
Heir Grindelwald Black

Grindelwald is granted a wish from Dumbledore due to his good behavior and the remaining power from the binding magic...and since Dumbledore still loves Grindelwald (who is his husband since he never nullified the marriage contract), he grants his wish. But, with a condition. He must complete the ritual with someone else since Dumbledore can not bear the pain of raising a child that will constantly remind him of his love. Sirius Black agrees to perform the ritual since he can not have any children of his own. Grindelwald agrees on 1 condition. Dumbledore MUST allow the child to be trained by both himself and Sirius, and Dumbledore CAN NOT interfere. Dumbledore reluctantly agrees. Now, he must find a suitable mother to bear and raise the child of his husband. But there is a complication. The ritual drags a soul from another universe to create this new life. This is the story of Heir Grindelwald Black (and through marriage, Dumbledore). ... Releases whenever I feel like it, nothing regular, just like the rest of my books

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True Dragon & Staff Progress

"Well then, proceed." Father said while taking a seat.

I started by slicing my palm open and covering the egg with my blood. After five minutes the egg absorbed all of the blood available. Next, I took my staff and held it over the egg to transfer my magic directly to the egg. After 30 minutes I was running dry just as the egg started to crack open.

Just as the egg exploded open we heard a loud cry. Focusing on the area where the egg used to be I noticed a baby dragon. A TRUE DRAGON. Not one of the wyverns that this world calls dragons. It was the same color as my staff and was staring strait into my eyes. The only thing I heard was "ƊĄƊƊŸ" as the baby dragon threw itself into my arms.

"Daddy?!" I said as I cradled thr dragon in my arms.

"That's what it said. Just in dragon tongue or draconian. You'll figure out the gender after its about six months old. But more importantly, until it's a year old, nobody outside of the house can find out about it." Father said seriously.

"Why not? I don't mind, I'm just curious." I asked.

"You did the best familiar ritual. So while you are already bonded, it will take a year for it to be fully yours. If anyone tries to transfer the bond to themselves before that time you will lose the familiar." he answered.

"So if I had done a different ritual the bond could have been formed instantly?" I asked.

"Yes, but there would have been some side effects. You would start growing a few scales all over your body. Your nails may have turned into claws wholly or partially. You may have even lost all your hair or your eyes could have changed into dragon eyes." Father said seriously.

"So that's what you meant by best ritual. Are there any pros to it besides keeping my looks?" I asked while walking over to a chair and sitting down.

"Several. You will gradually gain the true dragons magic proof hide. While the wyverns are difficult to take down solo, it takes ten times the spells to subdue a true dragon. You will be immune to any spells that will harm you physically, up to a certain point. Your muscles and bones will strengthen to a true dragons equivalent, but it won't be complete until you're fully grown. You'll run faster and jump higher than any other person in your age group. And your magic capacity and regeneration will grow even more than they were going to. There is more, but I think that's enough for today. I'll go get some meat specifically for it's meals." Father said as he stood up to leave.

"What about everyone else in the house? Can I show them?" I asked.

"Of course. But we have company coming by later so I'll keep it company while you mingle with the commoners." he said with a smirk.

"Commoners? The Weasleys are coming over?" I asked.

"Yes. They want to come see your Dad since he is an old friend of theirs." he answered as he walked out.

"So little one. What am I going to do with you?" I asked knowing I wasn't going to get an answer.

The baby just turned it's head to the side before crawling up to rest on my chest and started trying to cuddle me.

"Haha. Alright, until Father gets back we can just lay here." I said as I started rocking back and forth.


I held a staff sized piece of Holly in my hands as I made a wand size hole in the top. 'From all the books, I think I can get at least close to the wands capability. It should still float and respond to his call. But most importantly, he should be cable to cast spells from his hands if his staff is within reach. Although the spells will be weaker.' I thought to myself.

"HARRY!" I called out after making my first wand boosting staff.

"Ya, what's up?" Harry asked a as he walked into my laboratory.

"Here" I said, handing him the staff "place your wand, point first, into the slot at the top. Then inject some magic into it."

He did so and the hole closed just enough to hold his wand in place.

"It feels like I have a very small connection to it. It's weaker but still similar to when I'm holding my wand." Harry said after a minute.

"That's to be expected. It is only my first attempt and the bonds will almost become one with each other when I'm more proficient at staff making. Go ahead and try to cast some spells at the target over there." I said, pointing at a target on the opposite side of the room.

After casting a few spells he said "If feels very similar to when I use my wand, it's just going to take some time for me to get used to handling a staff versus my wand."

"That's normal. Now, does it float?" I asked.

Realizing what I meant, Harry released the staff. It started to fall before stopping and raising back into the air. "It feels like it will fall if it gets to far away from me."

"Good. But can you control it?" I asked.

"Yes." Harry said as he moved it to his back.

"Good. Now, cast a few spells using your hands." I said.

Harry did so but had a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The spells are weaker. Like a third of the power weaker." Harry said after some thought.

"That's actually a great result for my first attempt. You are expecting a better result from watching me. But don't forget that you've never watched Mr cast a spell from my staff. It's always been from my hands." I reminded him.

"So your spells are weakened? How much more powerful are they with your staff?" Harry asked with some excitement.

"Five times. But my staff is a perfect creation from more than two millennia of experience. I only have a few months and with these results I think I'm doing pretty well." I said before thinking for a minute. "Actually, I'd like to take you and your staff to get Mr Ollivanders opinion on it."

"I'm fine with that. But it will have to wait. Dad said he's taking us to visit the house he grew up in." Harry said after some thought.

"Oh? Did he say when?" I asked.

"Actually, I was coming to let you know to get ready. We're leaving in about twenty minutes now." Harry said while rubbing the back of his head.

"That's fine. I could use the shower anyway." I said as I walked to my room. "I'll be there in twenty."