
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · History
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21 Chs


When it got to Asher's turn, after reading it the teacher smiled and asked Asher to read it for the whole class to hear.

Asher read it, and he was applauded by the entire class. The teacher showered compliments upon compliments on him.

This made Asher to wonder if his poem was really that good.

This was his first time writing a poem and it turned out to be that good. Or were they exaggerating?

During short break, Asher sat down to write another poem. He titled it 'A Teenager's Love'

When he was done, Asher read his poem again. He was proud of it.

The poem went thus:

One glance begins a lifetime,

Just like a swan, their love lasts forever.

If cracked, they are broken.

Separated by body, unified by heart.

A smile brings eternal bliss,

As they continue to reminisce.

Rain may fall, the sun may dull,

But their love will never drop.

A hug ignites, pent up lust.

Slowly, the feeling is eradicated,

and the love, being debated.

Like a thousand year old leaf,

It get's fragile. And with a single touch, the love dissipates.

A kiss deepens, and a baby is formed.

Denial becomes the order of the day.

Like a slithful snake, depression creeps in.

Evil thoughts enter forcefully.

With a deep breath, suicide happens.

I hope your love lasts forever.

Asher stared at his book. It wasn't a perfect poem as it was the second poem he had ever written. The more he continued, the more he would get the hang of it.

Asher thought about the poem, it portrayed the love life of teenagers. They were always so sure about their love for each other, but due to inexperience, they would always make crazy mistakes.

The boy who is very young and scared, would end up denying the girl. The girl, broken and depressed, would end up committing suicide.

Despite all this, he hoped their love would last forever.

Asher closed his book while he was deep in thought. He decided to take a stroll round the school.

Returning to the class, Asher saw Divine seated on a desk. Dave and Darlington were beside him.

Asher remembered the nickname Divine had given to Lily. Seeing what Asher had written, Divine started calling her She's cute. It became a code name for them.

Asher touched Divine's glface as he approached them.

Divine had a gloomy expression as he slapped Asher's hand away.

The other junior girls were still on Asher's neck. As a matter of fact, Asher ran away from one of them while he came to school.

The girl had called him as he walked forward, when he turned and saw her, Asher hastened his steps.

But the girl wouldn't budge, she hastened her steps too and Asher broke off into a run.

The girl too, ran for a while but she couldn't catch up with Asher.

After morning assembly, the bell for sports was rang.

After the weird sport exercises, Divine immediately ran to meet Asher.

So? Who's the girl?

Asher was surprised that Divine had not still let the matter rest even till today.

Asher pretended like he didn't know what Divine was talking about.

Asher ignored Divine completely and that annoyed Divine a bit.

Divine started pointing at every single girl that he saw, he didn't even bother with the description Asher gave him.

It was getting embarrassing, people were starting to look at Divine and the new boy.

Damn! Asher exclaimed. I said I was taller than her so why are you pointing at that gigolo!? It certainly can't be her!

Divine ignored him and continued pointing at every girl he saw.

Alright! Asher yelled in defeat. It was getting over-embarrassing, people were now staring at them in a weird manner.

Dave was right! It's Lily!

Divine smiled in hallowed victory.

Don't worry, it's between you and me.

Divine got more serious. Actually, something happened recently.

Asher interest was piqued by the tone which Divine used to speak.

I was with a few senior boys recently and they said I should ask Alicia out. It was something like a bet and I was told I had to kiss her too.

During English class, They were asked to write a poem or an article on drug abuse.

The English teacher said his main focus was on the poem, so Asher decided to write a poem.

Asher had never written a poem before, he just decided to try it out. He would have done much better with the article though.

The all submitted their poems and the teacher read it in their presence.

What's wrong? Asher was surprised.

Asher looked at Darlington who was holding in a laugh very badly and he instantly knew what was going on.

Asher couldn't deny it, he also felt a very strong urge to laugh.