
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs


Asher sat down to pen something down. He picked a pen and as soon as the pen touched down on the paper, Asher felt his world disperse and he was suddenly with the world's order again.


The first thing Asher did was to stick out his thumb and boo at the world's order.

What is it?, aren't you tired of this sassy kid? Asher spoke mockingly to the world's order.

World's order ignored him and spoke. On a second thought, I think You should be given something different.

Asher raised his brows, he was very optimisti to see what the world's order had in stock in for him.

I have given you the ability to switch your identities at will.

Asher struck his fist on his palm in frustration. What the hell?! How does that help!? The identities would still be switching at random, right?

The world's order responded in the affirmative. Yes, it would. The fact that you can switch the abilities at random doesn't in any way change the nature of the disease.

Asher hissed as he once again beheld his room. He was annoyed that he didn't get the chance to boo at world's order for the last time.

Asher started writing on his book. He wrote and explained everything that had happened till now on the book, he also informed his second identity of the ability of changing the identities at will.

He ended it by asking his other identity to come up with a way of battling the elite.

Satisfied with what he wrote, Asher placed the book on the table and closed his eyes, hoping that his second identity would read the book the moment the identities switched.

With this thought in mind, Asher channeled all his concentration and he heard a shrill soun in his head. The sound seemed to override his memory as he became a completely different person.

Asher stared himself in the mirror, He was dressed in his school uniform and ready to go to school.

Today, the geography teacher promised to call the results of the first test. Asher was not interested in the test or his result. Whatever he scored, wouldn't affect him.

Asher was very smart and that was all he felt mattered.

After the morning assembly, The bell was rung for first period and the geography teacher walked into the class.

The teacher stood at the front of the class, calling the results of the first test.

Asher looked on in boredom as the students were called in order of their positions in the test.

The geography teacher paused to say something. Let us put our hands together for two wonderful students who made it to the top and scored the highest in the test.

Let us welcome Divine and Alicia!

As the teacher called these two names, The whole class erupted in an excited clap and cheers.

Asher knew that there was more to this noise than the students high score. Actually, not a single soul in the class cared about the scores of the test.

The only thing the students cared about was the fact that Alicia and Divine were standing together.

But Asher didn't know this, and he found the noise particularly disturbing so he decided to ask the closest person beside him.

What's going on? Asher asked the girl who stood beside him, shouting ontop of her voice.

Husband and wife since junior first year.

That was the girl's reply. Asher didn't understand what was happening. And the girl's answer even confused him more. But he now knew that there was some sort of relationship between Alicia and Divine.

And he was certainly going to find out.

Divine was the only friend he had made since his stay in the school. From the get go, Divine had expressed his likeness for Asher and They had becone friends since Asher didn't see him as an irresponsible person.

I heard that you and Alicia are married. Asher said to Divine when the both of them were alone.

Divine looked a bit panicked and reluctant by what Asher said. No...we're not..

A boy named Darlington joined them. Asher didn't bother to send Darlington away, since Darlington was a close friend of Divine.

Seeing Divine's hesitation, Darlington burst into laughter.

That confirmed Asher's premonition that something was wrong.

What do you mean? Asher asked Divine.

Seeing that Divine was short of words, Darlington decided to answer the question for him.

The girl doesn't like him. He has been head over heels for he for about three years now. But She hasn't paid him any attention.

Darlington was still laughing, his dark figure accentuating his white teeth.

Shut up! Divine hollered at him and punched Darlington playfully on the shoulder.

Darlington was still laughing so humorously. The laughter was infectious, soon Asher started laughing and Divine joined in too.

Don't mind Darlington, what really happened was...Now Divine was ready to talk.

Alicia liked me in our junior first year, But I didn't like her. Her love didn't last long and she no longer had any feelings for me. The situation had changed, and I was now in love with her. Since then, I've asked her out twice and She has ignored me every single time.

Divine wasn't stunningly handsome, but he wasn't in any way ugly. He was slightly taller than Asher and he was a bit fair. Divine had pimples all over his face and they really didn't fit him.

Is that all? Asher asked, holding in his laughter.

Divine shook his head. Don't worry, our story goes a very long way. There will be enough time for me to tell you everything.

Asher nodded his head. Now, he was very interested in their story.

Divine poked him, What about you, my yellow buddy? Any chick's caught your sight?

Asher blushed slightly as his mind flashed back to Lily. Asher shook his head. Nah, They are all ugly.

Asher sat down on his desk, he had recently learnt 3D writing. He didn't know what led him to write, but before he knew it, he was writing something in bold 3D letters.

When he was done, Asher looked at his handiwork.


Asher mumbled what he wrote on the book.

Huh? What's this? Divine suddenly appeared behind Asher and grabbed the book.

Divine's face lit up as he thought the obvious. What's her name? Who's cute?

Asher stared blankly at him.

Asher packed the book into his backpack as the other boys walked towards them.

It was Joel, Darlington and Dave that were arriving.

Dave was a bit shorter than Asher, but he was fair and very intelligent.

Describe the girl. Divine said excitedly.

One thing Asher had noticed about Divine was that he always felt relaxed around him. For some reason, he just felt he could trust this guy.

Just as Asher was about to speak, Lily walked into the class and moved into the teaher's office.

Asher smiled and described a few of her qualities.

Divine started trying to match the girls with Asher's description. But he was never going to succeed because he was focused on the girls in the class.

Dave was biting his fingers and thinking. He was fond of eating his nails and that often made Asher wonder what was so enjoyable in eating your own fingernails.

It's Lily.

Asher was shocked. He would have never thought that Dave would guess the girl right immediately. But there was no way that Asher was going to admit it.

Asher feigned a confused expression. Who's Lily?