
Chapter 359

at an officer, why did you beat and rob this man" he threw a picture to Jeane.

Jeane picked it up and squinted his eyes at the photograph.

She quickly recognized it, it was the night she went to save a total stranger being robbed and beaten by armed robbers on her way home.

"Sir, I didn't do what you accuse me of, I didn't rob this man per se, I only helped to get into a car, that he was finally taken to the hospital" she defended herself.

The captain's frown deepened when he saw that she wasn't a coward by his intimidation techniques, he slammed on the table once again, glaring at her.

"Don't tell me you are still going to keep lying" he sneered, and narrowed his eyes at Jeane, Jeane felt brought out the necklace captain's eyes widened he saw the symbol on the necklace, he sprang on his feet, and pointed a finger at the necklace, with a shock on his face.

His lips quivered "wh... W..ho a.re you?" He stuttered, Jeane looked at him with confusion on her face, wondering why he was reacting that way.

She shrugged "you know who I am" she simply shrugged and relaxed on the chair.

The man who accompanied him also saw her reaction he was also worried too, the captain swallowed the lump of saliva in his throat.

Just then, another officer entered inside the interrogation room and announced the unexpected visit of the commissioner.

"Captain Huzhi the commissioner is here" Captain Huzhi shook in fear, he shot a look at the other officer with him.

"Release her quickly"

Jeane watched everything with surprise, the handcuffs were removed from her hand, she massaged her wrist, and stood, she casually followed the officer, the condescending look worn by the man earlier was gone, fear and respect took over.

When they came out of the interrogation room, she ran into the commission, he frowned when he saw the lady coming out of the interrogation room, his back jerked straight.

He started sweating wondering why the girl was wearing the necklace of the Jing royal family, it was only them are allowed to wear it.

Captain Huzhi quickly leaned and whispered to him, he stared at Jeane with wide eyes, the commissioner began to worry.

"Sir, do we report to the Jing family that someone is wearing the royal necklace?" captain Huzhi asked.

The commissioner shook his head "no, I don't think it fell into her hands mistakenly, if it does, the necklace will differently fade away, if she is still wearing it, that means she is the original owner, all of you goofed, if you report this to the Jing family, we will all be in trouble, we might be even be dismissed" the commissioner said, his face creased into worry.

Jeane was surprised to see the officer who escorted her out, being extremely friendly, and sucking up to her, "I can go on my own from here"