
Hick’s Harem

Ethan Langston confessed to a girl he had a crush on since kindergarten, but he had no idea that her brutal rejection of him would set off a series of events that made the women in his life a little more open with their feelings. Read as Ethan navigates an entangled web of childhood friends and local beauties in the small sleepy town of Munford Kentucky while trying to not wind up in the slammer like his father. This is a slice-of-life story following a hick and his often-time criminal escapades of get-rich-quick schemes with his two friends Ricky and Billy, and the various romantic encounters he has going about living his daily life.

uselessdegenerate · realistisch
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51 Chs

Chapter 27: Hell and Heaven (R18+)

[I'm in the bathroom.] I groaned at the stupid text, my face buried in my hands with the cool glass screen of my cellphone pressing against my forehead. The guilt gnawing at my stomach like acid right now made me really wish I had picked up some Tums walking to the bathroom.

Kyle had been nice about covering for me so I could go 'shit', the actual knots in my stomach allowing me to easily pretend I had a stomach ache. My mind immediately landed on Abby, a grimace etching itself across my face. What was I supposed to do?

'Hey Abby, my sis, and her friend showed me their tits and that made me hard so can you help me jerk off?' I groaned at the thought, my fledgling relationship with her would be dead if I made mention that I had any attraction for my sister.

So that left looking at porn or asking Else, and personally I didn't want to use the store Wi-Fi to search up titties. If Jerry keeps a hidden camera in the break room can I really trust him not to have pulled some bullshit with the internet?

[Did I really rile you up~?] My face twisted like I'd just eaten a lemon. The sound of my thumbs jotting out a quick text filled the small bathroom. I had lowered the toilet seat, my ass freezing on the cold plastic as I sat on it. To the right of me a few feet away was the bathroom door, the red paint chipped and faded at the bottom from repeated kicks.

[Yes, don't act smug] I hated to admit it, my eyes glancing over at the bathroom door lock debating whether or not to simply bail. My cock throbbing and my balls aching as they twitched dissuaded me from that option almost immediately. The door met in the corner of the square room, and right across it was a pedalstool sink. Years of use had left the porcelain looking dingy, a steady stream of water flowing from the mildew-covered spout. I had switched on the faucet to muffle the sound as there was only so much the whirring ventilation fan above me could do if I decided to fap.

[I'm glad, I'd be really bummed to find out you didn't find me attractive.] The fluorescent light flickered, the blue glow of my tiny phone screen providing the only light in that moment of brief darkness. A lazy fly buzzed around the fluorescent light, the sound of its body smacking across the bulb filling the air.

[Don't let it get to your head, Else. This is nothing more than you taking responsibility for what you did] I was growing impatient, my jeans were already down around my ankles along with my boxers. I hissed as my fingers wrapped around my shaft, the ice-cold air conditioning in the bathroom cooling my hand to the point where my scalding hot dick jolted from the sudden contact. Giving myself a few lazy pumps I watched as a fat bead of precum dripped from the tip of my glans not covered by my foreskin. Scooping it up with my palm the lubrication it provided as I stroked myself caused a sigh to leak from my lips.

[I won't, but before we begin send me a pic of your dick.] My eyes widened, the tapping of keys filling the air as I responded.

[That wasn't apart of the deal!]

[I'm altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further] I rolled my eyes, my finger pressing the home button before clicking the direction button over the camera icon. The grainy image of my cock was revealed in all of its glory as I removed my hand covering it. In a flash of light, the phone made a snapping sound and I had taken my second dick pic though this one came with a massive feeling of guilt.



[Now it's your turn.]

I gulped, a nervous excitement welling up in my throat as I waited for her response. What would she send? The knots in my stomach wound tighter, a burning heat rising above my navel. My hand once again wrapped around my dick, my stroking grew more furious in anticipation.


A text did arrive but it wasn't from Elsie, my eyes reading the contact as I cringed at how close I was to violating her trust. Trading my beautiful girlfriend for a few pictures was unacceptable, my hand leaving my dick as I read her text.

'Maybe I'd already violated our relationship, Elsie now has a picture of my dick.'

[Hey, E, I'm inside of Huck's right now and Kyle said he was covering for you. He says you looked really sick, are you okay?]

[I'm fine.]

[Bzzt, wrong answer!]

[Okay, so what is the correct answer?]

[That would be asking me what you need]

[Are you sure you can handle it?]

[Pfft, please]

I sent the same dick pic I sent to Else, with a caption just below it.

[I'm hard thinking about you, would you help me please?]

[Easy peasy lemon squeezy]

[How do you plan on helping?]

[When I tap on the door let me in]

My heart leapt in my chest, a feeling of relief washing over me as my shoulders slumped. I'd been saved, Abby sparing me from my own stupid decision. Before I could think of what depraved shit we'd cook up in the men's bathroom Elsie finally texted. The temptation to look was strong, I could just flip open my phone and see the massive tits she was packing on that little frame.

We could keep it a secret, fuck on the down low, Clar could join in. It would be our dirty little secret hidden from the rest of the world. In fact, there was no way for me and my sis to ever have a public relationship. All it would take is me giving in, their advances were growing almost unbearable anyway. Abby wouldn't have to know, she could live a—

"Shut the fuck up…" I muttered to myself, the sound of my jeans rustling as I shuffled over to the sink with them still around my ankles. Scooping up a handful of ice-cold water I splashed it across my face. I gasped at the sudden chill, my body jolting as my eyes reopened.

"…Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned. Lead me away from this temptation because I don't know if I can go another day." I hadn't prayed in ages, the last time I did was right before Sadie left us. My hands were clasped together, an eerie glow coming over me as the light flickered. Half of my face was lit by the bright glow of the fluorescent light while the other was bathed in shadow.

Just like the story of David and Bathsheba, my lust was getting the better of me. The loyalty I prided myself in falling apart under the weight of temptation. I grimaced as I looked at myself, why was I so weak? My fingers grabbed at the edge of the sink, my eyes boring holes into my own reflection.

"I won't be like him!" I would tell the truth, something my father never did. Instead of keeping up the charade I'd tell Abby everything because she deserves to know how much of an idiot I am. If I lose her because of it so be it, a relationship built on lies isn't a relationship that will last.

*Knock, Knock*

(Abby's POV):

"E, open up." I whispered, my eyes glancing down at the short hallway that led to the bathrooms. Hopefully, Kyle was still sitting behind the counter because from there he wouldn't be able to see me enter.

The door creaked open with a groan, the flickering light inside casting a dim shadow over me as a hand reached out and pulled me inside. Before I could squeal a pair of lips mashed into mine, a slimy tongue prying open my lips and battering against my teeth. I shuddered as he licked across my gums, goosebumps rippling across my skin.

"I-I'm sorry." A muffled apology leaked from Ethan's lips, his warm breath tickling my spit-slick lips. His hands hadn't remained idle either, his left hand mauling my boob through the fabric of my shirt while his right hand tried wiggling its way inside my skinny jeans.

"Sorry for what…?" I asked, my body heating up like a wood stove. The sound of my heart beating in my chest filled my ears, the blood rushing drowning out all other sounds. Even as he tried pulling back my lips pursued, my own hands wrapping around his neck.

"I-I…" His expression was bleak, his coal brown eyes looking at me like he'd hit my dog with his car. The usual smooth skin of his face was wrinkled, the creases deepening the grimace spread across his lips. He looked like he was in pain, the words trying to leave his lips causing it.

"Calm down, tell it to me slowly." His breath hitched, the ragged gasps brushing against my face reminding me of when we were younger. He always used to get out of breath, that wheezing cough always scared me when it started. Hugging him tighter I began to hum, it was a stupid little tune that little Roni used to go gaga for.

"Please don't leave me, please dont't leave me." He muttered it like a mantra, his voice cracking as he pressed himself closer and closer against me. Before long my ass was pressed up against the red door of the bathroom, his hands moving desperately across my skin.

"I'm not leaving you stupid, I've waited ten years for this moment and I'm not going to let anyone take it from me." I flicked his forehead with my finger, a confident smirk growing across my lips. Whatever it was it didn't matter, he could tell me he had a body stuffed in the trunk of his car and I'd be out there helping him bury it.

"…I sent a dick pic to Elsie." My eyes narrowed, that dumb fucking bitch was behind it! I knew from the moment her and Clara came cruising in that car that she was trouble. Damnit, I should've done more to limit her contact with him. It's my fault for expecting fair play from her, I should've put my foot down while I had the chance!

"Why?" It was the million-dollar question and it would determine how I was going to handle this. No, I'm not dumping him, that's exactly what she wants. She'd love nothing more than for me to break his heart so she could swoop in and play on his vulnerability.

After he took a deep breath, and I petted his prickly buzz cut (we'll work on that later) he told me everything. The shocking photo, her flirting with him, the offer to send nudes, and the eventual move by his sister. Yeah, I was kind of shocked about that too.

"So wait Clara's into you too?" This was getting out of hand, and when he nodded with deep reluctance I knew it was true.

"Yeah, they've also got a weird little romance cooking up between the two of them as well, or at least they don't seem opposed to sharing." My jaw literally hit the floor. Okay, not really but I was definitely staring slackjawed at him.

"…And yet you're stickin' with me?" I could feel my heart pounding away in my chest, the blood rushing to my ears making the world feel like it was fading away. All that remained was me and Ethan, a dopey smile growing across his face.

"Duh, stupid, you're my girl! I'm more impressed you are sticking with me!" His lips met mine and sparks flew in my vision. The clicking sound of our saliva filled the bathroom, my hands rubbing against his chest as I worked my way down. His lack of pants meant my hand wrapped around his dick as soon as it reached it, Ethan whimpering at the touch.

"Hmmmf…of course I'll be by your side. Ever since that cold winter day I've wanted nothing more than to be yours!" Breaking our kiss a strand of saliva still connected us, my tongue licking it up. Gathering spit in my mouth I stuck my hand out in front of my lips as I let the bubbly slick liquid drool onto my palm.

Reaching down I began stroking his dick with my newly lubed hand, the man hissing as I picked up the pace. His lips trailed across my jaw, the little pecks he left behind sending tingles down my spine. The rustling sound of fabric filled the air as my t-shirt was pulled just up over my tits, the white lace bra I was wearing now revealed.

"That bracelet you have on your hand wouldn't happen to be the one I bought for you right?" His question was followed by his arms looping behind my back to unlatch my bra. The clumsy way he moved his fingers made me smile, his inexperience making me happy. It meant I was his first!

"It's the very same one, I have like this special case at home that I keep it in to make sure—!" My nerd talk was silenced by his lips pressing against mine. The grip of my fingers around his dick tightened, a groan leaking from his lips as precum drooled from his tip.

"I-I'm close." I pumped harder, the boy finally unlatching my bra as it fell into his waiting hands. Throwing it over his shoulder like a towel his fingers went to work on teasing my nipples. I moaned into our kiss, one of my hands unbuttoning my jeans as I snuck my fingers inside my panties. The drenched slick feeling of my puss caused me to shudder, two of my fingers running along the length of my folds.

"Go ahead, cum for me~!" I purred in his ear, my finger brushing against the sensitive nub of my clit. Sparks flew in my vision as my legs shuddered, a gush of femcum splattering the inside of my panties. Biting his neck I moaned loudly against the seal my lips created, the muffled sound sending vibrations across his skin.

With one final pump, Ethan came, rope after rope of pearly white jizz staining the red door behind me as it splattered across it. His legs trembled as he groaned, his fingers tweaking my nipples hard. My mouth opened in a silent scream as I slumped up against the door, Ethan leaning against me as he did the same. We both panted, our breaths ragged as we came down from our explosive highs.

"I love you." His words were like an arrow to the heart, my face burning up as I grinned like an idiot.

"I love you too, E," I muttered in his ear as I gave him a hug, the warmth growing in my chest becoming almost unbearable.