
Chapter 83

ground, getting as far as he could from the standing Jeame.

The other of his quickly threw his gun away and quickly kneel before him "please, don't kill us"  he pleaded, sweating profusely.

Just then, the police siren roared from some metres away, the two of them turned instantly, before they, could look forward, Jeame was nowhere to be found.

"hum!" they were shocked and was unable to move, their legs were jelly.

The police quickly took their positions "don't move, you are all under arrest!" one of the cops ordered, pointing his gun at them.


Old Man Bill was laughing at the programme shown on the TV when his butler, Carl, entered the sitting room.

He turned to him "Boss, I found, Philip" he said.

The look of surprise on Old Man Bill's face was priceless, he quickly sprung to his feet.

"where is he?" he asked, in one breath.

Carl smiled "he has been in town, but out of the survey" he explained.

Old Man Bill was elated, he didn't know how to express his emotions in words "take me to him" he ordered and quickly walked to the door.

A few minutes later, they were all in various cars, Old Man Bill and Carl with his entourage, they headed out and sped down to the outskirt of the mountain.

Old Man Bill couldn't calm his excitement to his old-time friend "Carl, how is Philio doing, is he looking as ugly as before?" he asked, looking amused by his own words.

"Bill, I don't think so, Philip is a handsome man" Carl reiterated, Bill glared at him and started laughing heartily.

He reclined on his seat and rubbed his tempo "of course he was, he was so full of himself when we were in our twenties, that he claimed he will be the face of NY, but he was screened out, nothing for him" Bill remembered the old-time, that he had spent with his friends.

"Chin will be so excited to hear this," he said, he turned to the driver "drive faster!" he snapped.

His hands shivered, he couldn't believe his best friend is still alive, even after he was declared dead after the Lake Side deal.

They came to a halt before the container house, Old Man Bill quickly rushed out, and walked to the screen door.

"Philip!" he called his name, his voice loud and a pang of joy surged through him, he pushed the screen door and strode in, his gait was fast.

Carl ran to meet him, he was surprised Old Man Bill was speechlessly staring at the floor.

Carl look in the direction of where Bill was looking, he was startled by the scene, Philip's face was pale and he was looking white, lying on the floor lifeless.

Old Man Bill strode forward and squatted before him, the marks on his nape caught his attention.

He looked closely and noticed two deep holes on his nape, he recalled where he has seen