Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.
Chapter 39
Narrator Pov:
(Insert red death scene)
As the ash is clear Stoick goes to look to see if he can find the masked figure that looked like Hiccup. He finds a NightFury but before he can do anything it unfolds his wings showing Hiccup. He looks to the side and see's something white like Toothless but with Astrid in its arms unconscious.
Then another masked figure shows up saying. "A friend of mine rescued these guys when they sustained serious damage in battle. They have been healing for quite some time and continue to go in and out of consciousness. Only waking up every now and then to eat. We have been taking care of them since they have rescued others at the risk of their own lives. Accept their Dragons or face the consequences." And then he leaves without a trace.
Hiccup wakes up with Astrid and the final scene of HTTYD Happens.
Earlier before the red death
Narrator Pov:
Hiccup and Astrid were talking about how to keep some stuff a secret. They decided on making it seem as if they were in like a coma. They would leave all their gear on the island so they wouldn't be found out. They would only use stuff that Berk knew about them.
End Arc 1
Thank you guys for Reading Hiccups Leaves.
This was the first Arc of a series named Hiccups Journey.
The rest of the chapters will be posted in this story for the next Arc until this comes to an end.
So far I have spent over 48 Hours on the Manuscript alone.
If you have any suggestions or Ideas leave them in a comment. though I don't know when I will post this since I have work.
Today is February 2nd 2023
I started on January 13th 2023
For up to this point on the Manuscript I have Written over 38,000 words.
The next book will be Titled
Hiccups Journey 1 Continued
It will contain like this one separate Point of View's Depending on the Situation.
It will take place after the events of HTTYD2 in the beginning and transform to after HTTYD3.
Also little spoiler. In this series Dagur was never against Hiccup so there wasn't a war between Berk and Berserker islands.
Dagur is replaced with Thuggory.
Heather is replaced with Camicazi.
The gap after the war is 3 months, not years. Reason being is the time between HTTYD and HTTYD2 according to most is 5 years. But they say Months multiple times and you can see it in the weather.
Also please note that I started this on a writing software. The name of that software is campfire.