
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Bücher und Literatur
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93 Chs

Chapter 41: An Outing for Three

Just before the Christmas break.

Today is the second day of permission to go out to Hogsmeade.

This time, not only Leo and Hermione, but also Ku are accompanying.

"Mother, was it really okay for me to join? Wouldn't it be better if it was just Leonard..."

"There's no need to hold back. Ku is interested in the outside world. I enjoy being with Ku, and of course, Leo should think so too."

"I have no complaints about Ku being here. The stimulation from outside should have a good effect on Ku. Now, shall we go?"

Upon arriving at Hogsmeade, Ku seemed very interested in seeing the outside of Hogwarts for the first time. Every time she walked a little, she would look at the shops with sparkling eyes and ask what kind of shop it was.

The two of them watched this with a smile.

"The next shop is... oh, I'm sorry. I'm getting too excited... I exist for Master, but I'm having all the fun. This makes me unfit as a maid!"

"Even if Ku does anything, it's not a problem for me because I can get useful data. Ku should do what she wants."

"Thank you. But every cell and all of my soul belong to Master Leonard Taylor. I must be more careful in the future!"

Since becoming a maid after growing up, Ku has been slightly overzealous in her loyalty to Leo, but for now, they are leaving her like that. The small Ku is innocent and naive, Maid Ku is Leonard-supremacist. Leo was looking forward to seeing how she would grow in the future.

After looking around for a while, they decided to have lunch. They chose Madam Rosmerta's Three Broomsticks, which they had visited last time.

"Welcome. Oh my, this time you've brought not only your girlfriend but also a beautiful maid. You're surprisingly doing well with a flower in each hand."

"This maid here is a magical creature that I created, not a human. Well, I think she's grown up beautifully even though I made her."

Misunderstanding that he had made a magical creature into a maid because he thought it was beautiful, Madam led Leo to a table seat while slightly pulling back from him. The order was decided on Butterbeer for now. As soon as they thought about the lunch menu here at Three Broomsticks, it's common to order Butterbeer and they brought it right away.


The sound of mugs clinking echoed nicely. Leo and Hermione enjoyed the taste after a long time, and for Ku it was her first time.

"Ku, how is it? Is it delicious? Maybe you prefer this taste when you're small."

"It's sweet and delicious! The small me will definitely love it too."

The food that came afterwards was also delicious enough to rival Hogwarts' food. It was enough to make them realize that Three Broomsticks wasn't just popular for Butterbeer.

"It's really delicious. I need to learn more about cooking!"

"Ku is studying cooking right now. I'm also practicing little by little and increasing my repertoire. Why don't we make something together next time?"

"I would love to join you, Mother!"

"Then can I join too?"

"You can cook, Leo!?"

"You didn't know? Embarrassingly enough, as a maid I am inferior to Master Leonard when it comes to cooking. He says that "it's basically the same as potion making; if you have the right amount and procedure you can do it."

Hermione looked at Leo with an astonished expression. She was shocked to find out that she was losing to Leo in something other than magic or studying.

"I can't do recipes that I don't know or original dishes though. If it were potions I could do it."

After that they had a lively conversation about their favorite tastes and what kind of food they liked.

After a while, a new group entered the restaurant. Hermione was surprised when she saw the group.

"It's Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. Even Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick are here."

Leo has met Fudge several times through presentations of research results and his father Erskine who is Deputy Head of Auror Office. However he wasn't particularly interested so he didn't leave much impression on him. On the other hand Fudge liked Leo who makes wonderful inventions and appealed how much Ministry of Magic cooperates with Leonard Taylor to create new things so Ministry of Magic is very lenient and sweet towards Leo.

"Minister, why are you in such a countryside? Is it about Sirius Black?"

Madam asked the Minister. She seemed to be scared that Sirius Black had appeared at Hogwarts.

"Oh, I've been talking to Hogwarts about that. Hm? Oh! Isn't that Leonard over there!"

When he found Leo, his gloomy face turned into a smile and he came over.

"Well, well, Leonard, you have such a cute girlfriend. What's your name?"

"Nice to meet you, Minister. My name is Hermione Granger."

"Minister, I believe she is one of our most outstanding students in Gryffindor."

McGonagall is quite kind to her dormitory and its students, all things considered. Hermione was a bit taken aback by the sudden praise.

"Oh! If Professor McGonagall goes so far as to say that, she must be a child from a very prestigious family."

"She's of Muggle-born. Whether her family is excellent or not is a trivial matter."

"Oh, my apologies. Then what's with that pure white maid girl?"

"She's a new magical creature I previously applied for at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Her name is Ku. She's still growing, so I think the detailed data will come a bit later. Ku, greet him."

"Nice to meet you, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. I am a magical creature created by Master Leonard. Please call me Ku."

Fudge was surprised and opened his eyes wide. He hadn't read the application in detail and hadn't expected it to be humanoid.

"Ah, nice to meet you. So, Leonard, are you developing anything for the arrest of Sirius Black?"

"No, nothing. Right now, Ku and the improvement of the werewolf cure are my limits."

Of course, it's a lie. Fudge is disappointed that his guess was off. After that, Fudge and the others started a drinking party at another table with Madam. The conversation was about complaints of criticism against Sirius Black and the Ministry of Magic, and how Sirius Black is such a heinous criminal.

The topic of Sirius Black gradually shifted to the old days when he was still a student. McGonagall and Flitwick began to reminisce about the past. Sirius Black was James Potter's best friend and a habitual prankster. But he was also an excellent student and his future was very promising. As they continued to talk, Fudge began to talk about Sirius Black's worst deeds. The teachers tried to stop him, but Fudge couldn't stop because of his drunken momentum and stress.

Apparently, before the mass murder, he had betrayed Harry Potter's parents and sold them out to the Dark Lord. And Peter Pettigrew, who couldn't forgive that betrayal, chased after him and was killed along with the Muggles.

As Leo wasn't interested in Sirius Black's past or betrayal and mostly ignored it. Ku was the same, but Hermione alone felt shock and anger like an ordinary person.

Hermione felt bad about the ministers' talk but otherwise enjoyed Hogsmeade.

After lunch, they looked around various places and every time Ku seemed to enjoy it, so they were satisfied that they had brought her along.

Suddenly, Ku noticed something.

"Master Leonard, what is that dilapidated shack over there? There doesn't seem to be anyone living there, and it doesn't seem to be a shop either..."

Instead of Leo who is really useless for things he's not interested in, Hermione who wants to know everything answers. She has already grasped the shops and places in Hogsmeade village.

"That's the Shrieking Shack. It seems that even though there are no signs of anything there, eerie screams can be heard only on full moon nights. That's why people are scared and don't seem to approach it. I wonder if there's something inside?"

"Hmm... Ku, do you want to go check it out?"

"Well... It seems that everything is an experience, so I'm curious why that shack is still standing there. If there's something dangerous there, I'll eliminate it for Master Leonard!"

The three stand in front of the Shrieking Shack. It looks like a place where no one would want to live.

"Well then, exploration investigation."

Leo uses magic to check the structure inside the mansion and whether there are any creatures inside. He thought there was nothing there but besides small insects and what seems like mice there is a large presence on the second floor.

"Hmm? There seems to be something there. A large animal maybe? No, it could be a human."

"I don't detect any human smell at this point. I smell something I've never smelled before."

"What do you want to do, Leo?"

"We've come this far so let's go in. It should be just right to use up a little bit of time before curfew."

The three enter through the dilapidated door without knowing that something unexpected is lurking inside.


A date with children in Hogsmeade.

From an outsider's perspective, Leo who makes magical creatures dress up as maids is quite a dangerous person.

Leo can cook but only according to recipes and his taste is just average.

Introducing Fudge, the epitome of incompetence in the world of Harry Potter. How on earth did this man become a Minister?