
Finding Isabel

"Isabel!?" He called out as he slowly pushed open the door. Her heart was racing and her hands were shaking. Who was he, what did he want?

"Isabel please I know you're in here. You can come out now, it's me Jake" He said as he walked down the stairs, carefully looking around in hopes to spot her hiding place.

"Jake?" She questioned with a shaky voice as she slowly lifted her head up trying to see who this man was. She had no idea why she suddenly felt safe with his presence in the room. Did she know him?

"Isabel, oh my gosh Isabel!" He seemed overly excited when he saw her. It was almost as if she had been somebody close to him he thought he nearly lost. He rushed to her and reached out his hand to lift her up. She was hesitant at first but gave in at last, despite trying to hide her doubtfulness towards him it was almost as though he could read her and she felt uncomfortable for that.

She cleared her throat as she mastered up the courage to finally pop the question.

"Who are you exactly?"

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

He was silent for a moment, starring directly into her eyes making her feel more uncomfortable than she already was.

"I'm sorry for asking, I didn't mean to offend you"

He sighed, "It's okay. I'm actually the one that's supposed to be apologizing. I should've introduced myself to you in the first place, I just didn't think the hit on you was that hard. You've clearly lost your memory... that's a huge blow in the head." He seemed rather disappointed.

"I---" She got cut as she was about to respond. The footsteps were back and it frightened her, Jake could see the fear in her eyes.

"Isabel get behind me now!"