
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · Filme
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20 Chs


-Present day-

The group has long since left the room at the infirmary and instead resided in the lounge. Being too restless, Hex decided to stand instead of sit like the others. Well her and Thor who seems to be pacing around thinking about the new given information.

"So, you're telling me that Fury knew that you were kept under there and could potentially stop Thanos and yet did nothing to alert anyone to get you out?!" Thor said angrily.

Hex understood his frustration, but she also thinks there might be more to Fury's story. But it doesn't mean that she is not angry at him either. The pain, sorrow and fear she felt in everyone's heads was overwhelming and was not something anyone should have gone through. Especially since she could have put an end to it long before Thanos did any damage. Carol left a few minutes ago to give the new intel to Fury and telling him that he might want to come see the situation for himself.

"Hold on, maybe he had a reason for not saying anything. I mean come on, this is Fury. He wouldn't let something like this happen without having a plan." Banner said to everyone while sitting on the floor, not being able to find comfort on any of the furniture because of his size.

"I would like to know what brilliant plan he had that caused half of us to disappear for five years and then come back only to lose others." Wanda said still having that painful image in her head of how cruelly Thanos killed Vision.

While looking at the discussion in front of her, Hex couldn't help but tune into Carol's head trying to listen to what her conversation is about. By the time she thought of the idea Carol was already heading back and Hex could only find frustration and confusion in Carol's thoughts.

"Well? Is he coming or should I get him?" Hex said coldly. She didn't mean for her tone to be directed towards Carol but rather her anger for Fury and soon realised by the look on Carol's face. "I'm sorry, it wasn't directed at you. Your emotions just made me even more frustrated and so does everyone else's. It's not always easy to cut it all out when it's so overwhelming." Hex sighed and headed for the kitchen that was right next to where the lounge was.

The compound was mostly open plan which made it easier in this situation. Hex could see and hear everyone from the kitchen and even take part in the conversation if she wanted.

"I get it. Not the emotion thing, but the overwhelming part I guess in a way." Carol half smiled at Hex and sat at the kitchen counter, her back towards the group behind her still having their discussions.

"Did you want some water?" Carol shook her head while Hex found the glasses easily and filled it. "I find myself really dehydrated every time I haven't used my powers in a while. Even giving me a headache of some sorts." Hex said staring at the group behind Carol.

She caught the eye of the man who's name she found out is Bucky. He tends to have an intense and intimidating look every time he stares. Hex saw right through his armour and knew that he wasn't as frightening as some people would think. She broke their staring contest and instead looked at his metal arm. She knew his story from reading his thoughts. She was too curious to not know how a soldier ended up being an assassin. Hex was infatuated by the detail on his arm, closely admiring how it moved whenever he would just simply breath. She moved her gaze back at Bucky momentarily to catch him still looking at her and diverted her eyes towards Carol.

Carol's back was towards Hex now and was listening in on the conversation. Hex was getting impatient and interrupted them.

"Alright this is ridiculous. You mentioned something about a group called the Avengers?" They all nodded and stared at Hex trying to figure out where she is going with the conversation. She walks over to the group and gestured for Carol and waited until they were all in a semi-circle. They looked like they were playing charades with Hex standing in the front and the others looking at her trying to solve the picture she is trying to draw in front of them.

"Alright from what I can tell, there was only a few of you but you recruited a whole army to beat Thanos? Am I right?" They all nodded again, still not figuring out the picture she is drawing.

"Where are they all now? If Fury is coming and we are discussing this matter we might as well get those that played a part in it too. Not all of them obviously." Hex waited for them to answer. She could just look into who they were thinking about but she wanted to hear it from them instead. She wanted them to feel comfortable around her and trust her.

"Strange? He played a big part in getting everyone here." Clint said.

"We could ask Peter but I don't think we should get a kid involved in this again." Sam noted.

"We can ask the rabbit and his friends to fly over. Maybe even Valkyrie if needed." Thor said saying Valkyrie's name in a bit of a different tone. Thor quickly cleared his throat and continued, "Is that all? Who else?"

"Wait, did you just say rabbit? Like a bunny?" Hex asked amused.

"Yeah but don't tell him that I said that." Thor quickly stated. Hex just surrendered and gave a small chuckle at the idea of a bunny fighting in a war. How strange this world has become. She thought to herself.

"We can ask T'Challa, but I don't think they would be willing to leave right about now." Banner said.

Just as they were about to name a few more people the door leading to the lounge swung open and Fury walked in with Agent Hill on his heels.

It was as if for a moment Hex forgot where she was and only saw the man responsible for keeping her in the dark about all of this. The next thing she knows she has Fury by the throat lifted from his feet against the wall. She might be smaller than most people but her strength makes up for it. She can feel hands trying to pry her off but none of them succeed. In fact, this only encourages Hex to squeeze tighter. She can feel how his life is slowly being drained from him. Her marks on her skin that only appears when she uses her abilities, starting to getting more prominent. Carol tried making an effort to stop Hex but not her or Wanda's powers affected Hex one bit. She wouldn't let them get to her that easily. They were very powerful that's for sure and she faltered for just a second before she moved towards her darker side which would be unaffected by their powers. This was dangerous but she didn't want Fury to see another light of day.

Then Maria takes her gun and points it towards Hex. Everyone else was too shocked too realise what was happening and trying to get Hex to stop that they only noticed the gun too late. Maria shot and it went quiet for a few seconds. The shot was only an attempt to stall and distract Hex since Maria knew it would have no affect on her.

Everyone else expected Hex to fall to the ground either dead or injured, but nothing happened. Hex only turned her head slowly towards Maria and stared right at her. No wound, not even a scratch on her. The bullet flat from the impact hitting the ground. Hex's eyes were a shade darker and marks on her skin seemed to darken with it along with her hair.

If Hex wanted Maria dead, she would have done it by just giving her the angry look plastered on her face. Thor and Bucky took this opportunity of a stair down and tried to pry Hex off of Fury again, but to no avail.

"Hex! Stop this! You are not thinking straight. You do not want Fury dead! Stop choking him!" Thor shouted at her. He was much taller than her, which made her look even smaller when his shadow stood over her. Hex suddenly snapped her neck towards Fury and leaned in closer making sure he can hear her.

"You are causing this! You better have a bloody good explanation of why I was not warned and let out of that stupid chamber!" Hex spat at his face. She reluctantly let him go and he dropped to his knees coughing and holding his throat. She didn't move away however and kept giving him a glare. Her eyes returned to their emerald green, her marks disappearing and her hair back to her brown waves.

"If I could I would have! Thanos's snap took me before I could say anything. By the time we realised how much of a threat he was I had no one else to contact but Danvers." He said looking at Carol.

Hex had to agree, Carol was powerful and she could easily give her a good fight. The same goes for Wanda and Thor, but the reason their powers did not work on Hex was because she used the dark side of her powers. Hex's powers consisted out of 3 sides and each of them had different weaknesses and strengths.

Each side had a colour and would make her hair, marks and eyes appear in which ever one of the three she is using. The white part made her resemble a ghost or spirit, making her hair, her marks and her eyes white and gave the power of the good. Mostly it would be when she would be healing or protecting. The light side was the weakest since it made her more vulnerable and more mortal. This made her become an equal with those without gifts and therefore made her easy to kill.

Her golden side was her neutral and most general side where she would use her gifts for the most common occurrences. This includes the mind reading, strength, shape shifting and teleportation amongst others. Her eyes and marks would become of golden colour. She was strong and powerful but still vulnerable. She could not be killed by regular weapons like blades or bullets but she can be killed by enchanted ones like Thor's hammer and axe. She could also be killed by others with powers like Wanda and Carol. Although Hex would still give a good fight before she let anyone do that.

The dark side was the evil one. Her marks would become black as ink but her hair and eyes would have a slight dark red in them. It always made her enemies think of blood. If she would give in to the dark side completely, she would only be left as pure evil. She cannot be harmed and she cannot be killed. She would become death itself. Hex knew better than to use her dark side, which is why Thor was shocked to see her use it at all. Even Hex herself didn't expect it to happen. It was as if she wasn't the one that made the decision.

"I know. I apologise. It wasn't me. This has never happened before. I am probably just out of practice." Hex said, she was trying to be sincere but she was frustrated at both herself and at Fury. Thor frowned at her excuse, knowing that she was lying. She always has control over her powers.

This made it more difficult for her to try and find in her head why she could not control herself. This was the first time in a very long time where she lost herself and if Thor hadn't been there then she could of slipped. Thor and Loki always knew how to calm her down even if they didn't say anything. It was merely their presence. Hex grew close to the brothers and she trusted them. They were the only ones she cared for. After seeing how Thor looked at her when she held Fury, she became heartbroken at the thought of him seeing her like that. She hated how cruel she can be and look and hated it even more when the brothers saw who she truly was. A monster!

Hex crouched down and healed the bruises on Fury's neck, making her light side come forward. She could tell that everyone was staring at her because of her white appearance she got, but she was use to the stares and remarks from over the years.

"I will never not be fascinated by how you look when you do that." Thor said with a faint smile.

"You will when you see what I can really become." Hex said dryly, making Thor's smile disappear and he gulped knowing how dangerous she can really be. He has only heard the stories, but he knows how she becomes a completely different person when she shifts to the dark side.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, the rest a bit more at ease but not really trusting Hex just yet.

Hex sighed and stood up from her position and held her hand for Fury. He took her hand knowing her well enough to know that she wasn't herself. He knew what she is and what she is capable of. He also understood that she felt responsible for the universe and that he was the only one she could blame besides herself.

Hex turned to face Bucky and said the last thing anyone except for Thor and Fury expected.

"I am an infinity stone, but not just any infinity stone. I am the original one. The other six was created from mine so that the power it held can be split to prevent anyone from getting to it and taking over the universe. A piece of the original one was kept aside and it was decided that a mortal shall become the stone so that a living being would be able to have control over light and darkness. I was the chosen mortal and therefore I am the original stone of light and dark." Hex gave everyone a moment to process what she was saying before Thor continued.

"She is the only one not affected by the stones and therefore she is the only one that could of stopped the journey Thanos decided to take." It was quiet for a few minutes while they process the information.

"Is that why you became all dark and light just a second ago?" Sam spoke, who was quiet and listening this whole time.

"Yes, I also have my neutral power which is the gold. I use that one the most since it feels more like myself instead of me using a different power source. I don't know if that makes any sense." Hex looked at the others and they all seemed to understand what Hex was trying to explain.

Hex could sense something was wrong the moment she woke up from that chamber and it only confirmed her suspicions when she suddenly lost control.

"We need to get the others here. We might have a new problem resurfacing soon if my instincts are correct." Hex said moving towards the lounge area to stare at the window so that she can get a better look at the sky.

"What do you mean another problem?" Wanda said while they all walked towards the lounge, some sitting and some standing. Banner was still in the lounge this whole time for some reason and just turned to look at where Hex was standing.

"Is it Thanos again?" Banner said with worry in his voice.

"No," Hex said softly but still hard enough that everyone could hear. "There's only one person who knows how to gain control over the dark side of my mind and he would have a pretty good reason to use me against all of you." Hex stated and started concentrating harder staring into the sky. She cannot see beyond only a few lightyears and she knew he was blocking her from reaching further. She did not know how he figured it out and how he knew she was awake. But she did manage to see something else. Or rather someone else for that matter.

"You can't be serious?" Thor said with fear and frustration in his voice.

"Who? What are we missing here?" Carol said looking at Thor then Hex who was still trying to reach further. Her marks and eyes golden, even her fingertips started going gold and slowly went further up her hand. By the time it reached her wrists she sighed and gave up making the gold go back and eventually disappear along with her marks and gold in her eyes.

Hex turned around and looked at everyone before she spoke, "Odin." Hex spoke bitterly. "He is dead so a lot of enemies are crawling out of hiding. Enemies that only have vengeance on their minds. Especially anyone related to the Allfather. That would be me and Thor."

"These enemies want my power and use me as a weapon. They do not care about casualties and would gladly take Earth since humans are seen as weak. An easy target and an open invitation. I can feel Hela too. She wasn't so naïve to die at the hands of Surtur. She is gathering another army."

"So you're saying all of the bad people in the universe are targeting you two and Earth?" Banner said pointing to Hex and Thor.

"Yes. They all would want the same thing. It's a matter of who gets here first and wins the prize." Hex spoke sarcastically. "A war is coming and what Thanos did would be considered child's play."