
her rebirth

"Ms. Rochester have you finish handling the dismissal of the executive that control City B project. " "You mean Mr. Leded, Mr Owen" "Indeed, is he out in the company. " "Not yet Mr. Owen, they have grounds to reason out his discharge." "Grounds, on what grounds? embezzlement, job occupation, misappropriation of public funds.The occupational crimes committed by that executives, against the interest of the corporation, need to be convicted into corporate crime, they should look at that grounds." "Absolutely right Mr. Owen" "How dare he! Bribing and framing my own secretary, he was asking for death. " "Umm.. Me? Mr. Owen." "Daring to steal my secretary, good thing that I've fired him." "Mr. Owen? " "He better rot in prison or else I will finish him my self. " "...."

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3 Chs

Chapter II

-Unedited: Chapter 2

She familiarize herself to all the things she needed to do.

Being Mr. Owen secretary lead her to fastly sharpen, which fairly adhere to her boss requirements for his secretary. Before she became her boss, his former secretaries easily switch. Changing multiple times be it famous person or people who has quite amazing aspects but they were resolutely terminated for being incompetent or they just chooses to fire themeselves. After all her boss, even though his handsome without a doubt, it won't change the fact that his crazy.

Her boss follow somekind of instinct. Truly scary instinct that gives spine-chilling to any kind of people he was with but no matter how petrifying it is 20 years is already enough to get use to it, even now when he was younger and less terrific than when he was older.

She neatly managed the things in her table before going home. As far as she remembered, she was still living in a rent-a home subdivision because of being poor.

"sigh! I need to pay my students loan again. My car and my 500 sq. feet apartment was gone and surely I am still full of debts." I said numbly.

She never speak her mind openly because of being stiffly conscious on everything but today really was not a great day.

"Should I go to psychiatrist, maybe I'm just hallucinating or something " but experience tells her that she being aware enough was enough proof for her sound mind.

"Well! Whatever. I need to plan many things for the trip to Hawaii, I cannot just say that 'hey boss you're going to lose the ability of your leg because of an earthquake and going to Hawaii is truly bad luck so yeah let's not go there's' " though it was less crazier than her saying 'youre going to die 15 years from now', it still undeniably crazy.

"I think that I will be fired if I truly said that, they might put me straight in mental hospital."

"Who's going to the mental hospital?"

"Of course it's me! Mr. Owen might personally bring-" she look at the screen of her personal computer.

"....me there." she look at the before-black screen and now showing her the three-dimensional face of her boss looking attractive. She think there is one thing she forgot after her rebirth.

Her boss was truly a psycho.

You shouldn't look down to how crazy paranoid he is.

Her computer can be easily access by her boss. Overseeing everything we done, all of us were supervise. Controlling what should be done. Although she was stunned at first but because she doesn't have anything to hide and she properly do her job, she doesn't take it properly to mind.

But now..

In her whole 20 years of working to Mr. Owen, he never done this. Even though he has access to her computers, he doesn't actually use it to video call me which is unusual.

"Mr. Owen, Is there anything you need?" she said to the unsympathetic person who distance himself to everyone. Looking at her with with the same calm gaze but has a hint of inquiry.

"Ms. Rochester, have you done something recently? " Just a simple sentence but it put her mind in stupor. She know it, she made some mistakes and it lead to a probing of her boss.

Mr. Owen has sharp and accurate instinct, he might possibly discover something. If he find something wrong even without proof he will fire her, he will never made a troubling person that make him doubt stay beside him.

She know him.

No one can fool the living Alexander Owen, not even her before but now is different.

She smiled amiably, doing 100 percent of her effort. With thousand of experience that she chance infront of him.

"Aside from my designated work, there is none. Is there anything you need to instruct." passing him the same inquiring she said before.

There is a visible frown in his forhead. He look at me deeply, her gray eyes drowning me. She tried to not avoid it, she look at him like an inferior person as if ready to follow anything he ask.

"Then if you won't mind, today I would like to bring you straight somewhere."

"Somewhere Mr. Owen? Do you have any appointments privately" she know all his appointment, and there is none today.

"To Hozou fane" he straithly said

Houzo Fane? she think she heard it somewhere.

The corner of her lips twitch suddenly.

"Mr. Owen, your jesting." she said trying to make herself calm.

"Oh! Really." he fold his finger at the top of the table. "I thought you want me to send you there, its one of the biggest asylum."

She change her mind, she should resign.

No one can handle Alexander Owen.

She really want to smack him but she really might wake up in one of the bed of that asylum.