. He had never been a fan of school and he is still not a fan of school.

They moved to this new city recently, about a year ago.

They had some problems in their first street and they moved to this new one.

Following the change of environment, Asher had to change school after his Junior final year examinations.

Asher was a boy of 13 years, he had just taken his junior final year examinations and he was now graduating into senior high school.

Only three years to go! Asher had said excitedly on his graduation day. He didn't go for his graduation because he moved to a different street far away from his previous one. As a matter of fact, Asher didn't even know the day his graduation took place. The day he made the statement and his graduation day just happened to be in sync.

Asher's Mom rolled her eyes at Asher's childish antics. Asher was growing, he had now even graduated into his senior year but his childishness still never left him. Maybe it was because he was the last child or something….

But one thing was sure…Asher was never pampered in any way.

So? Which school is it? Asher asked. He felt a deep pain in his chest as he asked that question He already knew the answer to. There was only one school that he knew in this area, maybe there were others but he and his mom certainly didn't know them.

He had never been one to have a multitude of friends so He didn't have any one that he could ask.

The pilgrims school.

His mom spoke slowly, seemingly already anticipating Asher's reaction.

Asher had a lot of scruples towards that particular school.

Why was it built like a house?

Asher always asked this question with irritation clearly plastered all over his face.

She couldn't blame him though. Merely looking at the school, She could already tell that the school had a lot of space.

A lot of useless space.

But somehow, Asher was happy.

Happy that he didn't go to his neighbor's school which they tried so hard to make him go.

The school was called "Tomorrow's daylight"

Asher was actually a very handsome boy of average height.

At birth, he was as fair as an Asian, with coyly hair. He looked pretty much like an Asian.

When he was an infant, Many people often paid his mother's transport fares because they wanted to appreciate her for birthing such a handsome baby.

But now, Asher was no longer even half as fair as he used to be. Courtesy to the angry sun. Although he was still very handsome.

Asher had a very slow growth, Although he had suddenly started growing tall these days.

As a kid, Whenever he was asked his age and he replied honestly, he was always going to get one reply:

Kids these days are so small…

I don't want to leave my house to go to another house!

Asher suddenly yelled in frustration as he remembered the structure of the school he was going to be attending.

Asher could be very sassy sometimes, he was also a bit proud.

Under the circumstances that this young boy grew up, he had to find something that made him see his own self worth, that subsequently led to the birth of his pride.

But no one really blamed him for his pride, he was such a talented kid who had information that always left mouths agape. At a very young age, he was very interested in the origin of the world and that made him to fall in love with science. He often wondered what even made one to come up with the idea of religion.

Saying that the world and humans were made by one person…

It was as if he was an "Elite" in his previous life.

Say what you want, you know it's your major problem. Always talking, Local boy.

Asher's mother, Mrs Willow spoke.

She always knew how to upset him with her words and the things she did to him.

But as of late, nothing seemed to get to him.

Maybe that was part of the maturity.

Asher didn't reply her. Instead, his mind did the talking.

A thousand and one words that he could have told his mother raced through his mind.

But he knew he could never say even one of those words, lest his brother fly out of his room and beat the living daylight out of him.

Asher stood up and walked into his mom's room.

He sank on the bed trying to think of the possible things he could meet at the school.

We're going to register you there tomorrow morning!

Willow's voice wafted into the room.


Asher turned restlessly on the bed. His mind started to drift towards something mischievous.

Well…The school seems to have a lot of population.

A lot of population means…

…lots of girls.
