
Chapter 358

said, we should report to you before taking any action" the man reminded, Xiao, scratched his head and smiled cheekily "oh, I did say that" he muttered.

The man nodded, Xiao walked towards the direction of entrance into the clubhouse, two burly men walked behind him.

When he reached the scene, and "who are those people in 'causing trouble in my bat" he roared when he saw that the people who fought were not in the VIP section.

When he saw the sorry-looking men, he sized them up, they were not wearing any expensive brand, his frown deepened, and he shot them an angry look.

"You peasants always come here to ferment trouble, kick those peasants out right away" he ordered his lackeys, who went into action, kicking them out immediately, when Xiao saw that the matter was settled, he decided to plot how to deal with Ming's family.

"Just you wait" he mumbled.

Jeane was very happy that Xiao and his lackeys were not 'causing more trouble, she moved from the restaurant, and back home with her day going smoothly.

Six days after the fight with Xiao, a police vehicle pulled over at the restaurant entrance, the people in the queue were told to step aside.

They moved into the restaurant hall "is captain Huzhi, what had Ming family done to attract the attention of captain Huzhi" the people who came to buy food whispered amongst themselves.

"I think captain Huzhi is behind Xiao, he fronts with him"

"Ming will be in big trouble"

Ming was the first to recognize captain Huzhi, he stood tall, and his police uniform gave him a heroic pose, Ming hurriedly moved over fawning.

"Captain Huzhi, you are our distinguish client, what western meal do you want us to serve you," she said meekly, the captain wore a hostile look.

"I am here to arrest your daughter, she has been going about fighting people, where is she?" Captain huzhi asked coldly.

Jeane came out and saw the captain, when she saw that, he was here for trouble.

"Is anything the matter, sir?" She asked, wondering why he is here, he had heard most of their discussions.

"Arrest her!" Captain Huzhi ordered and the two police officers behind him pounced on Jeane, and handcuff her, taking her away.

Mrs Ming became worried "captain Huzhi what have we done to deserve such an injustice?" She asked, wondering why they are being victimized.

"Humph! Come to the station, you will know" he retorted, and walked away, with a stern look.

Jeane was taken to the station and brought into the interrogating room, the commander came with another man, Jeane sat wondering why she was been arrested in the first place.

"Captain, I don't know why I am arrested, what is the matter?" She inquired.

Captain Huzhi frowned, wondering why his authority was been questioned, he slammed the table and glared at her angrily, he leaned forward with a glint in his eyes.

"You don't dare talk back