
Chapter 82

back of the angry woman.

Lucy hurried over and stood before her friend with a fork "stay away from my friend" she warned the burly figure with a shaking voice.

The burly man smirked and stepped forward, the fork Lucy was holding in her hand dropped, she held Jeane tightly fearing the worse.

The burly man stretched his hand to grab Jeane, but handheld him.

"Hum!" he was surprised, he cocked his head to the side and saw Jeame was the one holding his wrist tightly, he tried to move his hand but, Jeame held him very tight that he couldn't move.

Jeame kicked him his stomach and he flung towards the door, slamming the woman that came with her, their two flung away from the eatery, shattering the glass door.

They lay unconscious some metres away.

The two other burly men were beating the manager and his staff member, seeing the way Jeame beat up their colleague effortlessly.

They jerked instantly, and stood looking scared, Jeane turned his face to them and they scampered through the broken glass door and ran away.

"stand down!" a voice ordered from outside the eatery.

"The cops are here!"

Jeane turned around in search of Jeame, she blinked twice when he didn't see him anymore.

Even Lucy was surprised too, wondering where Jeame had gone to, Jack came out of the table that he had ducked so that he won't be implicated.

The Police deputy walked in, and saw the commotion, he looked around and saw the two people beating to a pulp on the floor.

"call an ambulance!" he ordered, before turning to the two girls standing close to the door.

"can you tell me what had happened here?" he asked, Jeane swallowed, recovering from the shocking experience.

Jeane pointed to the lady outside, the police deputy turned and looked in the direction she was pointing to, and he gave her an askance look.

"she brought some burly men to 'cause trouble" she quickly said in one breath, the police deputy saw that she is still in shock, turned around.

"can someone say what just happened here?" he inquired, sweeping his sight on the petrified customers, everyone shook their heads instantly.

The two burly men that escaped ran as fast as they could, and got into a lonely street, they jerked backwards instantly on seeing Jeame leaning on a wall, some foot from where they stood.

"you!" they were alarmed, and quickly pulled out guns, they calmed their breath and glared at him menacing, the both of them pointed the gun muzzles at him, Jeame stood straight, his hands in his pocket.

The burly men were surprised "you dimwit! you think you can mess around with us, fuck off!" one of them roared and shot, but he was surprised Jeame dodged the bullet and stood right on his face.

He was instantly shocked and fell backwards, his gun dropped on the tarred street road.

His other colleague swallowed, he crawled on the