
Heimarian Odyssey

Locke is a middling officer in the Kingdom of Faustian’s army. He happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective, and happens to save the kingdom’s princess. As fortune would have it, love prospers, but in a world of peasantry and nobility, a middling, peasant-born soldier has no right to love a princess. Locke is nothing if not determined, however, and sets out to become someone worthy of loving the princess, someone her family can accept. But that path is neither short, nor safe, as our hero will soon discover. Tags : Army Building, Caring Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Empires, Evolution, Fan-fiction, Harem, Incest, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms Knights, Knights Level System, Long Separations, Male Protagonist, Near-Death Experience, Older Love Interests, Pregnancy, Slow Growth at Start, Strong to Stronger, Wars, kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasie
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293 Chs

Military order

The two people in the tent were still arguing endlessly, but what was more tacit was that the two Marquises did not mention the 3rd Division, which was made up of small nobles' private armies and adventurers' mercenaries. Their only use was to rush forward in a chaotic battle and pick up the loot everywhere.

The final argument between the two marquises was that 1st Infantry Division should send one brigade, 2nd Infantry Division should send three brigades, and the cavalry division should send one brigade. As for 4th Infantry Division, which they had decided to use as the main force in the siege, they chose not to use it. This new army still needed to be tempered by the flames of war. Of course, the choice of which brigades to send was up to the two marquises themselves. The herald had been sent back to Lion's headquarters to report to the prince.

De Sandro had made a big concession this time, so Marmen owed him a small favour. So, De Sandro was magnanimously given the right to choose the brigade of 2nd Infantry Division. Unlike Marmen, who had great prestige and a pivotal position in the army and even the kingdom as the jarl of Falcon, De Sandro was only the person in charge of the cavalry division. As the deputy jarl of Falcon, De Sandro supported many small and medium-sized nobles as his family's vassals, just like other greater nobles, in order to maintain the family's prosperity.

As far as Marmen knew, there was a brigade of 2nd Division that was attached to De Sandro. He believed that De Sandro could understand his good intentions.

In the evening, Locke and his battalion finally saw the continuous barracks of the Als Mountains before the sun went down the mountain. Locke, who was on his warhorse, was filled with emotion. This was the majesty of 2nd Division and even Falcon. The continuous dark green tents converged into a thick torrent, like an eagle overlooking the land, showing its claws and beak at any time.

Locke had also participated in large-scale battles between divisions and legions before, but he was only an insignificant soldier. His life was in danger, so he didn't have the chance to be so emotional. Locke's thoughts were that at least it would be safer to fight with so many comrades and soldiers.

Like Locke, Jersson, the newly promoted platoon jarl, was also emotional at this time. At this time, he was asking Chris, Dahl and the other platoon jarls about the division headquarters and the military. He was now a mid-level officer, so he couldn't be muddle-headed like a low-level soldier. Only by understanding his environment in advance could he go further. Unlike Locke, who had Yoshk and Karl to guide him, although Jersson was more senior, he still had to work hard to learn.

Every time Solon saw the continuous military tents, he would feel a sense of heroism in his heart, as if he was a commanding general. Although he had only been in the army for a short time, the baron's son was very satisfied with his military life. Indeed, as Cardoj thought, Solon was more suitable to stay in the army than his half-brothers, who were just waiting to die, or his second son, who was good at economics and operations. Cardoj's domain had always been popular with martial arts, which was also why he could stand out among the many small and medium-sized nobles in the war between the two countries. He could rival a viscount or even stronger as a baron. Cardoj had to consider whether he should give Solon more weight in the future heir selection.

"Come on, guys, let's try to make it in time for dinner tonight!" Monte shouted loudly, his voice spreading from the front of the camp to the back. This low-rank Knecht was actually using his precious impetus to pass down orders.

At this time, Cardoj was riding his high-quality horse steadily in the front of the group. His calm face made it hard to guess what the baron was thinking.

"Hyah!" A cloud of dust could be seen in the distance. Someone was coming, and it seemed that they were from the division headquarters.

A soldier riding a brown pony went straight to Cardoj, who was at the front of the group. This kind of pony was slightly low in strength and short in stature, so it was not suitable for use as a warhorse. However, this kind of pony was not much less valuable than a purebred warhorse, mainly because it was drought-resistant and water-resistant. This kind of pony was one of the most tenacious of all horses, so it was widely used in the army as a communication unit. Most of these horses lived in hilly areas and were unique to the Ligia Union.

Mond and the others around the baron took a step forward and blocked the way of the newcomer. Wyr, who was on the baron's right, did not move. Instead, he held the sword at his waist. Even if someone of the same strength came to attack, Wyr was confident that he could block and protect the baron in the first place.

Cardoj was not as calm as he was before. Instead, he smiled, not caring about the slightly nervous hearts of his men around him. He rode forward confidently. He recognised that the soldier was wearing the insignia of Falcon's cavalry division. Unlike Marmen, who was the commander of a division but could only command two divisions and had to balance the interests of all parties to run the whole division properly, De Sandro had long built the cavalry division into an iron bucket. There were almost no disloyal people. It could be said that the two Marquises were both Marquises, but their positions and ranks were different. However, the actual strength they possessed wasn't that different. The battle prowess of cavalry in the wilderness wasn't something that infantrymen twice their number could resist.

Since they were so close to the barracks, there couldn't be any problems. This soldier should have come from the barracks and probably carried the margrave's orders.

Sure enough, although the soldier was vaguely locked on by the masters under Cardoj, he knew that it was murderous intent. As an elite soldier under the margrave, he didn't show any fear. Instead, he straightened his back, dismounted, and saluted the baron as a superior and a noble. Only then did he take out the margrave's handwritten order from his arms. This showed how despicable Locke, Mond, Yoshk and the others were. They didn't know how to salute a noble. Even when they reported to their superior, they only half bowed. This soldier's performance showed that he was from the division headquarters, or even the military. The soldier used his actions to prove himself to the uncouth people around him.

When Mond and the others saw this, they didn't show any embarrassment. They calmly put away their weapons and restrained their aura.

Cardoj took the handwritten order and looked at it. It was a piece of paper that was only the size of half a palm. There were only a few words on it, but at the end of the paper were the military seal of Falcon, the seal of the cavalry regiment, and De Sandro's signature.

Cardoj looked up and asked the soldier, "Does the margrave have anything else to say?" Obviously, Cardoj already knew what his mission was. He believed that the margrave should have something else to say to him.

The soldier walked forward and whispered a few words to Cardoj. After the baron nodded, he got on his horse and turned back to the barracks in the Als Mountains. Of course, before that, the old butler, who had been on the baron's left, had already given the soldier a large bag of money. The soldier obviously knew that the baron was a favorite of the margrave and was one of his own, so he accepted it calmly. Other messengers wouldn't receive such treatment when they went to their subordinates to pass on orders. Only Cardoj knew how to behave and could do things perfectly.

Cardoj whispered a few orders to Mond and Sauron, who were next to him. Then, he took his 20 cavalrymen and sped towards the Als Mountains. He needed to personally ask De Sandro for instructions.

Mond ordered the troops to head west towards the Bering Mountains. Sauron also organized the cavalry platoon and went with them. Wyr had just left with Cardoj. As the vice-jarl of the cavalry platoon, he needed to temporarily manage it.

The soldiers were puzzled by the order, but obeying orders had long been ingrained in their bones, so they all chose to carry it out. The other platoon jarls were also a little confused. They were going to report to 2nd Division soon, but where were they going now? Two of them had already gone to ask Mond about what Cardoj had said to him, but Mond only had a serious expression on his face and did not explain anything to his colleagues. The two platoon jarls were rebuffed.

Locke didn't understand either, so he went to find Sauron. He was now Sauron's direct subordinate, so Sauron should let him know something.

"My Lord..." Locke walked to Sauron's side. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Sauron waved his hand and interrupted him.

"I'm not too sure about the specifics. Anyway, we may be entering the Bering Mountains, or even going deeper into Murphy's Forest," said Sauron.

"Are we going to bypass Bimore from the Bering Mountains and surround it?" After fighting in wars for so many years, Locke certainly had some superficial military knowledge.

"Who knows?" Sauron whistled and said in a relaxed manner, "We can have peace for two days. There will be game to eat in the Bering Mountains."

"..." Locke didn't know how to respond. He didn't particularly want to eat the so-called game. He had been stealing chickens and dogs for the past two years and had eaten a lot of meat. He wasn't interested in good food. Locke had always wanted to use his "huge sum" of money to buy some useful potions from the logistics department after arriving at the division headquarters. His money couldn't be exposed because it could be considered as taking advantage of the baron's caravan. If the baron found out, who knew what the baron would think. It was best to spend it quickly and only keep a part of it. Locke had been curious about the various magical items that Yoshk had mentioned for a long time.

"We might even encounter monsters." Sauron's words pulled Locke back from his reverie. Locke had long wanted to see monsters. He wanted to know how many second-rate soldiers a monster could replace. The blood, meat, and fur of monsters were also good stuff.

"Although the Bering Mountains are on the outskirts of Murphy's Forest, some monsters may also come out. It's been a long time since I last ate monster meat. I really want to try it again," said Sauron. He was already very familiar with Locke, so he didn't have to worry too much about talking to him.

Locke didn't have Sauron's background. He hadn't even seen a monster before, let alone eaten one. However, this didn't reduce Locke's curiosity.


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