
Hero of Tomorrow

In ancient history there were being that could move stone with their minds and form great pyramids. Split the sea to create pathways to a better life. Create weapons that transcend the laws physics. Men that have been worshipped as gods. Women who brought hope to people. What would you do if you knew these were physical beings? All the same level of human as you and I. They were just... Evolved. They have adapted and changed to ensure their survival. Human genetics has designed us in a way to mate and continue our species. Thus handing off these incredible abilities. Giving birth to new living legends. Some with strength like no other, lifting massive pillars of stone with his bare hands. knowledge that made the smartest feel incompetent. This happened year after century after millennium. All the way till those seen as gods were just regular everyday people. The mighty and the gifted all seen in the same light. No being that walked the planet was without one of these incredible abilities. But with this power there were those who could see profit in useing it for selfish means. plundering all in sight. Giving birth to a new title... Villan. And to combat this new age of evil a group emerged, those with righteous intentions. Those ready to fight for good, Heros in all sense of the word. Welcome to world I was created on. Were caped crusaders and masked madmen fight on a daily basis at an attempt to gain the upper hand over the other. My name is Evolution, I was created by the very evil this world hopes to rid itself of. Follow me as I change this corrupt and evil world into one of hope and happiness. (This is a Off brand version Of MHA, so if you see things that sound familiar its because they are. the only thing here I own is the plot.)

DonkaRonk · Aktion
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Birth of combined hatred

Miles away from the nearest Hero asotiation many men clad in white coated were all focusing on one thing.

..... there latest project.....

They are tired of having to hide in the shadows.

Tired of always being in fear.


So they got together, all of them with knowledge and skills in their own respective feilds. With their combined efforts they began development in the thing that would free them of their imprisonment.

They brainstormed, tested, examined, studied, wrote, and started the process all over again till the formula was perfect. Till the math was absolute. Till they knew that they would succeed in their plans.

Over 30 years

That's how long they tested and experimented on human D.N.A in their passion to create their savior. Some of the doctors have passed away in their pursuit of perfection. The surviving doctors took it upon themselves to finish the work of those who have passed.

But on one day in mid winter they found it. They had the formula and they had the D.N.A aligned.

See they didn't just pump a pregnant woman full of diffrent types of blood in an attempt to make a superhuman. No, they built one from the ground up. Each link in It's D.N.A was programmed and designed by other humans then assembled by machines for precision alignment.

They took an egg from one of the female scientists with a healing factor to make the process of growth easier for the project. She didn't have the best ability but it would grow with the subject so strength really didn't matter at the time.

They kept the egg in a tank full of ink black fluid. Thermal cameras and monitors kept vision on the egg clear.

They came back the next day to see the progress of the egg and seen that overnight the egg grew from not visible at all, to the diameter of a quarter.

They had to keep a very close eye on the egg to make sure no flaws appeared during it's most delicate, and important days of growth.

In it's beginning phases it will have extremely rapid growth, and this growth may cause complications in the stability of the egg. The healing factor was meant to combat any errors that may occur. Once the egg grows to the size of a baby the growth of the specimen will slow down dramatically so it can begin to get used to the extremely powerful abilities fused into it's D.N.A. Most of these abilities were acquired by killing a hero here and there to get samples of blood to extract the power the person was carrying.

The news made it sound like the disappearances were random and had no rhyme or reason. But the people used were all intensely studied, making sure they would be the perfect candidate to give their life in service of something greater than themselves.


A few weeks have passed and the egg has taken the form of a baby, the child had white hair and pale skin. You would mistake it for a corpse if not for the constant monitoring of it.

Many of the female scientists have taken to calling the child Evolution. Even the "Mother", because he was formed in a human egg, of the child seemed to like the name. So the name was changed from "It" to "Evolution". the lead monitor on E's, Evolutions, progress had to log and read logs of other "loggers" on a daily basis to keep the "Engineering" group informed of the progress E was making.

log 1:

Date 4/27/2707

Time: 6:43am

The egg has been placed into the tank. And the nutrient fluid has been places in the tank. I don't know how health a black liquid, seemingly as thick as a muddy puddle can have any nutritional value but what do I know. Anyway, this will be the first day of examination of our hope.

log 2:

Date: 4/18/2707

Time: 6:42am

I have no Idea all the things that they have done to make this tbing but I hope growing to the size of a quarter over night is a good thing. I'm no biomedical Engineer but this thing definitely means bad news, it just has that kind of feeling to it. I pray that our efforts won't be in vain.

log 3:

Date: 5/12/2707

Time: 6:46am

Each day that has passed the rate of growth on the specimen slows down. The Vitals never show any signs of danger to the subject so this must be a feature to ensure quick and safe development.

log 4:

Date: 7/19/2707

Time: 8:00pm

The subject had reached a state of dormancy. All attempts to get the subject back to stable have proven useless. My assumption is that they put to much strain on Evolution, putting him into a coma so he can straiten himself out. This is the only thing I can see as being "Possible".

log 5:

Date: Redacted

Time: Redacted

We have made a $*@^#&! The $*÷>@^ Is only out for blood. Is has killed over @^× of the $*@^# and ×<&$^ in charge of his development. We have made an irreversible mistake that has caused us to give up our privilege to live. Our own creation has set out to ◇●₩d#*!^ us all. To anyone reading this, If you don't have the strength to fight him dont even attempt capture. If you face him hide and pray that he does not find you.

A man large in size puts down the tablet. The room was in ruins. Nothing could be recognized clearly, not even the bodies of those who must have beed killed by whatever was in the tank in the center of the room.

Some of the bodies were only heavily damaged Deep indentation in their bodies, probably caused by a blunt force, covers a lot of the victims. The size of the craters on the bodies had to have beed caused by a force strong enough to bring instant death to those no build to fight.

The only reason he was even here is because he seen a massive explosion on the tv and thought that there were people who needed saving.

One of the men in the room walked up to the large hero and relayed in information he collected.

"Well from the looks of it there may have only been one survivor. But the thing is... the size of the foot prints...." The detective trailed off. loosing focus of the conversation.

"What about the foot prints?" the large hero inquired.

"H-Huh?... Oh! yeah... well, the size of the prints leads us to believe that the only survivor of the attack was a small child. No older than 4 by the size of the footprints." The detective one again was lost in though.

"T-They had a child here? Why.... " The hero went pale and looked back to the tablet her inspected not even 30 seconds ago.

"No... They wouldn't do something so sick. That just isn't human." The hero was in a bit of a panic at the realization of the situation.

"W-what's wrong" the worried detective questioned.

The hero pointed to the tablet and the detective went over and read it. He to went pale at the conclusion of the small log book.

The hero looked through the massive hole in the wall and began speaking to himself.

"That... who could ever do such a horrendous act. What would they gain out of creating a monster?" The hero walked out of the bulding, past the police cars and boby bags.

Today... A monster has been unleashed upon the world. What happens from here is up to fate to decide.

...........chapter one done..........

Well guys and gals... How was it? leave me some of that tasty tasty constructive criticism if ya want. Till next time, I'm out!

DonkaRonkcreators' thoughts