
her rebirth

"Ms. Rochester have you finish handling the dismissal of the executive that control City B project. " "You mean Mr. Leded, Mr Owen" "Indeed, is he out in the company. " "Not yet Mr. Owen, they have grounds to reason out his discharge." "Grounds, on what grounds? embezzlement, job occupation, misappropriation of public funds.The occupational crimes committed by that executives, against the interest of the corporation, need to be convicted into corporate crime, they should look at that grounds." "Absolutely right Mr. Owen" "How dare he! Bribing and framing my own secretary, he was asking for death. " "Umm.. Me? Mr. Owen." "Daring to steal my secretary, good thing that I've fired him." "Mr. Owen? " "He better rot in prison or else I will finish him my self. " "...."

readmepei · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter I

Unedited: Chapter 1

Things happen suddenly, it was hard to stabilize herself. She fold both her hands to cover her trembling fingertips.

'What is happening?. H... How? ' Repeated question has continuesely rampaging in her mind.


15 years... she's back 15 years after her boss died.

She tried to bring her head up to look at her boss, this is the second time she look at him without bowing down. The first is when he said he will die, the second was this time, after the unimaginable things keep happening that tried to imbed in her bones. His look doesn't change much but his bearing was much more lesser than when he was forty years old, still there is an immaturity that was staying in the 25 years old Mr. Owen. His look still stay impeccably gorgeous, with deep gray eyes with a hint of silver, sharp but less cold. Still his attitude was following a mechanical order as he move the same, performing with certain routines repeatedly.

"Ready the financial statement needed for the construction of the Airlines and bring me the contract in project flight on Hawaii" he said in the same commanding tone that I am most familiar with, while holding stacks of paper with his hands that were long, with broad fingers and nails as thick and ridged but was perfectly scalpted.

The space between thumb and forefinger and the hams of his hands were shiny with callus. Those callus that shouldn't have been in the one of the most richest man.

"Yes, Mr. Owen. Am I also bringing the portfolio of the foreign exchange rate release? "she said. Even if things was strange, she force herself to act the same as always.

"No need! Inform finance department for an index tracking risk meeting for the new project" she properly stand up and bow to her boss.

"I will Mr. Owen, then I'll shall leave" she need to think things through so she need to get out in here.

"Wait! Also inform the HR about the two weeks business trip of the two of us to Hawaii, I want everything ready. " he said while still looking at the papers with his cold denmeor. Still doing his gesture elegantly as he tap his fingers rhythmitically, a hobbit of his when thinking.

"Yes" she walk out of the President office, while everything in her mind was completely blank.

She walk straight to her secretary office. Walking had turn to running, she close the room and lock it immediately. She easily slumped down and release the terror that had envelop her.

"What is this? Did I truly gone back? Why...Why me? " she talk to herself.

Minute fast and everything already sink in. She stand up and skillfully repair her clothes, she's wearing a common business attire, a dark pants suit and a brown loefers. Her brown hair was tied in neatly bun that show completely her brown eyes, still holding her chart and ballpen in her pouch. She look at the mirror at the side of the door clearly reflecting his form, she looks much more younger with pale complexion, she doesn't look beautiful but she wasn't bad either.

She walk in her table to ready things that was needed for her work.

She breath out of relief,

Since she was given back a chance, she want to completely think it out properly.

She will help her boss to change his end, five years from now is the time where her boss find out that he has Carcinoid tumors, a type of slow-growing cancer that can arise in several places throughout the body. It occurs when a cell develops mutations in its DNA. No symptoms was found until it was in the last stage still his boss money can only bought anothef 10 years of his life with through medication and treatment after he found his illness but he still died.

She will take care of him, she will try to save him. That is her resolution.

After that she want to resign, she want to exit her life of exhaustion maybe she will get large reward after she resign.

She will use it for vacation she always dream off. After all her life was buried in work, she want to change all of that. Experience the time for herself, just thinking of that make her giddy. She look much younger maybe she can find her soul mate or something.

Smile that stay is her face, shines her over all complexion.

She open a file that was in the top of the documents, but after looking at it dark flashes was past in her eyes. Happiness of before instantly disappear.

She remembered the project in Hawaii, when she goes with business trip as plan with her boss but one of the companies enemy tried to sabotage the security that escort them for the contract signing.

Good thing everything was safe but it destroy the proper order of event which result to unavoidable danger that can't be block.

After that an earthquake happen while they still in hawaii. It instantly differ the course of things.

Changes that cannot be expected, destroy all the proceed plans. At that time she was outside the lodge and was fine and sound but Mr. Owen was inside and was subjected to an accident that made him lose the complete state of his leg, after that the contract wasn't sign and a cane had followed Mr. Owens' all his life.